Showing 5326 - 5350 of 6,149 Results
The Collected Works of William Hazlitt: Free Thoughts On Public Affairs. Political Essays. A... by Henley, William Ernest, Wil... ISBN: 9781375485395 List Price: $19.95
The Collected Works of William Hazlitt: Lectures On the English Poets and On the Dramatic Li... by Henley, William Ernest, Wil... ISBN: 9781375484688 List Price: $18.95
Shakespeare Jest-Books: Merie Tales of Skelton. Jests of Scogin. Sackfull of Newes. Tarleton... by Hazlitt, William Carew, Wil... ISBN: 9781375494854 List Price: $17.95
The Complete Poems of George Gascoigne, Vol. 2 of 2: Tam Marti Quam Mercurio, Now First Coll... by Hazlitt, William Carew, Wil... ISBN: 9780282744519 List Price: $16.57
Great Gold Fields of Cariboo : With an Authentic Description, Brought down to the Latest Per... by Hazlitt, William Carew ISBN: 9780282877378 List Price: $10.57
Vie de William Hazlitt, l'Essayiste (Classic Reprint) by Douady, Jules ISBN: 9780282934415 List Price: $16.57
Lectures on the English Comic Writers by Hazlitt, William, William H... ISBN: 9780649006090 List Price: $26.91
Hesperides: the poems and other remains of Robert Herrick now first collected .. by Herrick, Robert, Robert Her... ISBN: 9780649012039 List Price: $13.77
Essays, a selection. With an introd. by Herbert Paul by Hazlitt, William, William H... ISBN: 9780649014491 List Price: $12.07
An Index to the Collected Works of William Hazlitt by Hazlitt, William, William H... ISBN: 9780649080281 List Price: $24.50
Rules for Living: The Ethics of Social Cooperation by Hazlitt, Henry, Henry Hazlitt ISBN: 9780649047550 List Price: $23.49
The dramatic works of John Webster; in four volumes, Vol. III by Webster, John, John Webster... ISBN: 9780649113668 List Price: $13.81
Burt Franclin Research & Source Works Series No. 49; Inedited Tracts: Illustrating the Manne... by Hazlitt, W.C., W C Hazlitt ISBN: 9780649148288 List Price: $24.19
Studies in Jocular Literature: A Popular Subject More Closely Considered by Hazlitt, W. Carew, W Carew ... ISBN: 9780649146260 List Price: $24.28
Sketches of the principal picture-galleries in England: with a criticism on "Marriage a-la-m... by Hazlitt, William, William H... ISBN: 9780649158591 List Price: $12.41
English men of letters. William Hazlitt by Birrell, Augustine, Augusti... ISBN: 9780649160228 List Price: $13.00
The poems, plays and other remains of Sir John Suckling. In two volumes. Vol. I by Hazlitt, W. Carew, W. Carew... ISBN: 9780649216284 List Price: $13.26
Leisure intervals by Hazlitt, W. Carew, W. Carew... ISBN: 9780649216918 List Price: $13.30
Lectures on the dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth by Hazlitt, William, William H... ISBN: 9780649207411 List Price: $12.71
Winterslow: essays and characters written there by Hazlitt, William, William H... ISBN: 9780649206520 List Price: $12.67
Whole works; The first volume by Browne, William, William Br... ISBN: 9780649254637 List Price: $13.09
English men of letters. William Hazlitt by Birrell, Augustine, Augusti... ISBN: 9780649263806 List Price: $13.39
The Lambs: their lives, their friends, and their correspondence : new particulars and new ma... by Hazlitt, William Carew, Wil... ISBN: 9780649256013 List Price: $13.69
Lamb and Hazlitt; further letters and records hitherto unpublished by Hazlitt, William Carew, Wil... ISBN: 9780649271139 List Price: $12.20
Old English Test books. Jacke of Dover's, Quest of Inquirie, Or, His Privy Search for the Ve... by Hazlitt, W. Carew, W. Carew... ISBN: 9780649323258 List Price: $9.99
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