Showing 26 - 50 of 2,579 Results
Speech of Cassius M. Clay before the Law Department of the University of Albany, N.Y. by Clay, Cassius Marcellus ISBN: 9781240101504 List Price: $15.75
The Emperor Augustus his two speeches, in the Senate-House at Rome; the first addressed to t... by Cassius Dio Cocceianus ISBN: 9781240836093 List Price: $16.75
The American Melodies, In Three Parts; And Miscellaneous Poems by Cullen, Cassius C. ISBN: 9781169066939 List Price: $27.16
Book on Casino Gambling by Graham, Virginia L., Ionesc... ISBN: 9780442258290
My Beautiful World by Cassius, Sonya ISBN: 9781434300614 List Price: $12.99
Brutus and Cassius : Or, some observations on the conduct of Brutus, in reproving his friend... by Multiple Contributors, See ... ISBN: 9780699129725 List Price: $15.75
Dionysii Longini Philosophi Et Rhetoris (1663) (Latin Edition) by Longinus, Dionysius Cassius... ISBN: 9781166057909 List Price: $29.56
Man Seen but Once Cassius Marcellus Clay by Ellison, Betty Boles ISBN: 9781420890174 List Price: $18.49
Dio's Rome by Dio, Cassius ISBN: 9781419116131 List Price: $24.95
Dio's Roman History : With an English Translation by Cocceianus, Cassius Dio ISBN: 9781175445759 List Price: $40.75
Dio's Roman history, with an English translation by Earnest Cary, PH.D., on the basis of the... by Cassius Dio Cocceianus, Ear... ISBN: 9781172888122 List Price: $40.75
Dio's Roman history, with an English translation by Earnest Cary, PH.D., on the basis of the... by Cassius Dio Cocceianus, Ear... ISBN: 9781172934911 List Price: $40.75
De Sublimitate Libellus, Cum Praefatione de Vita et Scrip Is Longini, Notis, Indicib Us et V... by Longinus, Dionysius Cassius ISBN: 9781178557510 List Price: $25.75
History of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Burlington, Vermont by Castle, Cassius Augustus ISBN: 9781178822649 List Price: $20.75
Historiae Romanae Quae Supersunt by Cocceianus, Cassius Dio ISBN: 9781173739324 List Price: $35.75
Cassii Dionis Cocceiani Historiarvm Romanarvm Qvae Svpersvnt Edidit Vrsvlvs Philippvs Boisse... by Cocceianus, Cassius Dio, Bo... ISBN: 9781175128003 List Price: $47.75
Dio's Roman History : Fragments of Books I-xi by Cocceianus, Cassius Dio, Ca... ISBN: 9781175257260 List Price: $38.75
Treatise of the Use of Flogging in Venereal Affairs : Also of the Office of the Loins and Re... by Meibom, Johann Heinrich, Ba... ISBN: 9781175289049 List Price: $18.75
Select Passages from Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, Dio Cassius, Illustrative of Christianity... by White, Henry Julian, Coccei... ISBN: 9781177711258 List Price: $24.75
Commentary on the Fifty-Third Book of Dio Cassius' Roman History by Cocceianus, Cassius Dio, Du... ISBN: 9781177745086 List Price: $34.75
Science and Religion, the Rational and the Superrational : An address delivered May 4, 1914 ... by Keyser, Cassius Jackson ISBN: 9781178211375 List Price: $18.75
Cassius: Blood Rights : Memoirs of a Vampire by Lambert, Heather Anne ISBN: 9781460940433 List Price: $15.95
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