Showing 26 - 50 of 1,242 Results
Work of Lazare-Nicolas-Marguerite Carnot As a Member of the Committee of Public Safety in Fr... by Culp, William Maurice ISBN: 9781177109635 List Price: $45.75
Second Law of Thermodynamics; Memoirs by Carnot, Clausius, and Thomson by Magie, William Francis, Car... ISBN: 9781177696890 List Price: $21.75
Vauban, Montalembert, Carnot; Engineer Studies by Lloyd, E. M. ISBN: 9781177813112 List Price: $26.75
Memoire Sur la Fortification Primitive by Carnot, Lazare Nicolas Marg... ISBN: 9781166707620 List Price: $15.16
History of the Revolution of the Eighteenth Fructidor, September 4th 1797 : And of the Depor... by Carnot, Lazare, Ramel, Jean... ISBN: 9781165492527 List Price: $29.56
History of the Revolution of the Eighteenth Fructidor, September 4th 1797 : And of the Depor... by Carnot, Lazare, Ramel, Jean... ISBN: 9781165515639 List Price: $41.56
Second Law of Thermodynamics : Memoirs by Carnot, Clausius and Thomson (1899) by Magie, W. f., Magie, W. F. ISBN: 9781164239147 List Price: $29.56
Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat : Accompanied by an Account of Carnot's Theory (1890) by Carnot, N. L. S., Kelvin, W... ISBN: 9781164313922 List Price: $34.36
Geometrie der Stellung by Carnot, Lazare, Heinrich Ch... ISBN: 9781173622244 List Price: $33.75
Geometrie Der Stellung, Volume 2 (German Edition) by Lazare Carnot ISBN: 9781178962772 List Price: $34.75
De L'Instruction Criminelle, Consid�r�e Dans Ses Rapports G�n�raux et Particuliers : Avec le... by Carnot, Joseph Francois Claude ISBN: 9781276430517 List Price: $39.75
De L'instruction Criminelle, Considre Dans Ses Rapports Gnraux Et Particuliers: Avec Les Loi... by Joseph-François-Claude Carnot ISBN: 9781249489672 List Price: $39.75
Trait D'analyse Des Substances Minrales, Volume 2 (French Edition) by Adolphe Carnot ISBN: 9781249925620 List Price: $56.75
1789-1889. Histoire d'un sicle et d'un famille. Les trois rpubliques et les trois Carnot. (F... by Charles Rémond, Lazare Carnot ISBN: 9781249018254 List Price: $41.75
The Concepts and Logic of Classical Thermodynamics as a Theory of Heat Engines: Rigorously C... by Clifford A. Truesdell, Subr... ISBN: 9783642810794 List Price: $129.00
De L'instruction Criminelle, Considre Dans Ses Rapports Gnraux Et Particuliers: Avec Les Loi... by Joseph-François-Claude Carnot ISBN: 9781276398718 List Price: $36.75
Mmoires Historiques Et Militaires Sur Carnot: Rdigs D'aprs Ses Manuscrits, Sa Correspondance... by Lazare Carnot, Pierre-Frano... ISBN: 9781249980254 List Price: $24.75
Les Voyages Presidentiels Illustres. Voyage de M. Carnot, President de La Republique (Ed.188... by Bertol Graivil E., Eugene B... ISBN: 9782012699311 List Price: $14.95
Carnot's Theorem (Thermodynamics) by Miller, Frederic P., Vandom... ISBN: 9786131808425 List Price: $51.00
Lazare Carnot by Miller, Frederic P., Vandom... ISBN: 9786131899300 List Price: $38.00
Memorial to His Most Christian Majesty, Louis Xviii Transl to Which Is Subjoined a Sketch of... by Lazare Nicolas M. Carnot (C... ISBN: 9781173790776 List Price: $16.75
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