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Report of the Chief of Ordnance to the Secretary of War by United States Army Ordnance... ISBN: 9781148303833 List Price: $42.75
Firing Regulations for Small Arms for U. S. Army by United States War Dept, Sta... ISBN: 9781148304700 List Price: $40.75
The Beautiful Spy - an Exciting Story of Army and High Life in New York in 1776 by Burdett, Charles ISBN: 9781150811630 List Price: $27.16
Regulations for the Army of the United States. 1901; With Appendix, Separately Indexed, Show... by Dept, United States War ISBN: 9781150876523 List Price: $28.42
The Life of Major John Andr, Adjutant-General of the British Army in America by Sargent, Winthrop ISBN: 9781150864506 List Price: $18.01
The Great Battles of the British Army by Farlane, Charles Mac ISBN: 9781150933615 List Price: $43.34
Journal of the Annual Encampment (Volume 23) by Michigan, Grand Army Of The... ISBN: 9781151023285 List Price: $23.09
Instructions Governing the Procurement of Supplies and Engagement of Services, Quartermaster... by Dept., United States. Quart... ISBN: 9781152972896 List Price: $20.03
Report of the Proceedings of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee at the Annual Meeting ... by Tennessee, Society Of The A... ISBN: 9781154360929 List Price: $17.39
Occasional Papers, Engineer School, United States Army (28-34) by School, U. S. Army Engineer ISBN: 9781154382068 List Price: $33.86
The British Army (Volume 1); Its Origin, Progress, and Equipment by Scott, Sir James Sibbald David ISBN: 9781154423617 List Price: $36.00
Report of the Proceedings of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee at the Meeting[s] (42-43) by Tennessee, Society Of The A... ISBN: 9781154227314 List Price: $22.12
A Digest of Opinions of the Judge Advocate General of the Army, With Notes by Unknown ISBN: 9781154683349 List Price: $48.54
Official Army Register For (1865) by Unknown ISBN: 9781154801170 List Price: $13.42
Official Army Register For (Volume 1969- v. 1) by Unknown ISBN: 9781154801613 List Price: $20.00
Official Army Register For (Volume 1965- v. 2-3) by Unknown ISBN: 9781154801576 List Price: $33.21
The Philippine Situation; Testimony and Statements of Witnesses, American and Foreign, Conce... by Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah ISBN: 9781154812152 List Price: $20.03
What One Grand Army Post Has Accomplished; History of Edward W. Kinsley Post, No. 113, Depar... by Grand Army Of The Republic.... ISBN: 9781154888607 List Price: $35.63
Report of the Surgeon General, U.s. Army, to the Secretary of War (Volume 1887-1891) by Office, United States. Surg... ISBN: 9781154831948 List Price: $64.41
Report on the Organization and Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac (Volume 1) by McClellan, George Brinton ISBN: 9781154832259 List Price: $37.39
Rotary Wing Flight Tm 1-260 by Army, U. S. Department Of ISBN: 9781154837605 List Price: $20.00
Toasts and Responses at Banquets Given Lieut.-Gen. P. H. Sheridan, United States Army, "Comm... by Illinois, Military Order Of... ISBN: 9781154872385 List Price: $20.00
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