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New World of Police Accountability by Walker, Samuel E., Archbold... ISBN: 9781452286877 List Price: $45.00
Sandbox by Rowe, Don, Archbold, Tim ISBN: 9781404806658 List Price: $23.93
Women and Policing: Classic and Contemporary Readings (Aspen College) by Kimberly D. Hassell, Carol ... ISBN: 9781454802426 List Price: $67.95
The law and practice of arbitration and award: with forms. by Archbold, John Frederick ISBN: 9781240152704 List Price: $20.75
The law of bankruptcy and insolvency: as founded on the recent statute. by Archbold, John Frederick ISBN: 9781240032426 List Price: $29.75
A summary of the law relative to appeals: against orders of removal, against rates, and agai... by Archbold, John Frederick ISBN: 9781240153879 List Price: $26.75
Letter to the Right Revd Lord Bishop of down and Connor Occasioned by a Sermon Preached by H... by Multiple Contributors, See ... ISBN: 9781171148630 List Price: $14.75
Study Guide : For Psychological Science, Third Canadian Edition by Tirovolas, Anna Kristina, A... ISBN: 9780393912425
Return to Midway The Quest to Find the Yorktown and the Other Lost Ships from the Pivotal Ba... by Ballard, Robert D., Archbol... ISBN: 9780792275008 List Price: $40.00
French Organ Music From the Revolution to Franck and Widor by Archbold, Lawrence, Peterso... ISBN: 9781580460712 List Price: $29.95
The Lost Ships of Guadalcanal: Exploring the Ghost Fleet of the South Pacific by Robert D. Ballard, Rick Arc... ISBN: 9780446516365 List Price: $39.95
Ghost Liners Exploring the World's Greatest Lost Ships by Ballard, Robert D., Archbol... ISBN: 9780316080200 List Price: $19.95
Barron's Rhyming Dictionary by Graves, Sue, Moses, Brian, ... ISBN: 9780764119644 List Price: $9.95
Hindenburg an Illustrated History: Reliving the Era of the Great Airships - Rick Archbold - ... by Marschall, Ken, Archbold, Rick ISBN: 9780446517843 List Price: $60.00
Your Vitality Quotient The Clinically Proven Program That Can Reduce Your Body Age - And Inc... by Earle, Richard, Imrie, Davi... ISBN: 9780446514620 List Price: $32.00
Robert Bateman: An Artist in Nature by Archbold, Rick, Random Hous... ISBN: 9780517141359
Lost Ships of Robert Ballard by Ballard, Robert D., Archbol... ISBN: 9781592234240 List Price: $29.95
Conversations with Mummies: New Light on the Lives of Ancient Egyptians by David, Rosalie, Archbold, Rick ISBN: 9781897330296
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