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Chronica Minora Collegit et Emendavit Carolvs Frick : Vol. I. Accedvnt Hippolyti Romani Prae... by (Antipope), Hippolytus ISBN: 9781013143298 List Price: $35.95
Chronica Minora Collegit et Emendavit Carolvs Frick : Vol. I. Accedvnt Hippolyti Romani Prae... by (Antipope), Hippolytus ISBN: 9781013143281 List Price: $27.95
Philosophumena; or, the Refutation of All Heresies, Formerly Attributed to Origen, but Now t... by Hippolytus, Antipope Ca 170... ISBN: 9781013422034 List Price: $27.95
Refutation of All Heresies by Salmond, S. D. F. 1838-1905... ISBN: 9781017718973 List Price: $29.95
Refutation of All Heresies by Salmond, S. D. F. 1838-1905... ISBN: 9781017723526 List Price: $19.95
Chronica Minora Collegit et Emendavit Carolvs Frick : Vol. I. Accedvnt Hippolyti Romani Prae... by (Antipope), Hippolytus ISBN: 9781017841831 List Price: $39.95
St. Hippolytus and the Church of Rome in the Earlier Part of the Third Century. from the New... by Wordsworth, Christopher, Hi... ISBN: 9781016355247 List Price: $29.95
St. Hippolytus and the Church of Rome in the Earlier Part of the Third Century. from the New... by Wordsworth, Christopher, Hi... ISBN: 9781016359900 List Price: $19.95
Refutation of All Heresies; Volume 1 by Salmond, S. D. F. 1838-1905... ISBN: 9780344980206 List Price: $34.95
Chronica Minora Collegit et Emendavit Carolvs Frick : Vol. I. Accedvnt Hippolyti Romani Prae... by (Antipope), Hippolytus ISBN: 9781017846744 List Price: $30.95
Writings of Irenaeus : Irenaeus Against Heresies (cont. ) Fragments from the Lost Writings o... by Saint Irenaeus (Bishop of L... ISBN: 9781017847574 List Price: $33.95
Writings of Irenaeus : Irenaeus Against Heresies (cont. ) Fragments from the Lost Writings o... by Saint Irenaeus (Bishop of L... ISBN: 9781017852110 List Price: $23.95
Christendom Classics: the Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus by Easton, Burton, Hippolytus,... ISBN: 9798633113624
Refutation of All Heresies; Volume 1 by Salmond, S. D. F. 1838-1905... ISBN: 9781018134741 List Price: $33.95
Refutation of All Heresies; Volume 1 by Salmond, S. D. F. 1838-1905... ISBN: 9781018139371 List Price: $23.95
Philosophumena or the Refutation of All Heresies, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) by Hippolytus, Antipope ISBN: 9780266768562 List Price: $28.25
Concordat Ou Transaction Pass�e Entre le Duc Am�d�e VIII et le Clerg� de Savoie 1433 : Ancie... by Maulde-La-Claviere, Rene, F... ISBN: 9780270673067 List Price: $19.95
Hippolytus: The First Antipope by John Mench ISBN: 9781489721297 List Price: $35.95
Hippolytus: The First Antipope by John Mench ISBN: 9781489721303 List Price: $17.99
Writings of Irenaeus : Irenaeus Against Heresies (Cont. ) Fragments from the Lost Writings o... by Saint Irenaeus (Bishop of L... ISBN: 9781378534120 List Price: $20.95
The Refutation of all Heresies by S D. F. 1838-1905 Salmond, ... ISBN: 9781376895407 List Price: $16.95
St. Hippolytus and the Church of Rome in the Earlier Part of the Third Century. from the New... by Christopher Wordsworth, Ant... ISBN: 9780344956119 List Price: $44.95
Hippolytus Werke: Dritter Band (German Edition) by Antipope Hippolytus Hippolytus ISBN: 9783743356184 List Price: $33.90
St. Hippolytus and the Church of Rome in the Earlier Part of the Third Century. From the New... by Wordsworth, Christopher, Ch... ISBN: 9781376026603 List Price: $16.95
The Refutation of all Heresies; Volume 1 by Salmond, S. D. F. 1838-1905... ISBN: 9781376038583 List Price: $17.69
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