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Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce II Towards Next-Generation Agent-Based Electronic Commerc... by Moukas, Alexandros, Sierra,... ISBN: 9783540677734 List Price: $79.95
Synaptogenesis in the Mammalian Central Inhibitory Synapse: Mechanisms of Neuroligin Functio... by Poulopoulos, Alexandros ISBN: 9783838122663 List Price: $19.00
Caching and Materialization for Web Databases by Labrinidis, Alexandros, Luo... ISBN: 9781601983244 List Price: $75.00
Alexandros III: El Confin Del Mundo (Best Seller) (Spanish Edition) by Valerio Massimo Manfredi ISBN: 9788497594394 List Price: $10.95
Planning Research in Hospitality and Tourism by Altinay, Levent, Paraskevas... ISBN: 9780750681100 List Price: $35.95
An Exposition of the Conduct of the two houses of G. G. and S. Howland and Le Roy, Bayard, a... by William Bayard, Alexandros ... ISBN: 9781241456689 List Price: $17.75
A Narrative of the Material Facts in relation to the Building of the Two Greek Frigates ... ... by Alexandros Kontostaulos, He... ISBN: 9781241456634 List Price: $19.75
The Great Palace at Constantinople ... Translated ... by W. Metcalfe ... With a map. by Paspates, Alexandros G., Me... ISBN: 9781240907571 List Price: $34.75
The Twenty-Second Book of the Lliad with Critical Notes by Alex. Pallis by Homer, Palles, Alexandros ISBN: 9781117155784 List Price: $18.75
Diodorus, Curtius, Arrianus Quibus Ex Fontibus Expeditiones Ab Alexandro in Asia Usque Ad Da... by Petersdorff, Rudolfus ISBN: 9781169525177 List Price: $24.76
De la Vida y Acciones de Alexandro el Grande V2 by Rufo, Quinto Curtio, Orella... ISBN: 9781167641343 List Price: $25.56
De la Vida y Acciones de Alexandro el Grande V2 by Rufo, Quinto Curtio, Orella... ISBN: 9781167906282 List Price: $37.56
History of the Island of Chios, a D 70-1822 by Blastos, Alexandros M. ISBN: 9781177561129 List Price: $24.75
Quinto Curcio Rufo, De La Vida Y Acciones De Alexandro El Grande (Spanish Edition) by Quinto Curcio Rufo ISBN: 9781178962741 List Price: $40.75
Sistema Cad para el Dise�o de �rboles y Ejes de Molinos Azucareros by Lorente Leyva, Leonardo Lea... ISBN: 9783845494258 List Price: $39.00
Muscle Memory : An Analysis of Repetitive Motion Theory Applied to Percussion Performance in... by Nichols, Alexandro D. ISBN: 9781249849131 List Price: $69.00
Diss Polit Hist de Alexandro Magno Tyranno by Birckhan, Johann Georg, Pau... ISBN: 9781276435536 List Price: $14.75
Zufall und Determination in der Westeurop�ischen Musik Um 1960 by Droseltis, Alexandros ISBN: 9783838129099 List Price: $128.00
Weblesson una Opci�n para Mejorar el Aprendizaje by Guti�rrez Su�rez, H�ctor Al... ISBN: 9783659008191 List Price: $49.00
Making the best of noise: Online optimisation of information transmission in stochastic spik... by Alexandros Kourkoulas Chond... ISBN: 9783659191183 List Price: $59.00
Profit and Performance Measurement in the Uk Water Industry by Maziotis, Alexandros ISBN: 9783659134449 List Price: $101.00
Legend of Alexandros: Titans of Chaos by Hernandez, Albert ISBN: 9781470014995 List Price: $8.95
Quinto Curcio Rufo, de la Vida y Acciones de Alexandro el Grande by Laso, Francisco, Quinto Cur... ISBN: 9781175483973 List Price: $34.75
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