Showing 101 - 125 of 137 Results
On the Fast Track : Understanding the Opportunities and Challenges of Dual Credit, Aehe 42:3 by Aehe, Allen, Taryn Ozuna, T... ISBN: 9781119275404 List Price: $29.00
Learning Analytics in Higher Education, Aehe 43:5 by Aehe ISBN: 9781119478577 List Price: $29.00
Making Sense of the Dollars: The Costs and Uses of Faculty Compensation (J-B ASHE Higher Edu... by Kathryn M. Moore, Marilyn J... ISBN: 9781878380265 List Price: $29.00
Improving Instruction Issues and Alternatives for Higher Education by Cole, Charles C., Jr., AEHE... ISBN: 9781878380500 List Price: $26.00
Academic Controversy: Enriching College Instruction through Instructional Conflict (J-B ASHE... by David W. Johnson, Roger T. ... ISBN: 9781878380753 List Price: $29.00
Women and Minority Faculty in the Academic Workplace Recruitment, Retention, and Academic Cu... by Aguirre, Adalberto, Jr., AE... ISBN: 9780787955748 List Price: $29.00
Student-As-Commuter Developing a Comprehensive Institutional Response by Jacoby, Barbara C., Fife, J... ISBN: 9780962388262 List Price: $24.00
Ethnic and Racial Administrative Diversity: Understanding Work Life Realities and Experience... by Jackson, Jerlando F. L., O'... ISBN: 9780470588147 List Price: $29.00
Beyond Grade Inflation Grading Problems In Higher Education by AEHE, Hu, Shouping ISBN: 9780787980788 List Price: $29.00
Preparing for a Global Community Achieving an International Perspective in Higher Education by Pickert, Sarah M., Fife, Jo... ISBN: 9781878380159 List Price: $29.00
Minority Access to Higher Education (J-B ASHE Higher Education Report Series (AEHE)) by Jean L. Preer ISBN: 9781878380395 List Price: $26.00
National Review of Scholastic Achievement in General Education How Are We Doing & Why Should... by Osterlind, Steven J., Fife,... ISBN: 9781878380807 List Price: $29.00
Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment: Legal and Administrative Implications: ASHE-ERIC/Highe... by Benjamin Baez, John A. Centra ISBN: 9781878380654 List Price: $29.00
High Risk Students Future Volume 19 Rpt 3 1990 (J-B ASHE Higher Education Report Series (AEHE)) by Dionne J. Jones, Betty Coll... ISBN: 9781878380005 List Price: $29.00
Parent Involvement in Higher Education by AEHE Staff, Wartman, Kather... ISBN: 9780470385296 List Price: $29.00
21st Annual International Conference on Contaminated Soils, Sediments and Water 2005 by Association for Environment... ISBN: 9781604239522 List Price: $110.00
Madness: Heroes Returning from the Front Lines: Baltic Street AEH, Inc.: An Unlikely Story o... by Forbes Bsn, Ma Joanne L., M... ISBN: 9781483433240 List Price: $29.99
Madness: Heroes Returning from the Front Lines: Baltic Street Aeh, Inc.: An Unlikely Story o... by Forbes Bsn, Ma Joanne L., M... ISBN: 9781483433226 List Price: $9.99
22nd Annual International Conference on Contaminated Soils, Sediments and Water 2006 by Association for Environment... ISBN: 9781604239515 List Price: $110.00
Collegiality and the Collegium in an Era of Faculty Differentiation, Aehe 43:4 by AEHE, Alleman, Nathan F., C... ISBN: 9781119467526 List Price: $29.00
husky dog journal by aeh, E., miss e j aeh ISBN: 9781725047600 List Price: $7.99
ice coffee journals by aeh, E., miss e j aeh ISBN: 9781725118638 List Price: $7.99
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