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De Dichtkunst en de Schouwburg : Voorspel (1719) by Meyer, L., Van Mater, Govert ISBN: 9781165955084 List Price: $27.96
D Longinus Verhandeling over de Verheventheit en Deftigheit des Styls : Zoo Omtrent Vaerzen ... by Longinus, Dionysius Cassius... ISBN: 9781165961412 List Price: $29.56
Cabo-Verde : Alguns Apontamentos Sobre As Fomes Em Cabo-Verde Desde 1719 A 1904 by De Barcellos, Christiano Jo... ISBN: 9781148764917 List Price: $19.75
Phases of Royal Government in New York 1691-1719 by Spencer, Charles Worthen ISBN: 9781148789262 List Price: $20.75
South Carolina As a Royal Province, 1719-1776 by Smith, William Roy ISBN: 9781148960159 List Price: $37.75
First de la Salle Brothers, 1681-1719 by Loes, Augustine ISBN: 9780944808245 List Price: $20.00
South Carolina As a Royal Province, 1719-1776 [1903] by Smith, W. Roy ISBN: 9781112141348 List Price: $29.99
Defence of Church Principles: Three Letters to the Bishop of Bangor, 1717-1719 by Gore, Charles, Nash, James ... ISBN: 9781115690430 List Price: $24.99
Arlequin-Pluton; comédie inédite en trois actes [par] Thomas-Simon Gueullette, 1719. Précédé... by Gueullette, Thomas-Simon, G... ISBN: 9781115871341 List Price: $18.99
Arlequin-Pluton; comédie inédite en trois actes [par] Thomas-Simon Gueullette, 1719. Précédé... by Gueullette, Thomas-Simon, G... ISBN: 9781115871334 List Price: $19.99
William Law's Defence of Church Principles : Three Letters to the Bishop of Bangor, 1717-1719 by Gore, Charles, Hoadly, Benj... ISBN: 9781116849295 List Price: $23.99
William Law's Defence of Church Principles : Three Letters to the Bishop of Bangor, 1717-1719 by Gore, Charles, Hoadly, Benj... ISBN: 9781116849288 List Price: $24.99
Madame de Maintenon Her life and Times 1635-1719 by Dyson, C.C. ISBN: 9781117496160 List Price: $23.99
Svenska Riksdagarne Imellan �ren 1719 Och 1772 : Med Ett Bihang (inneh�llande Protocoller Oc... by Cederschj�ld, Pehr Gustaf ISBN: 9781276296557 List Price: $44.75
Havre Sous le Gouvernement du Duc H de Saint-Aignan 1719-1776 : �tude Historique... by Lemale, Alexis Guislain ISBN: 9781276448338 List Price: $38.75
Sveriges Ridderskaps Och Adels Riksdags-Protokoll Fr�n Och Med �r 1719 by Sweden. Riksdagen. Riddersk... ISBN: 9781276758079 List Price: $45.75
Registers of Wadham College, Oxford : From 1613 To 1719... by College, Wadham, Robert Bar... ISBN: 9781276817462 List Price: $41.75
Registers of Wadham College, Oxford : From 1719 To 1871... by College, Wadham ISBN: 9781276856225 List Price: $46.75
Sveriges Ridderskaps Och Adels Riksdags-Protokoll Fr?N Och Med ?R 1719 by Sweden. Riksdagen. Riddersk... ISBN: 9781279751732 List Price: $56.75
Wunder- und Trost-Volle Haimrai?, Vorgenommen Den 12 Martii Anno 1719, Von Herrn Philippo, M... by Weinperger, Albert, Philipp... ISBN: 9781279799338 List Price: $15.75
Wunder- und Trost-Volle Haimrai?, Vorgenommen Den 12 Martii Anno 1719, Von Herrn Philippo, M... by Weinperger, Albert, Philipp... ISBN: 9781279801628 List Price: $15.75
History of South Carolina under the Proprietary Government, 1670-1719 by McCrady, Edward ISBN: 9781286015971 List Price: $54.75
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