Mining Textbooks

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Are you looking for books providing more information about well test analyses or mine planning? Whatever area of mining you are learning about at college, if your course is related to technology and engineering, you'll be able to find a wide selection of pre-owned books here to invest in. Buy cheap mining textbooks now and learn about surface subsidence engineering as well as open pit mines and how they are planned and designed. Every area of this discipline is covered, so you will always know exactly what to expect. From minerals and metals to case histories in the mining industry, it is simple to rent used mining text books to further your knowledge in this area. Our buyback service also means you can make money from your old books once you are finished with them. Make them available to other students instead of keeping them, and you'll see why we're such a popular website.

Results 1 - 50 of 1,044 for Mining Textbooks
Coal Towns Life, Work, and Culture in Company Towns of Southern Appalachia, 1880-1960 by Shifflett, Crandall A. ISBN: 9780870498855 List Price: $18.95
Sme Mining Engineering Handbook by Hartman, Howard L. ISBN: 9780873351003 List Price: $179.00
Minerals Metals and Sustainability by Rankin, William John ISBN: 9780415684590
Soft Coal, Hard Choices The Economic Welfare of Bituminous Coal Miners, 1890-1930 by Fishback, Price V. ISBN: 9780195067255 List Price: $125.00
International Mineral Economics - Werner Gocht - Hardcover by Gocht, W., Eggert, R. G., Z... ISBN: 9780387187495 List Price: $69.95
Copper, the Next Fifteen Years A United Nations Study by Gluschke, Wolfgang, Shaw, J... ISBN: 9789027708984 List Price: $84.95
Copper: The Next Fifteen Years: A United Nations Study (Natural Resource Forum Library) by Gluschke, Wolfgang, Shaw, J... ISBN: 9789027708991 List Price: $51.50
Manganese Modules : Dimensions and Perspectives by United Nations Ocean Econom... ISBN: 9789027709028 List Price: $74.95
Open Pit Mine Planning And Design by Hustrulid, Willam, Kuchta, ... ISBN: 9780415407410 List Price: $133.95
Mining Engineering Analysis by Bise, Christopher J. ISBN: 9780873352215 List Price: $99.00
Surface Mining by Kennedy, B. A. ISBN: 9780873351027 List Price: $82.00
Solution Mining Leaching and Fluid Recovery of Materials by Bartlett, Robert W. ISBN: 9789056996338 List Price: $135.00
Monongah Mining Disaster by Skog, Jason, Rakes, Paul H.... ISBN: 9780756535131
Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 1994 Proceedings of the Third International Symposium,... by Pasamehmetoglu, A. G., Karp... ISBN: 9789054103271 List Price: $201.00
Well Test Analysis (Prentice Hall Petroleum Engineering) by Raghavan, Rajagopal, Jones ... ISBN: 9780139533655 List Price: $90.00
Idaho'S Bunker Hill by Aiken, Katherine G. ISBN: 9780806138985 List Price: $24.95
Marine Mineral Resources by Earney, Fillmore C. ISBN: 9780415022552 List Price: $1.60
Managing Coal: A Challenge in Adaption - Balaji S. Chakravarthy - Hardcover by Chakravarthy, Balaji S. ISBN: 9780873954679 List Price: $59.50
MINE PLANNING & EQUIPMENT SELECTION 96 by Hennies, W. T., Ayres da Si... ISBN: 9789054108276 List Price: $250.00
Physical Properties and Thermodynamic Behaviour of Minerals by Salje, Ekhard K. ISBN: 9789027726568 List Price: $457.00
Quantitative Analysis of Mineral and Energy Resources by Chung, C. F., Fabbri, A. G.... ISBN: 9789027726353 List Price: $429.00
Dreadful Month by Jackson, Carlton ISBN: 9780879722050 List Price: $17.95
Mining and Its Environmental Impact by Hester, R. E., Harrison, R. M. ISBN: 9780854042005 List Price: $39.95
History of the British Coal Industry 1830-1913 Victorian Pre-Eminence by Church, Roy, Kanefsky, John... ISBN: 9780198282846 List Price: $264.00
Small-Scale Mining A Global Overview by Ghose, Ajoy K. ISBN: 9789054102311 List Price: $75.00
Mining in the 21st Century by Ghose, Bose ISBN: 9789058092748 List Price: $55.01
Pit-Men Preachers and Politics by Moore, Robert ISBN: 9780521203562 List Price: $39.50
California Gold Rush by Monroe, Judy ISBN: 9780736845052
Mineral Deposits: Origin, Evolution, and Present Characteristics by Tatsch, J. H. ISBN: 9780912890012 List Price: $64.00
Manganese Modules: Dimensions and Perspectives by United Nations Ocean Econom... ISBN: 9789027705006 List Price: $109.00
Fossicking and Prospecting for Gold : Mines Department New Zealand 1933 by New Zealand. Mines Dept ISBN: 9780473189747 List Price: $12.00
Isotopic Signature of Classical Marbles by Attanasio, Donato, Brilli, ... ISBN: 9788882653781
Russia's Diamond Economy The Republic of Sakha by Tichotsky, John ISBN: 9789057024207 List Price: $89.95
Black Diamonds: Life and Work in Iowa's Coal Mining Communities, 1895-1925 by Schwieder, Dorothy ISBN: 9780813809915 List Price: $19.95
Mining Tsar: The Life and Times of Leslie Urquhart by Kennedy, K. H. ISBN: 9780868618982 List Price: $34.95
Mine Mapping and Layout - William Randolph Williams - Hardcover by Williams, William R. ISBN: 9780135836170 List Price: $71.00
Introduction to Petroleum Engineering by Fanchi, John R., Christians... ISBN: 9781119193449
Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources : Exploitation and Development by Ahmed, Usman, Meehan, D. Na... ISBN: 9781498759403 List Price: $199.95
Empires of Coal : Fueling China's Entry into the Modern World Order, 1860-1920 by Wu, Shellen ISBN: 9780804792844 List Price: $45.00
Stepping into a Minefield by Mansfield, Ian ISBN: 9781925275520
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