History Textbooks

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Having an understanding of the history of engineering will give you an appreciation of the everyday feats of engineering that surround you. Looking back through time the achievements of engineers throughout history still baffles today's experts. How did the ancient Egyptians construct the pyramids with the limited tools they had available to them at the time. The Romans constructed the foundations for their empire; roads, aquaducts, viaducts, public bathing pools, under floor heating and the coliseum, many of which are still around today. Then of course there was the industrial revolution which saw the movement from hand production methods to machines, greatly improving efficiency. Almost every aspect of today's daily life is influenced in one way or another by the history of engineering and much of this is covered in our extensive range of cheap history textbooks that are available to buy or rent. You can either browse our full range of our discounted history textbooks, or if you have a reading list and know which books you need you can enter the ISBN number to locate the exact books that you want.

Results 1 - 50 of 64 for History Textbooks
Technology and American Society A History by Cross, Gary, Szostak, Rick ISBN: 9780138986445 List Price: $60.00
History of Invention From Stone Axes to Silicon Chips by Williams, Trevor I., Morris... ISBN: 9780816040728 List Price: $45.00
Networking the World, 1794-2000 by Mattelart, Armand ISBN: 9780816632886 List Price: $20.00
Story of Telecommunications - George P. Oslin - Hardcover by Oslin, George P. ISBN: 9780865544185 List Price: $35.00
Technology in America A Brief History by Marcus, Alan I., Segal, How... ISBN: 9780155055315 List Price: $106.95
Invisible Weapon Telecommunications and International Politics, 1851-1945 by Headrick, Daniel R. ISBN: 9780195062731 List Price: $125.00
Enabling American Innovation Engineering and the National Science Foundation by Belanger, Dian O., Belanger... ISBN: 9781557531117 List Price: $24.95
Biographical Dictionary of the History of Technology by Day, Lance, McNeil, Ian ISBN: 9780415193993 List Price: $120.00
Engineered in Japan Japanese Technology-Management Practices by Liker, Jeffrey K., Ettlie, ... ISBN: 9780195095555 List Price: $135.00
Key Technologies for 21st Century by W. H. Freeman and Company S... ISBN: 9780716729488 List Price: $16.95
History of Invention by Williams, Trevor I. ISBN: 9780816017881 List Price: $40.00
Double Helix Technology and Democracy in the American Future by Wenk, Edward, Jr. ISBN: 9781567504309 List Price: $99.95
Technology Assessment: A Historical Approach (Csep Module Series in Applied Ethics) by Illinois Institute of Techn... ISBN: 9780840337306 List Price: $7.95
Late Nineteenth Century, C. 1850 to C. 1900, Vol. 5 - Charles Singer - Hardcover by Singer, Charles ISBN: 9780198581093 List Price: $140.00
America Calling A Social History of the Telephone to 1940 by Fischer, Claude S. ISBN: 9780520086470 List Price: $26.95
Technology in Western Civ.,v.1 by Kranzberg, Melvin, Pursell,... ISBN: 9780195009385 List Price: $29.95
Technohistory Using the History of American Technology in Interdisciplinary Research by Gray, Chris H. ISBN: 9780894648533 List Price: $26.50
The Organisation of Science and Technology in France, 1808-1914 by Fox, Robert, Weisz, George ISBN: 9780521232340 List Price: $88.99
History of Technology: The Twentieth Century: C. 1900 - C. 1950, Vol. 7 - Trevor I. Williams... by Williams, Trevor I. ISBN: 9780198581550 List Price: $115.00
Double Helix Technology and Democracy in the American Future by Wenk, Edward, Jr. ISBN: 9781567504316 List Price: $32.95
Networking the World, 1794-2000 by Mattelart, Armand ISBN: 9780816632879 List Price: $55.50
History of Technology: The Twentieth Century, C. 1900 to C. 1950, Vol. 1 by Williams, Trevor I. ISBN: 9780198581512 List Price: $240.00
Ancient Technology by Humphrey, John W. ISBN: 9780313327636 List Price: $45.00
Science and Technology in Medieval European Life by Wigelsworth, Jeffrey R. ISBN: 9780313337543 List Price: $49.95
Book of Ingenious Devices by Banu Musa Bin Shakir Staff,... ISBN: 9789027708335 List Price: $289.00
History of Science and Technology in Ancient India Formation of the Theoretical Fundamentals... by Chattopadhyay, Debiprasad ISBN: 9780836426465 List Price: $72.50
Technological Superpower China by Sigurdson, Jon, Jiang, Jiang ISBN: 9781845423766 List Price: $130.00
Parliaments and Technology The Development of Technology Assessment in Europe by Vig, Norman J., Paschen, He... ISBN: 9780791443040 List Price: $31.95
American and British Technology in the Nineteenth Century by Habakkuk, H. J. ISBN: 9780521051620 List Price: $37.50
Technology in Western Civ.,v.2 by Kranzberg, Melvin, Pursell,... ISBN: 9780195009392 List Price: $24.95
Fever Man: A Biography of Dr. John Gorrie by Sherlock, V. M. ISBN: 9780961062002 List Price: $10.00
Vom Flügeltelegraphen Zum Internet : Geschichte der Modernen Telekommunikation by Teuteberg, Hans Jürgen, Neu... ISBN: 9783515074148
Materials : Research, Development and Applications by Braun, Hans-Joachim, Herl�a... ISBN: 9782503513676
Talk Is Cheap The Promise of Regulatory Reform in North American Telecommunications by Crandall, Robert W., Waverm... ISBN: 9780815716075 List Price: $18.95
India and the Computer by Subramanian, C. R. ISBN: 9780195627350 List Price: $19.95
Talk Is Cheap The Promise of Regulatory Reform in North American Telecommunications by Crandall, Robert W., Waverm... ISBN: 9780815716082 List Price: $42.95
Development of Large Technical Systems by Mayntz, Renate, Hughes, Thomas ISBN: 9780813308395 List Price: $54.00
Information Society and Development by Palackal, Antony, Shrum, We... ISBN: 9788131601525
Technology at Work - Anthony Feldman - Hardcover by Feldman, Anthony, Gunston, ... ISBN: 9780871964137 List Price: $24.95
Inventing America, Vol. 1 by Smith, Merritt Roe ISBN: 9780393150650
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