Semiconductors Textbooks

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Results 51 - 100 of 410 for Semiconductors Textbooks
Semiconductor Microdevices and Materials by Navon, David H. ISBN: 9780030639838 List Price: $68.00
Semiconductor Physics and Devices Basic Principles by Neamen, Donald A. ISBN: 9780256208696 List Price: $78.75
Materials and Devices for Electrical Engineers and Physicists - Roy A. Colclaser - Hardcover by Colclaser, R. A., Nagle, S. D. ISBN: 9780070116931 List Price: $97.50
Field Effect in Semiconductor-electrolyte Interfaces Application to Investigations of Electr... by Bogevolnov, Vladislav B., Y... ISBN: 9780691121765 List Price: $55.00
Quantum Theory of the Optical and Electrtronic Properties of Semiconductors by Koch, Stephan W., Haug, Har... ISBN: 9789810200244 List Price: $115.00
Physics and Applications of Amorphous Semiconductors by Demichelis, F. ISBN: 9789971505509 List Price: $99.00
Electronic and Optical Properties of Semiconductors A Study Based on the Empirical Tight Bin... by Lew Yan Voon, Lok C., Ram-M... ISBN: 9780965856447 List Price: $25.95
Electronic Structure of Semiconductor Heterojunctions by Margaritondo, Giorgio ISBN: 9789027728234 List Price: $299.00
Introduction to the Physics of Electrons in Solids by Tanner, Brian K. ISBN: 9780521239417 List Price: $137.00
Kondo Effect and Dephasing in Low Dimensional Metallic Systems by Chandrasekhar, Venkat, van ... ISBN: 9781402004001 List Price: $153.00
Kondo Effect and Dephasing in Low Dimensional Metallic Systems by Chandrasekhar, Venkat, van ... ISBN: 9781402004018 List Price: $89.95
Near-Field Nano/Atom Optics and Technology by Ohtsu, M. ISBN: 9784431702283 List Price: $114.00
Physics of Semiconductor Devices Proceedings of the IV International Workshop Madras, India,... by Jain, S. C., Radhakrishna, S. ISBN: 9789971505318 List Price: $159.00
Physics of Semiconductor Devices by Colinge, Jean-Pierre, Colin... ISBN: 9781402070181 List Price: $185.00
Compound Semiconductor Electronics The Age of Maturity by Shur, Michael ISBN: 9789810223250 List Price: $79.00
Cohesive Properties of Semiconductors Under Laser Irradiation by Laude, Lucien D. ISBN: 9789024728572 List Price: $369.00
Current Topics on Semiconductor Physics Proceedings of the 3rd Brazilian School of Semi Physics by Hipolito, Oscar, Marques, A... ISBN: 9789971505813 List Price: $89.00
Fundamentals of Semiconductor Processing Technology by El-Kareh, Badid ISBN: 9780792395348 List Price: $171.00
Gallium Arsenide Digital Circuits by Wing, Omar ISBN: 9780792390817 List Price: $140.00
Low Temperature Epitaxial Growth of Semiconductors by Hariu, T. ISBN: 9789971508395 List Price: $185.00
Materials Issues for Tunable Rf and Microwave Devices III Symposium Held April 2-3, 2002, Sa... by Tidrow, S. C., Horwitz, J. ... ISBN: 9781558996564 List Price: $86.00
Monte Carlo Device Simulation Full Band and Beyond by Hess, Karl ISBN: 9780792391722 List Price: $149.00
Electron Spin & Charge in Semiconductor Quantum Dots by Elzerman, Jeroen ISBN: 9789040725333 List Price: $51.00
Silicon Materials--Processing, Characterization and Reliability by Veteran, J., O'Meara, D. L.... ISBN: 9781558996526 List Price: $55.01
Silicon Microchannel Heat Sinks Theories and Phenomena by Zhang, L., Goodson, Kenneth... ISBN: 9783540401810 List Price: $169.00
Second International Workshop on Physics and Applications of Amorphous Semiconductors Optoel... by Demichelis, F., Tagliaferro... ISBN: 9789971508791 List Price: $92.00
Textbook on Semiconductors by Cadick, John, NJATC Staff ISBN: 9781401856885 List Price: $91.95
Semiconductors for Room-Temperature Radiation Detector Applications II Symposium Held Decemb... by James, R. B., Schlesinger, ... ISBN: 9781558993921 List Price: $71.00
Electronic Devices by Henderson, John ISBN: 9780132492102 List Price: $50.00
Gunn Effect by Hobson, G. S. ISBN: 9780198593188 List Price: $27.00
Radiation Effects in Semiconductors by Corbett, J. W., Watkins, G. D. ISBN: 9780677150802 List Price: $398.00
Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices by Pierret, Robert ISBN: 9780201554243 List Price: $8.33
Semiconductors by Smith, R. A. ISBN: 9780521293143 List Price: $39.50
Physics of Semiconductor Devices by Jain, S. C., Radhakrishna, S. ISBN: 9789971505325 List Price: $70.00
Cmos Multi-channel Single-chip Receivers for Multi-gigabit Optical Data Communications by Muller, Paul, Leblebici, Yusuf ISBN: 9781402059117 List Price: $159.00
Electronic Materials: A New Era in Materials Science - James R. Chelikowsky - Hardcover by Chelikowsky, J. R., Francio... ISBN: 9780387534459 List Price: $104.00
Fundamentals of Semiconductors: Physics and Materials Properties - Peter Y. Yu - Hardcover -... by Yu, Peter Y., Cardona, Manuel ISBN: 9783540583073 List Price: $49.00
Defects and Properties of Semiconductors Defect Engineering by Chikawa, J., Sumino, K., Wa... ISBN: 9789027723529 List Price: $329.00
Design of Low-Voltage, Low-Power Operational Amplifier Cells by Hogervorst, Ronald, Huijsin... ISBN: 9780792397816 List Price: $299.00
Layout Minimization of Cmos Cells by Maziasz, Robert L., Hayes, ... ISBN: 9780792391821 List Price: $185.00
Hematology for Students by Tamargo, Maria C. ISBN: 9789057026461 List Price: $199.95
Highlights on Spectroscopies of Semiconductors and Insulators Castro Marina, Italy September... by Balzarotti, A., Guizzetti, ... ISBN: 9789971509590 List Price: $141.00
Electronic Structure of Semiconductor Heterojunctions by Margaritondo, Giorgio ISBN: 9789027728241 List Price: $131.00
Quantum Theory of the Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductors by Koch, Stephan W., Haug, Har... ISBN: 9789810202491 List Price: $40.00
Landolt-Bornstein Group III by Dietze, W., Schulz, M., Wei... ISBN: 9780387114743 List Price: $1,891.00
Quantum Transport in Ultrasmall Devices by Ferry, D. K., Grubin, H. L.... ISBN: 9780306449994 List Price: $299.00
Karl Lark-Horovitz, Pioneer in Solid State Physics by Johnson, V. A. ISBN: 9780080065809
Electrodynamics of the Semiconductor Band Edge (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics) by Stahl, A., Balslev, I. ISBN: 9780387169538 List Price: $74.95
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