Sexuality & Gender Studies Textbooks

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Results 1 - 50 of 126 for Sexuality & Gender Studies Textbooks
Sex And Religion by Manning, Christel, Zuckerma... ISBN: 9780534524937 List Price: $54.95
God Forbid Religion and Sex in American Public Life by Sands, Kathleen M. ISBN: 9780195121629 List Price: $95.00
Irreconcilable Differences? Intellectual Stalemate in the Gay Rights Debate by Caramagno, Thomas C. ISBN: 9780275977214 List Price: $33.95
Woman Defamed and Woman Defended An Anthology of Medieval Texts by Blamires, Alcuin, Pratt, Ka... ISBN: 9780198710394 List Price: $45.00
Family and Gender Among American Muslims Issues Facing Middle Eastern Immigrants and Their D... by Aswad, Barbara C., Bilge, B... ISBN: 9781566394437 List Price: $26.95
Sexuality and the World's Religions by Machacek, David W., Wilcox,... ISBN: 9781576073599 List Price: $85.00
Feminism and World Religions by Sharma, Arvind, Young, Kath... ISBN: 9780791440247 List Price: $31.95
Crossing the Divide Luther, Feminism, and the Cross by Thompson, Deanna A. ISBN: 9780800636388 List Price: $19.00
Red Thread Buddhist Approaches to Sexuality by Faure, Bernard ISBN: 9780691059976 List Price: $37.50
Gay Synagogue in New York by Shokeid, Moshe ISBN: 9780812218404 List Price: $24.95
Lesbian and Gay Marriage Private Commitments, Public Ceremonies by Sherman, Suzanne ISBN: 9780877229759 List Price: $21.95
Women in the Yoruba Religious Sphere by Olajubu, Oyeronke, Olupona,... ISBN: 9780791458860 List Price: $29.95
Daughter Zion, Mother Zion: Gender, Space, and the Sacred in Ancient Israel by Maier, Christl M. ISBN: 9780800662417 List Price: $21.00
Sexual Culture Among Young Migrant Muslims in Bangkok by Marddent, Amporn ISBN: 9789749511060 List Price: $15.00
Liberating Tradition by LaCelle-Peterson, Kristina ISBN: 9780801031793
Politics of Heaven, The: Women, Gender, and Empire in the Study of Paul by Marchal, Joseph A. ISBN: 9780800663001 List Price: $29.00
Buddhist Women and Social Justice Ideals, Challenges, and Achievements by Tsomo, Karma Lekshe ISBN: 9780791462546 List Price: $31.95
Feminine Principle in the Sikh Vision of the Transcendent by Singh, Nikky-Guninder Kaur,... ISBN: 9780521432870 List Price: $147.00
Christianity, Patriarchy and Abuse A Feminist Critique by Brown, Joanne C., Bohn, Car... ISBN: 9780829808087 List Price: $15.95
Human Sexuality A Catholic Perspective for Education and Lifelong Learning by U. S. Bishops' Committee ISBN: 9781555864057 List Price: $9.95
Finally Feminist A Pragmatic Christian Understanding of Gender by Stackhouse, John G., Jr. ISBN: 9780801031304 List Price: $14.99
Red Thread Buddhist Approaches to Sexuality by Faure, Bernard ISBN: 9780691059983 List Price: $85.00
Jews and Gender The Challenge to Hierarchy by Frankel, Jonathan ISBN: 9780195140811 List Price: $145.00
Challenge of Reproductive Medicine at Catholic Universities Time to Leave the Catacombs by Brosens, I. A., Brosens, I. ISBN: 9789042917620 List Price: $49.00
Feminine Principle in the Sikh Vision of the Transcendent by Singh, Nikky-Guninder Kaur ISBN: 9780521050562 List Price: $69.00
Sex and the Modern Jewish Woman (1986): Annotated Bibliography and Essays - Joan Scherer Bre... by Brewer, Joan S., Davidman, ... ISBN: 9780930395018 List Price: $8.00
Scandinavian Critique of Anglo-American Feminist Theology (Journal of the European Society o... by Stenstrom, H., Vuola, E, Bi... ISBN: 9789042919747 List Price: $39.00
Women, Feminism and Religion in Early Enlightenment England by Apetrei, Sarah ISBN: 9781107696709 List Price: $31.99
Pope John Paul II Speaks on Women by John Paul, Brooke, Deely ISBN: 9780813226835
Finnish Women Making Religion : Between Ancestors and Angels by Utriainen, Terhi, Salmesvuo... ISBN: 9781137388681
Women, Gender and Religious Cultures in Britain, 18001940 by Lauer, & Mo ISBN: 9780415232135 List Price: $35.95
Homosexuality And Religion An Encyclopedia by Siker, Jeffrey S. ISBN: 9780313330889 List Price: $85.00
Power of Gender in Religion by Farrell, Susan ISBN: 9780070217683 List Price: $39.45
Lesbian and Gay Marriage Private Commitments, Public Ceremonies by Sherman, Suzanne ISBN: 9780877229742 List Price: $34.95
Citizenship, Faith, and Feminism : Jewish and Muslim Women Reclaim Their Rights by Feldman, Jan ISBN: 9781584659723 List Price: $85.00
Call to Action : Women, Religion, Violence, and Power by Carter, Jimmy ISBN: 9781476773964
Twelve Women of the Bible Study Guide : Life-Changing Stories for Women Today by TerKeurst, Lysa, Morgan, El... ISBN: 9780310088264 List Price: $12.99
Women and Islam by Ashcraft-Eason, Lillian, Ki... ISBN: 9780275991586
Gender in Judaism and Islam : Common Lives, Uncommon Heritage by Kashani-Sabet, Firoozeh, We... ISBN: 9781479801275 List Price: $30.00
Love Like That : 5 Relationship Secrets from Jesus by Parrott, Les, III ISBN: 9781400210244 List Price: $17.99
Sex in the Bible A New Consideration by Ellens, J. Harold, Capps, D... ISBN: 9780275987671 List Price: $44.95
Unrivalled Influence : Women and Empire in Byzantium by Herrin, Judith ISBN: 9780691166704
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