Anthropology Textbooks

Browse New & Used Anthropology Textbooks

If learning about the behaviors and features of various animals leaves you cold, but you're endlessly enthralled by facts about your own species, anthropology should be right up your alley. Anthropology's four main categories - archeology, physical anthropology, cultural anthropology and linguistics - make it appeal to a wide variety of folks. Anthropology textbooks don't necessarily fly off the shelves, but they convey enough exciting information to keep people turning their pages. What other subject allows you to explore the mysteries of Pompeii through used textbooks, or marvel at the origins of modern words and phrases through college text books? When you delve into the fascinating world of anthropology, you explore things about your own species that you'd otherwise never learn. Tag along with famed anthropologists like E.B. Tylor through the magic of anthropology textbooks. Visit remote villages and find out how far-flung tribes live by immersing yourself in the seminal works of people like Pierre Clastres and Margaret Mead. Anthropology doesn't just concern itself with human activities, either; it explores biological variations and linguistic deviations, too. If you dream of someday unearthing ancient ruins, you'd be wise to pursue your degree in this fascinating field of study.

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Results 101 - 109 of 109 for Anthropology Textbooks
Islamic Charities and Islamic Humanism by BENTHALL ISBN: 9781784993085
What's the Good of Humanity? by Austin, Victor Lee, Daniels... ISBN: 9781725255203 List Price: $17.00
What's the Good of Humanity? by Austin, Victor Lee, Daniels... ISBN: 9781725255210 List Price: $32.00
Evolution and Eschatology : Genetic Science and the Goodness of God by Finlay, Graeme ISBN: 9781666704570 List Price: $27.00
Origen's Revenge : The Greek and Hebrew Roots of Christian Thinking on Male and Female by Mitchell, Brian Patrick ISBN: 9781666700169 List Price: $49.00
Unfriending Dystopia by White, Russ ISBN: 9781725270503 List Price: $16.00
Unfriending Dystopia by White, Russ ISBN: 9781725270510 List Price: $31.00
Light on the Human Heart : Where Christian Faith and Psychology Meet by Patterson, Colin ISBN: 9781666798883 List Price: $56.00
Showing 101 - 109 of 109 - Browse More Anthropology Textbooks for Sale
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