Renaissance* Textbooks

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In terms of literary criticism, our marketplace provides an in depth and fascinating collection of text books on this very subject. You can buy cheap Renaissance textbooks now that will help you understand how this area of criticism works, and how to get more from it. Rent Renaissance textbooks online today and get the likes of Deciphering Elizabethan Fiction; Rhetoric of Courtship in Elizabethan Language and Literature; Poetry and Prose in the Sixteenth Century, and Trolius-Cressida Story from Chaucer to Shakespeare. We have many other affordable titles available as well at hugely discounted prices, so make sure you always opt for pre-owned text books to make your college budget easier to manage than ever. Find the best options to buy cheap Renaissance textbooks today and you'll be glad you took the time to do so. Our buyback service also means you can sell back text books at a later date.

Results 1 - 50 of 123 for Renaissance* Textbooks
Cambridge Companion to English Literature, 1500-1600 by Kinney, Arthur F. ISBN: 9780521587587 List Price: $34.99
This Stage-Play World Texts and Contexts, 1580-1625 by Briggs, Julia ISBN: 9780192892867 List Price: $55.00
Cambridge Companion to English Literature, 1500-1600 by Kinney, Arthur F. ISBN: 9780521582940 List Price: $95.00
Seventeenth Cent..english Lit.1603-170o by Parry, Graham ISBN: 9780582493766 List Price: $37.50
Before Pornography Erotic Writing in Early Modern England by Moulton, Ian Frederick ISBN: 9780195137095 List Price: $110.00
Untimely Matter in the Time of Shakespeare by Harris, Jonathan Gil ISBN: 9780812241181 List Price: $69.95
Untimely Matter in the Time of Shakespeare by Harris, Jonathan Gil ISBN: 9780812221466 List Price: $24.95
The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Culture (Cambridge Companions to Culture) by Galloway, Andrew ISBN: 9780521673273 List Price: $29.99
Poetry and Prose in the Sixteenth Century by Lewis, C. S. ISBN: 9780198122319 List Price: $140.00
Inarticulate Renaissance: Language Trouble in an Age of Eloquence by Mazzio, Carla ISBN: 9780812241389 List Price: $65.00
Monarchy and Incest in Renaissance England by Boehrer, Bruce T. ISBN: 9780812231342 List Price: $29.95
Cambridge Companion to Writing of the English Revolution by Keeble, N. H. ISBN: 9780521645225 List Price: $35.99
Diabolical Game to Win Man's Soul A Rhetorical and Structural Approach to Mankind by Castle, Dorothy R. ISBN: 9780820412375 List Price: $41.50
Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature by Wallace, David, Lerer, Seth... ISBN: 9780521444200 List Price: $168.00
Excess and the Mean in Early Modern English Literature by Scodel, Joshua ISBN: 9780691090283 List Price: $72.00
Deciphering Elizabethan Fiction by Barbour, Reid ISBN: 9780874134506 List Price: $31.50
Ludic Self in Seventeenth Century English Literature by Nardo, Anna K. ISBN: 9780791407219 List Price: $64.50
On Shakespeare and Early Modern Literature Essays by Kerrigan, John ISBN: 9780199248513 List Price: $135.00
A man very well Studyed: New Contexts for Thomas Browne by Murphy, Katherine, Todd, Ri... ISBN: 9789004171732
Literature, Politics and National Identity: Reformation to Renaissance by Hadfield, Andrew ISBN: 9780521118859 List Price: $42.00
Representing the Plague in Early Modern England (Routledge Studies in Renaissance Literature... by Totaro, Rebecca, Gilman, Er... ISBN: 9780415877978 List Price: $105.00
Literature and the English Civil War by Healy, Thomas, Sawday, Jona... ISBN: 9780521128551 List Price: $42.00
Languages of Literature in Renaissance Italy by Hainsworth, P. R., Lucchesi... ISBN: 9780198158325 List Price: $102.00
Tremulous Private Body: Essays on Subjection by Barker, Francis ISBN: 9780416378504 List Price: $11.95
Making the English Canon Print-Capitalism and the Cultural Past, 1700-1770 by Kramnick, Jonathan B. ISBN: 9780521641272 List Price: $112.00
Poetry and the Making of the English Literary Past, 1660-1781 by Terry, Richard ISBN: 9780198186236 List Price: $150.00
Reading the Early Modern Passions Essays in the Cultural History of Emotion by Paster, Gail Kern, Rowe, Ka... ISBN: 9780812218725 List Price: $28.95
English Renaissance Literary Criticism by Vickers, Brian ISBN: 9780198186793 List Price: $199.00
Fault Lines and Controversies in the Study of Seventeenth-Century English Literature by Summers, Claude J., Summers... ISBN: 9780826214232 List Price: $37.50
Faultlines Cultural Materialism and the Politics of Dissident Reading by Sinfield, Alan ISBN: 9780520076075 List Price: $34.95
Trolius-Cressida Story from Chaucer to Shakespeare by Rollins, Hyder ISBN: 9780838303382 List Price: $59.00
Uses of the Canon Elizabethan Literature and Contemporary Theory by Felperin, Howard ISBN: 9780198122654 List Price: $55.00
Between Nations Shakespeare, Spenser, Marvell, and the Question of Britain by Baker, David J. ISBN: 9780804729970 List Price: $50.00
Sacred and Profane Secular and Devotional Interplay in Early Modern British Literature by Wilcox, Helen, Todd, Richar... ISBN: 9789053833674 List Price: $45.95
Literature, Travel, and Colonial Writing in the English Renaissance 1545-1625 by Hadfield, Andrew ISBN: 9780198184805 List Price: $125.00
Elizabethan Mythologies Studies in Poetry, Drama and Music by Wells, Robin Headlam ISBN: 9780521035026 List Price: $61.00
Rhetoric of Courtship in Elizabethan Language and Literature by Bates, Catherine ISBN: 9780521034388 List Price: $48.00
Aelfric's Lives of the Virgin Spouses by Upchurch, Robert ISBN: 9780859897792 List Price: $100.00
Back to Nature by Watson, Robert N. ISBN: 9780812220223 List Price: $26.50
Mapping Mortality The Persistence of Memory and Melancholy in Early Modern England by Engel, William E. ISBN: 9780870239984 List Price: $50.00
Voice Terminal Echo: Postmodernism and English Renaissance Texts by Goldberg, Jonathan ISBN: 9780416422009 List Price: $14.95
Wayward Contracts The Crisis of Political Obligation in England, 1640-1674 by Kahn, Victoria Ann ISBN: 9780691117737 List Price: $49.50
Writing and the English Renaissance by Zunder, William, Trill, Suz... ISBN: 9780582229754 List Price: $35.63
Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Culture by Galloway, Andrew ISBN: 9780521856898 List Price: $90.00
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