German Textbooks
Browse New & Used German Textbooks
How much do you know about literary works originating from Germany? Literary criticism offers an entirely different slant on many literary works. This makes it a good idea to buy German textbooks online to open up another point of view on literary works from this country. Look for Hard Facts of the Grimm's Fairy Tales for example, or The Cambridge Companion to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Elsewhere you could rent or buy Manipulation of Reality in Works by Heinrich Von Kleist, or perhaps look at titles such as Philosophical Foundations of Early German Romanticism. Make sure you buy used German textbooks instead of new ones so you get the cheapest deals possible every single time. Sell your German books back whenever you need to and reap the rewards of doing so. Whenever you need books on literary criticism from this part of Europe, you can buy or rent them directly from us.