Gender & the Law Textbooks

Browse New & Used Gender & the Law Textbooks

Gender plays a role in the law as well, as you'll see when you start reading some of the many text books we have on the subject. Buy gender and the law textbooks online here today and find out why many other students do the same thing. Look for Women and Politics in a Global World; The War on Human Trafficking: US Policy Assessed; Violence, Gender and Justice; and Invisible Woman: Gender, Crime and Justice. We've got plenty more books like these too, and when you check the prices you'll find they are affordable and always discounted as much as possible. Make sure you get access to some of the best deals around today with regard to this area of the law. Buy used gender and the law textbooks today and keep more cash back for future purchases. There is no reason to spend more than you absolutely have to, is there?

Results 151 - 156 of 156 for Gender & the Law Textbooks
Vatican, the Law and the Human Embryo by Coughlan, Michael J. ISBN: 9780333529621
Women, Their Lives, and the Law : Essays in Honour of Rosemary Auchmuty by Barnes, Victoria, Honkala, ... ISBN: 9781509962082
Family Law in Action : Divorce and Inequality in Quebec and France by Biland, Emilie, Fryberger, ... ISBN: 9780774866446
Showing 151 - 156 of 156 - Browse More Gender & the Law Textbooks for Sale
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