United States/19th Century Textbooks

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Valore Books has always been able to provide affordable text books for college students. Now we have a great range of discounted books for younger students as well. Rent cheap United States/19th Century textbooks today and make sure you are in the best position to seize some good deals about this period in time. These books include Monroe Doctrine: The Cornerstone of American Foreign Policy; Battle of the Alamo; Liberty for All?; and Lewis and Clark Expedition. We've got lots more titles here as well so if you can afford pre-owned text books you are in luck. We've got plenty of them and you are free to sell your United States/19th Century books back later on as well if you want to. With our great deals and your ability to use our site to search for the books you need, you are clearly in a winning situation when you come to us.

Results 51 - 78 of 78 for United States/19th Century Textbooks
Lewis and Clark Expedition by Bursell, Susan ISBN: 9780736845892
War of 1812 by Unknown ISBN: 9780736889322
Pioneers: Life as a Homesteader by Unknown ISBN: 9780757858062 List Price: $35.00
Alamo by Nelson, Kristin L. ISBN: 9780761369912 List Price: $45.32
Enrique Esparza and the Battle of the Alamo by Brown, Susan Taylor ISBN: 9780761369264 List Price: $56.72
War Of 1812 : A Primary Source History of America's Second War with Britain by Sonneborn, Liz ISBN: 9781608515066 List Price: $58.50
War Of 1812 by Poulakidas, Georgene ISBN: 9781608515295 List Price: $42.50
John Sutter : California Pioneer by Hayhurst, Chris ISBN: 9781608516964 List Price: $47.90
True Story of the Battle of the Alamo by Adams, Colleen ISBN: 9781608547685 List Price: $42.50
Wild West by Nolan, Frederick ISBN: 9781784040819
Alamo : Symbol of Freedom by Marcovitz, Hal ISBN: 9781422231180
War Of 1812 : The New American Nation Goes to War with England by Beyer, Mark ISBN: 9781615142880 List Price: $47.90
Monroe Doctrine : An End to European Colonies in America by Alagna, Magdalena ISBN: 9781615142859 List Price: $47.90
Louisiana Purchase by Harasymiw, Therese ISBN: 9781615113743 List Price: $47.90
Courage on the Oregon Trail by Francis, Dorothy Brenner ISBN: 9780789158727 List Price: $8.00
Oregon Tail by Cooper, Terry ISBN: 9780439309554 List Price: $3.95
Oregon Trail by Isaacs, Sally Senzell ISBN: 9781403447753 List Price: $7.99
War of 1812 : New Challenges for a New Nation by Alvarez, Pilar F. ISBN: 9781508149477
War of 1812 : New Challenges for a New Nation by Alvarez, Pilar F. ISBN: 9781508149613
Lewis and Clark Expedition : The Corps of Discovery by McKinney, Devon ISBN: 9781508149583
Lewis and Clark Expedition : The Corps of Discovery by McKinney, Devon ISBN: 9781508149231
Lewis and Clark Expedition : The Corps of Discovery by McKinney, Devon ISBN: 9781508149446
Stitch by Stitch : Elizabeth Hobbs Keckly Sews Her Way to Freedom by Schofield-Morrison, Connie,... ISBN: 9780823456116
How Did Pioneer Kids Live? by Quick, Megan ISBN: 9781538288252 List Price: $24.27
How Did Pioneer Kids Live? by Quick, Megan ISBN: 9781538288245 List Price: $9.15
Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition by Shea, Therese ISBN: 9781538300138
Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition by Shea, Therese ISBN: 9781680487916
Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition by Shea, Therese ISBN: 9781680487909
Showing 51 - 78 of 78 - Browse More United States/19th Century Textbooks for Sale
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