General Textbooks

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Do you want to buy cheap general textbooks to help you study the history of the United States? We have literally thousands of text books to choose from, and with so many appealing titles on offer at affordable prices you can be sure of getting the books you need. Among the options available you can choose from American History: A Survey Vol.1; The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People Vol.1; America Past and Present, Vol.2, and The American Promise: A History of the United States, Vol.1. As you can see there are several different volumes of many of these textbooks, so make sure you have the chance to buy United States history general textbooks online from our website so you get the cheapest deals of all. We buy back United States history general books as well, not to mention offering you the chance to rent used textbooks, so you really do get the best of all worlds when you use our website.

Results 1 - 50 of 20,614 for General Textbooks
American Stories : A History of the United States, Combined, Black and White by Brands, H. W., Breen, Timot... ISBN: 9780205962044 List Price: $70.80
By the People : Volume 1 by Fraser, James ISBN: 9780205743056
By the People : Volume 2 by Fraser, James ISBN: 9780205743070 List Price: $112.80
By the People : Combined Edition by Fraser, James ISBN: 9780205743094 List Price: $141.80
American Stories : A History of the United States, Vol. 2, Black and White Plus NEW MyHistor... by Brands, H. W., Breen, T. H.... ISBN: 9780133794236 List Price: $61.87
American Stories : A History of the United States, Combined, Black and White Plus NEW MyHist... by Brands, H. W., Breen, T. H.... ISBN: 9780133794120 List Price: $77.47
American Stories : A History of the United States, Volume 2, Black and White by Brands, H. W., Breen, Timot... ISBN: 9780205962037 List Price: $55.20
American Horizons Concise Vol. II : U. S. History in a Global Context - Since 1865 by Schaller, Michael, Schulzin... ISBN: 9780199739912 List Price: $49.95
Native North American Art by Berlo, Janet Catherine, Phi... ISBN: 9780199947546 List Price: $44.95
Myth of the Model Minority : Asian Americans Facing Racism by Chou, Rosalind, Feagin, Joe R. ISBN: 9781612054780
Lincoln's Selected Writings by Lincoln, Abraham, Reynolds,... ISBN: 9780393921793
Domestic Sources Amer for Pol by Nelson/Lindsay/Fishe ISBN: 9781442209619 List Price: $49.95
Women in Ancient America : Second Edition by Bruhns, Karen Olsen, Stothe... ISBN: 9780806146287 List Price: $24.95
Making of Asian America : A History by Lee, Erika ISBN: 9781476739410
Dolley Madison : First Lady and Founder by Allgor, Catherine ISBN: 9780813347592 List Price: $22.00
African American History in New Mexico : Portraits from Five Hundred Years by Glasrud, Bruce A. ISBN: 9780826353016 List Price: $29.95
Women's Work, Women's Art : Nineteenth-Century Northern Athapaskan Clothing by Thompson, Judy ISBN: 9780773541597 List Price: $59.95
Diaries of Theodore Roosevelt, 1877-1886 by Roosevelt, Theodore, Kohn, ... ISBN: 9781438455136
Twenty-First Century Chicago (Revised Edition) by Simpson, Dick ISBN: 9781621319658 List Price: $91.95
American Civilization Since 1877 by Huch, Ronald K. ISBN: 9781621317050
Contested Spaces of Early America by Barr, Juliana, Countryman, ... ISBN: 9780812245844 List Price: $49.95
Police Power and Race Riots : Urban Unrest in Paris and New York by Schneider, Cathy Lisa ISBN: 9780812246186 List Price: $69.95
Cambridge International AS Level History of the USA 1840-1941 Coursebook by Browning, Pete, Walsh-Atkin... ISBN: 9781107679603 List Price: $31.00
African and American : West Africans in Post-Civil Rights America by Halter, Marilyn, Johnson, V... ISBN: 9780814760703
Black Women in Politics : Identity, Power, and Justice in the New Millennium by Mitchell, Michael, Covin, D... ISBN: 9781412854696
Reconstruction: a Concise History by Guelzo, Allen C. ISBN: 9780190865696 List Price: $18.95
Heavy : An American Memoir by Laymon, Kiese ISBN: 9781501125669
Not Quite Not White : Losing and Finding Race in America by Sen, Sharmila ISBN: 9780143131380
Black Tuesday and the Great Depression by Hyde, Natalie ISBN: 9780778717218 List Price: $10.95
Broken Regiment : The 16th Connecticut's Civil War by Gordon, Lesley J. ISBN: 9780807157305 List Price: $49.95
Serving the Amish : A Cultural Guide for Professionals by Cates, James A. ISBN: 9781421414959
American Stories : A History of the United States, Vol 1, Black and White by Brands, H. W., Breen, Timot... ISBN: 9780205962020 List Price: $55.20
Abolitionist Geographies by Schoolman, Martha ISBN: 9780816680757
Benjamin Franklin : The Making of an American Politician by Kozuskanich, Nathan ISBN: 9780415532006
Early Morning of War : Bull Run 1861 by Longacre, Edward G. ISBN: 9780806144986 List Price: $29.95
Gunner in Lee's Army : The Civil War Letters of Thomas Henry Carter by Carter, Thomas Henry, Dozie... ISBN: 9781469618746 List Price: $39.95
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