Native American Textbooks

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Results 151 - 185 of 185 for Native American Textbooks
American Indians by Tonnesen, Thomas V., Green,... ISBN: 9780942672169 List Price: $30.00
European and Native American Warfare, 1675-1815 by Starkey, Armstrong ISBN: 9781857285550
Index to volunteer soldiers in Indian wars and disturbances, 1815-1858 by White, Virgil D. ISBN: 9780945099260 List Price: $160.00
North American Indian Lives by Lurie, Nancy O. ISBN: 9780881335491 List Price: $6.95
Daily Life of the Aztecs : People of the Sun and Earth by Carrasco, David, Sessions, ... ISBN: 9780313326608 List Price: $70.00
Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs : Reports for the Years, 1824-1899 by U. S. Office of Indian Affa... ISBN: 9780404075507 List Price: $945.00
People Living Apart : Indians of the Great Lakes, 1855-1900 by Danziger, Edmund Jefferson ISBN: 9780472066902
Hatunqolla : A View of Inca Rule from the Lake Titicaca Region by Julien, Catherine J. ISBN: 9780520096820 List Price: $40.00
Aztec Society by Brumfiel, Elizabeth M., Nic... ISBN: 9780521782876
Aztec Society by Brumfiel, Elizabeth M., Nic... ISBN: 9780521788519
Indian Affairs Papers : American Revolution by Penrose, Maryly B., Penrose... ISBN: 9780918940070 List Price: $25.00
Native American Heritage by Garbarino, Merwyn S. ISBN: 9780935005004 List Price: $16.95
To Preserve a Culture : The Twentieth Century Fight over Indian Reorganization by Rice, Jon F., Jr., Greene, ... ISBN: 9780937352021 List Price: $2.00
Frontera Del Estado Inca by Dillehay, Tom D. ISBN: 9780860545699
American Indians in the Twentieth Century by Ewen, Alexander, Wollock, J... ISBN: 9780816079025 List Price: $19.95
Native American Heritage by Garbarino, Merwyn S. ISBN: 9780935005059 List Price: $21.95
Beggar in Paradise : Living with the Inca Indians by Conroy, Chris, Conroy, Chris ISBN: 9781893302662 List Price: $21.95
Wind River Shoshone Ethnogeography by Shimkin, D. B., Lowie, Robe... ISBN: 9781555670856 List Price: $5.00
Summary of Yuki Culture by Foster, George M., Kroeber,... ISBN: 9781555670832 List Price: $10.31
History and Proposed Settlement : Claims of California Indians by Kenny, Robert W. ISBN: 9781555678098 List Price: $12.00
Massacre at Wounded Knee by Brown, Dee ISBN: 9781567900033 List Price: $24.99
Life and Adventures of Frank Grouard, Chief of Scouts, U. S. A. . by De Barthe, Joseph ISBN: 9780598278692 List Price: $169.00
Federal Indian Relations, 1774 - 1788 by Mohr, Walter Harrison ISBN: 9780598754066 List Price: $81.60
An-Delas Azteques by Ragot, Nathalie ISBN: 9781841710822
Religion+empire by Conrad, Geoffrey W., Demare... ISBN: 9780521243575 List Price: $84.95
Native Voices Vol. 1 : Sources in the Native American Past by Nicholas, Mark A. ISBN: 9780205742523
Companion to American Indian History by Deloria, Philip, Salisbury,... ISBN: 9780470996461 List Price: $295.25
Killing Crazy Horse : The Merciless Indian Wars in America by O'Reilly, Bill, Dugard, Martin ISBN: 9781432890919
Heartbeat of Wounded Knee : Native America from 1890 to the Present by Treuer, David ISBN: 9781432864507 List Price: $32.99
Land of the Spotted Eagle by Standing Bear, Luther ISBN: 9780598961778 List Price: $99.20
Seven and Nine Years among the Camanches and Apaches by Eastman, Edwin ISBN: 9780608426044 List Price: $95.80
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