Military Textbooks
Browse New & Used Military Textbooks
History is a huge subject to study at college, which is why we've got several sections on our website devoted to it. This is the section that allows you to buy cheap military textbooks on such subjects as nuclear warfare, naval warfare and aviation. We also have separate sections for the Afghan War, the Iraq War and the Korean War, making it easier to find exactly what you need. Pre-owned and affordable titles including Interpretation, World War II: A Short History and Long Fuse: An Interpretation of the Origins of World War I. You can also rent used military textbooks in order to expand your collection of text books even further. If you have any to sell, you can sell back specific books using our buyback service. Get in touch today to find out more. In any event, it is easy to buy cheap military textbooks to help your history studies at college.
- Afghan War (2001-)* (16)
- Aviation (91)
- Biological & Chemical Warfare (98)
- Canada (38)
- General (36)
- Iraq War (2003-) (90)
- Korean War (53)
- Naval (145)
- Nuclear Warfare (238)
- Other (119)
- Persian Gulf War (1991) (82)
- Special Forces (5)
- Strategy (119)
- United States (1,024)
- Veterans (100)
- Vietnam War (237)
- Weapons (219)
- World War I (344)
- World War II (835)