Russia & the Former Soviet Union Textbooks

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Results 1 - 50 of 641 for Russia & the Former Soviet Union Textbooks
A History of Russia since 1855 - Volume 2 by Riasanovsky, Nicholas V., S... ISBN: 9780195341997 List Price: $49.95
Russian Revolution by Fitzpatrick, Sheila ISBN: 9780199237678 List Price: $19.95
History of Russia, the Soviet Union, and Beyond With Infotrac by MacKenzie, David, Curran, M... ISBN: 9780534586980 List Price: $182.95
Fractured Windows to the West : Sunshine and Shadow: the Pillars of Russia's History by Weissman, Melvyn ISBN: 9781465240026 List Price: $88.00
History of Russia Peoples, Legends, Events, Forces Since 1800 by Stites, Richard, Evtuhov, C... ISBN: 9780395660737 List Price: $91.95
A History of Russia to 1855 - Volume 1 by Riasanovsky, Nicholas, Stei... ISBN: 9780195341980 List Price: $49.95
Russia in the Twentieth Century by Dziewanowski, M. K. ISBN: 9780130978523 List Price: $96.20
Exploring Russia's Past Narrative, Sources, Images, From Prehistory To 1856 by Rowley, David G. ISBN: 9780130653635 List Price: $60.60
Image of Peter the Great in Russian History and Thought by Riasanovsky, Nicholas V. ISBN: 9780195074802 List Price: $60.00
Notes of a Red Guard by Dune, Eduard M., Koenker, D... ISBN: 9780252062773 List Price: $21.00
Soviet Politics, 1917-1991 by McAuley, Mary ISBN: 9780198780670 List Price: $39.95
Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia by Cracraft, James ISBN: 9780669214970 List Price: $90.95
Democracy Derailed In Russia The Failure Of Open Politics by Fish, M. Steven ISBN: 9780521618960 List Price: $35.99
Russian Politics The Struggle for a New Order by Nogee, Joseph L., Mitchell,... ISBN: 9780023880629 List Price: $98.00
Medieval Russia by Dmytryshyn, Basil ISBN: 9780030334221 List Price: $42.95
History of Russia Since 1855 by Riasanovsky, Nicholas V., S... ISBN: 9780195153934 List Price: $49.95
Medieval Russia, 980-1584 by Martin, Janet L. B. ISBN: 9780521676366 List Price: $40.99
Russian Empire A Multiethnic History by Kappeler, Andreas, Clayton,... ISBN: 9780582234154 List Price: $56.00
Routledge Atlas of Russian History by Gilbert, Martin ISBN: 9780415394840 List Price: $29.95
Military History of Russia From Ivan the Terrible to the War in Chechnya by Stone, David R. ISBN: 9780275985028 List Price: $49.95
Revolutionary Dreams Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution by Stites, Richard ISBN: 9780195055368 List Price: $90.00
Catherine the Great by Dixon, Simon ISBN: 9780582098039 List Price: $31.00
Between Tsar and People Educated Society and the Quest for Public Identity in Late Imperial ... by Clowes, Edith W., Kassow, S... ISBN: 9780691008516 List Price: $52.00
Government and Politics in Russia and the Post-soviet Region by Hesli, Vicki L. ISBN: 9780618347360 List Price: $91.95
Transforming Russia and China Revolutionary Struggle and the Ambiguities of Power by Rosenberg, William G., Youn... ISBN: 9780195029666 List Price: $45.95
Russian Moment in World History by Poe, Marshall T. ISBN: 9780691116129 List Price: $29.95
Russian Revolution 1917-1921 by Kowalski, Ronald I. ISBN: 9780415124386 List Price: $39.95
Serfdom+social Control in Russia by Hoch, Stephen L. ISBN: 9780226345833 List Price: $30.00
Structure of Soviet History Essays and Documents by Suny, Ronald Grigor ISBN: 9780195137040 List Price: $49.95
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Russia and the Soviet Union by Brown, Archie, Fennell, Joh... ISBN: 9780521231695 List Price: $49.50
Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union 1917-1991 by McCauley, Martin ISBN: 9780582784659 List Price: $49.80
Twentieth Century Russia Reader by Kocho-Williams, Alastair ISBN: 9780415583091 List Price: $53.95
Russian Moment in World History by Poe, Marshall T. ISBN: 9780691126067 List Price: $16.95
Russian Revolution and Bolshevik Victory Visions and Revisions by Suny, Ronald, Adams, Arthur ISBN: 9780669208771 List Price: $54.95
Endurance and Endeavour Russian History, 1812-2001 by Westwood, J. N. ISBN: 9780199246175 List Price: $52.95
Lenin's Revolution-Russia, 1917-1921 Russia, 1917-1921 by Marples, David ISBN: 9780582319172 List Price: $25.20
Twilight of Imperial Russia by Charques, Richard ISBN: 9780195197877 List Price: $60.00
KGB: Police and Politics in the Soviet Union by Knight, Amy W. ISBN: 9780044450351 List Price: $34.95
Russian Revolution by Wood, Anthony ISBN: 9780582355590 List Price: $20.00
From Darkness to Light Class, Consciousness, and Salvation in Revolutionary Russia by Halfin, Igal ISBN: 9780822957041 List Price: $22.95
Last of the Empires by Keep, John ISBN: 9780192892379 List Price: $19.95
Russia's Stillborn Democracy? From Gorbachev to Yeltsin by Gill, Graeme J., Markwick, ... ISBN: 9780199240418 List Price: $74.00
Russia The Soviet Period and After by McClellan, Woodford ISBN: 9780136466130 List Price: $87.00
How Russia Votes by White, Stephen, Rose, Richa... ISBN: 9781566430371 List Price: $27.95
Soviet Union by Medish, Vadim ISBN: 9780138181963 List Price: $58.00
Russia's Wars of Emergence, 1460-1730 by Stevens, Carol B. ISBN: 9780582218918 List Price: $47.40
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