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Results 351 - 400 of 2,068 for Ancient Textbooks
Cicero's Use of Judicial Theater by Hall, Jonathan ISBN: 9780472052202 List Price: $30.00
Roman Citizenship by Sherwin-White, A. N. ISBN: 9780198148470 List Price: $50.00
Performance Culture And Athenian Democracy by Goldhill, Simon, Osborne, R... ISBN: 9780521604314 List Price: $79.00
History of Rome by Le Glay, Marcel, Voisin, Je... ISBN: 9780631194583 List Price: $36.95
Place in History Social and Monumental Time in a Cretan Town by Herzfeld, Michael ISBN: 9780691028552 List Price: $42.00
Public Order in Ancient Rome by Nippel, Wilfried, Cartledge... ISBN: 9780521387491 List Price: $41.00
Historical and Historiographical Commentary on Suetonius' Life of C. Caligula by Hurley, Donna W. ISBN: 9781555408817 List Price: $35.00
History of Rome From Town to Empire and from Empire to Town by Christiansen, Erik ISBN: 9788772884950 List Price: $29.95
Japheth in the Tents of Shem Studies on Jewish Hellenism in Antiquity by van der Horst, Pieter Willem ISBN: 9789042911376 List Price: $39.00
Augustan Empire, Forty-Four B. C.-A. D. Seventy, Vol. 10 by Cook, S. A., Adcock, F. E.,... ISBN: 9780521044929 List Price: $150.00
Trojan War by Thomas, Carol G., Conant, C... ISBN: 9780806138749 List Price: $19.95
On Old Age : Approaching Death in Antiquity and the Middle Ages by Krotzl, C., Mustakallio, K. ISBN: 9782503532165
Amenhotep III : Egypt's Radiant Pharaoh by Kozloff, Arielle P. ISBN: 9781107011960 List Price: $99.00
System of Public Sacrifice in Fourth-Century Athens by Rosivach, Vincent J. ISBN: 9781555409432 List Price: $35.00
Tacitus Reviewed by Woodman, A. J. ISBN: 9780198152583 List Price: $175.00
Roman Glass Reflections on Cultural Change by Fleming, Stuart James ISBN: 9780924171734 List Price: $30.00
Women in Ancient Greece and Rome by Massey, Michael ISBN: 9780521318075 List Price: $13.50
World of Prometheus The Politics of Punishing in Democratic Athens by Allen, Danielle S. ISBN: 9780691094892 List Price: $26.95
Lost Dramas of Classical Athens Greek Tragic Fragments by McHardy, Fiona, Robson, Jam... ISBN: 9780859897525 List Price: $85.00
Ars. Etude semantique de Plaute a Ciceron (Bibliotheque d'Etudes Classiques) by Gavoille, É. ISBN: 9789042907935 List Price: $43.00
Alexandria: A Cultural and Religious Melting Pot (Aarhus Studies in Mediterranean Antiquity) by Hinge, George, Krasilnikoff... ISBN: 9788779344914 List Price: $40.00
Imperial Crisis and Recovery, A. D. One Ninety-Three to Three Twenty-Four - S. A. Cook - Har... by Cook, S. A., Adcock, F. E.,... ISBN: 9780521044943 List Price: $157.99
Religion Und Philosophie Im Alten Dgypten by Derchain, Philippe, Verhoev... ISBN: 9789068313376
Punic Wars by Devijver, H., Lipinski, E. ISBN: 9789068312195
History of the Roman People by Ward, Allen M., Heichelheim... ISBN: 9780138965983 List Price: $75.00
Rapports De La Rhetorique Et De La Philosophie Dans L'oeuvre De Ciceron Recherches Sur Les F... by Michel, A., Michel, aA. ISBN: 9789042912724 List Price: $88.00
Empire of the Tetrarchs Imperial Pronouncements & Government, Ad 284-324 by Corcoran, Simon ISBN: 9780198153047 List Price: $74.00
Exploratio Military and Political Intelligence in the Roman World from the Second Punic War ... by Austin, N. J. E., Rankov, N... ISBN: 9780415183017 List Price: $42.95
Nature Embodied Gesture in Ancient Rome by Corbeill, Anthony ISBN: 9780691074948 List Price: $42.00
Greek Tragedy and the Historian by Pelling, Christopher B. ISBN: 9780198149873 List Price: $135.00
Beyond the Rubicon Romans and Gauls in Republican Italy by Williams, J. H. C. ISBN: 9780198153009 List Price: $125.00
Birth of the Symbol Ancient Readers at the Limits of Their Texts by Struck, Peter ISBN: 9780691116976 List Price: $45.00
Herodotus And the Persian Wars by Claughton, John ISBN: 9780521689434 List Price: $26.00
Eschatology in Galatians Rethinking Paul's Response to Crisis in Galatia by Kwon, Yon-Gyong ISBN: 9783161484384 List Price: $99.50
Die Herrschaft Der Athener Im Ersten Attischen Seebund by Schuller, Wolfgang ISBN: 9783110047257 List Price: $108.50
Money in Classical Antiquity by Von Reden, Sitta ISBN: 9780521453370 List Price: $99.00
Pliny the Younger: 'Epistles' Book II by Pliny the Younger, Whitton,... ISBN: 9781107006898
Antony and Cleopatra - William Shakespeare by Bloom, Harold ISBN: 9781604133592 List Price: $45.00
Universal History : The Oldest Historical Group of Nations and the Greeks by Ranke, Leopold von, Prother... ISBN: 9781108075183 List Price: $47.00
Law and Power in the Making of the Roman Commonwealth by Capogrossi Colognesi, Luigi... ISBN: 9781107071971 List Price: $99.00
Bread and Circuses Euergetism and Municipal Patronage in Roman Italy by Lomas, Kathryn, Cornell, Tim ISBN: 9780415146890 List Price: $120.00
Clodia by Hejduk, Julia Dyson ISBN: 9780806139074 List Price: $24.95
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