West Textbooks
Browse New & Used West Textbooks
Affordable text books for college students might sound like a real challenge, but in reality it is a lot easier to get the deals you need from us. Valore Books is a specialist in finding pre-owned college text books on history and many other topics. This means you can buy cheap West textbooks on this part of Africa, not to mention every other part of the world you can think of. In this case you can get West Africa Before the COlonial Era: A History to 1850; The History of Ghana; Culture and Customs of Cameroon; and Planting Rice and Harvesting Slaves: Transformations Along the Guinea-Bissau Coast, 1400-1900. There are many other affordable books you can buy or rent too, so take a closer look to see what you can find in our collection. History studies at college don't have to incur massive expenses on books, as you can see.