Mystery & Detective Textbooks
Browse New & Used Mystery & Detective Textbooks
Buy cheap mystery and detective textbooks from our collection today and you can choose from several hundred great titles. We've divided them all into sub-genres so you can see what is available and how much you have to choose from. Look out for areas such as general, hard-boiled, police procedural, traditional British and women sleuths. We've got plenty more options here too so rent used mystery and detective textbooks today or buy outright if you want to. Our prices are discounted by varying amounts, so you have a chance to save up to 99% on the usual prices when you come to us. With affordable deals, not to mention superb offers on all kinds of great titles, it is easier than ever to read these books. It could even kick off a whole new hobby for you when you're not studying as a college student. Which books will you enjoy reading the most, we wonder?
- General (86)
- Hard-Boiled (8)
- Historical (1)
- Police Procedural (34)
- Short Stories (12)
- Traditional British (63)
- Women Sleuths (35)