Literary Textbooks
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If you want a good deal when you buy cheap literary textbooks, we can provide just the type of deal you want. Our marketplace is the ideal place to find superb bargains and affordable prices when you are looking for fiction of this type. We have titles including Grand Inquisitor, Moby Dick, Silent Cry and Picture of Dorian Gray among others. You only need to look at the prices we charge to see how easy it is to buy literary textbooks online and save a significant amount in the process. Make sure you browse our extensive collection as there are hundreds of books here to choose from. You can even rent used literary textbooks if you prefer; there might be some you want to read but not keep long term. Our buyback scheme allows you to sell back anything you no longer wish to keep - providing a superb service and fair prices too.
Results 251 - 300 of 1,512 for Literary Textbooks
Lord Jim
by Conrad, Joseph, Watts, Cedric
ISBN: 9781551111728
List Price: $12.95
Portrait of a Lady
by James, Henry, Millett, Fred B.
ISBN: 9780075536376
List Price: $15.65
Tom Jones
by Fielding, Henry
ISBN: 9780582364141
List Price: $9.00
Virgil, the Aeneid
by Gransden, K. W., Stern, J. ...
ISBN: 9780521311571
List Price: $15.99
Jungle Book
by Rowe, John, Hopkins, Andy, ...
ISBN: 9780582421158
List Price: $9.00
Don Quixote
by Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel ...
ISBN: 9780393090185
List Price: $14.00
Sister Carrie
by Dreiser, Theodore
ISBN: 9780393099492
List Price: $14.95
by Munonye, John
ISBN: 9780435900458
List Price: $8.95
David Copperfield
by Dickens, Charles, Ackroyd, ...
ISBN: 9780749307622
List Price: $4.50
Tell Me a Riddle
by Olsen, Tillie, Rosenfelt, D...
ISBN: 9780813521367
List Price: $38.00
Road Back
by Remarque, Erich-Maria
ISBN: 9781931541749
List Price: $35.95
by Cooper, James Fenimore, Phi...
ISBN: 9780873954143
List Price: $33.50
Dead Souls
by Gogol, Nikolai
ISBN: 9780393017366
List Price: $29.95
Showing 251 - 300 of 1512 - Browse More Literary Textbooks for Sale