Child Abuse Textbooks
Browse New & Used Child Abuse Textbooks
If you are studying information relating to family and relationships, you will be able to buy cheap child abuse textbooks to further your understanding of this area. There are some in depth and involved text books on this topic, including the several hundred we have for sale here. Look for pre-owned titles including Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect; APSAC Handbook on Child Maltreatment; Family Violence and Criminal Justice: A Life Course Approach, and Jailbait: The Politics of Statutory Rape Laws in the United States. Make sure you have the best array of choices when it comes to getting good deals and the cheapest prices. Buy used child abuse textbooks now and enjoy the chance to find the books you need for your college studies. Look for great deals and rent used child abuse textbooks as well if you wish. Our buyback service also means you can sell back if you want to later on.