Research Textbooks

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Results 1 - 50 of 286 for Research Textbooks
Educational Research: Fundamentals for the Consumer (6th Edition) by McMillan, James H. ISBN: 9780132596473 List Price: $102.40
Research Methods in Education by Wiersma, William, Jurs, Ste... ISBN: 9780205581924 List Price: $130.20
Research in Education by Best, John W., Kahn, James V. ISBN: 9780205458400 List Price: $136.53
How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education by Fraenkel, Jack R., Wallen, ... ISBN: 9780073525969 List Price: $143.13
Educational Research An Introduction by Gall, Meredith D., Borg, Wa... ISBN: 9780205488490 List Price: $146.67
Using Educational Research A School Administrator's Guide by Haller, Emil J., Kleine, Pa... ISBN: 9780801316357 List Price: $99.20
Education Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications Text only by Gay, L. R., Mills, Geoffrey... ISBN: 9780132338776 List Price: $141.33
Introduction to Research in Education by Ary, Donald, Jacobs, Lucy C... ISBN: 9780495601227 List Price: $169.95
Educational Research in an Age of Accountability by Slavin, Robert E. ISBN: 9780205439829 List Price: $95.00
Action Research in Education by Stringer, Ernie ISBN: 9780132255189 List Price: $44.00
Techniques for College Writing: The Thesis Statement and Beyond by Moore, James W., Cassel, Su... ISBN: 9781413033434 List Price: $64.95
Applying Educational Research: How to Read, Do, and Use Research to Solve Problems of Practi... by Gall, Joyce P., Gall, Mered... ISBN: 9780136101130 List Price: $123.67
Designing and Conducting Research in Education by Drew, Clifford J., Hardman,... ISBN: 9781412960748 List Price: $89.95
Teacher As Reflective Practitioner and Action Researcher by Parsons, Rick, Brown, Kimbe... ISBN: 9780534557119 List Price: $58.95
Improving Schools Through Action Research by Hendricks, Cher ISBN: 9780205578467 List Price: $46.67
Educational and Psychological Research by Patten, Mildred L. ISBN: 9781884585456 List Price: $24.95
Action Research A Guide for the Teacher Researcher by Mills, Geoffrey E. ISBN: 9780131722767 List Price: $49.60
Teachers Doing Research An Introductory Guidebook by Thomas, R. Murray ISBN: 9780205435364 List Price: $47.67
Introduction to Research Methods in Education by Punch, Keith F., Punch, Keith ISBN: 9781847870186 List Price: $47.95
Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches by Johnson, Burke, Christensen... ISBN: 9781412954563 List Price: $99.95
Research in Education by Best, John W., Kahn, James V. ISBN: 9780205186976 List Price: $97.00
Doing Qualitative Research in Education Settings by Hatch, J. Amos ISBN: 9780791455043 List Price: $29.95
Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Applications by Gay, Lorrie R., Airasian, P... ISBN: 9780131185340 List Price: $114.67
Reading Educational Research by Vierra, Andrea, Pollock, Ju... ISBN: 9780136800347 List Price: $81.80
Action Research for Improving Educational Practice: A Step-by-Step Guide by Koshy, Valsa ISBN: 9781848601604 List Price: $38.95
Educational Research An Introduction by Gall, Meredith D., Gall, Jo... ISBN: 9780321081896 List Price: $127.20
Researching and Writing across the Curriculum by Hult, Christine A. ISBN: 9780321338082 List Price: $49.40
Inside/Outside Teacher Research and Knowledge by Cochran-Smith, Marilyn, Lyt... ISBN: 9780807732359 List Price: $24.95
Research on Educational Innovations by Ellis, Arthur K., Ellis, Ar... ISBN: 9781930556966 List Price: $43.95
Educational Research Fundamentals for the Consumer by McMillan, James H. ISBN: 9780205372478 List Price: $101.00
Educational Research An Integrative Introduction by Sowell, Evelyn J. ISBN: 9780070598171 List Price: $84.69
Primer of Educational Research by Suter, W. Newton ISBN: 9780205270149 List Price: $79.40
Educational Research by Vockell, Edward L., Asher, ... ISBN: 9780024231055 List Price: $117.60
Conducting Educational Research by Tuckman, Bruce W. ISBN: 9780155009875 List Price: $78.00
Applying Educational Research: A Practical Guide by Gall, Joyce P., Gall, Mered... ISBN: 9780801319501 List Price: $89.00
Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Application by Gay, L. R., Airasian, Peter W. ISBN: 9780130994639 List Price: $100.00
Educational Research Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches by Johnson, Burke, Christensen... ISBN: 9780205361267 List Price: $122.20
Educational Research Fundamentals for the Consumer by McMillan, James H. ISBN: 9780205508303 List Price: $128.73
Educational Research : Competencies for Analysis and Applications, Student Value Edition by Gay, Lorrie R., Mills, Geof... ISBN: 9780133007923 List Price: $118.87
Research in Education by McMillan, James H., Schumac... ISBN: 9780673997418 List Price: $62.25
Introduction to Research in Education by Ary, Donald ISBN: 9780155009820 List Price: $87.95
Research in Education by Best, John W., Kahn, James V. ISBN: 9780205349975 List Price: $96.00
Developing and Evaluating Educational Research - Gary W. Moore - Hardcover by Moore, Gary W. ISBN: 9780673391728 List Price: $47.81
Qualitative Inquiry in Education The Continuing Debate by Eisner, Elliot W., Peshkin,... ISBN: 9780807730164 List Price: $25.95
Research In Education Evidence Based Inquiry by McMillan, James H., Schumac... ISBN: 9780205455300 List Price: $130.67
Making Sense of Research: A Guide to Research Literacy for Complementary Practitioners by Brown Menard, Martha ISBN: 9780968525630 List Price: $15.95
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