Comics & Graphic Novels Textbooks

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Graphic novels are sort of like longer versions of the more traditional comic book. These novels use visual means, or illustrations, to convey a story. The major difference between graphic novels and comics are length and the fact that graphic novels are published in book format. Comics and graphic novels textbooks can help you learn about the art of making, writing, and publishing a comic or a graphic novel. Explore ValoreBooks to find the comic and graphic novel textbooks that you are looking for. Or find some of the famous comics and graphic novels below, all of which are offered by ValoreBooks:

The Dark Knight Manual
A treat for all Batman fans, The Dark Knight Manual by Brandon T. Snider can be described as a guide to the tools, vehicles, and technologies used by Christopher Nolan's Batman in his Batman film trilogy.

Classic Comics: Macbeth
Classic Comics: Macbeth is an attempt to bring students back to the classics. Catchy visuals and modern story telling techniques are used in these graphic novels that captivate the reader. In this book, the classic story of Macbeth is presented in an interesting and riveting manner.

The Complete Persepolis
An autobiographical account of Marjane Satrapi, this is a story of growing up in Iran during and after the Islamic revolution. This graphic novel gained a lot of popularity and was also made into an animated feature film.

Complete History of American Comic Books
A book by Shirrel Rhoades, this textbook reflects the author's insights into the development of comics in America. The book explores the development of comic books from 1930s to the current trends of graphic novels and animated movies.

ValoreBooks has a collection of more than 300 comics and graphic novels textbooks. You may buy or rent these books. You can also choose either new or used copies.

Results 1 - 50 of 19,498 for Comics & Graphic Novels Textbooks
Fairy Tail 48 by Mashima, Hiro ISBN: 9781612628196
Hunchback of Notre Dame by Rebis, Greg, Hugo, Victor, ... ISBN: 9781598892215
Journey Across Time The Early Ages by McGraw-Hill Staff ISBN: 9780078747236 List Price: $19.96
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves by Manning, Matthew K., Osnaya... ISBN: 9781434227768
Piled Higher and Deeper A Graduate Student Comic Strip Collection by Cham, Jorge ISBN: 9780972169509 List Price: $12.00
Velociraptor: The Speedy Thief (Graphic Dinosaurs) by West, David, Field, James ISBN: 9781404296282 List Price: $12.30
Fang Fairy by Smith, Andy J., Smith, Andy J. ISBN: 9781598898354 List Price: $21.26
101 Questions about the Bible and Christianity Vol. 2 by Ayris, Art, Sr. ISBN: 9781613281215 List Price: $8.99
Treasure Island by Coleman, Wim, Perrin, Pat, ... ISBN: 9781598892222
A Refreshing Look at Renewable Energy With Max Axiom (Graphic Science) by Krohn, Katherine, Martin, C... ISBN: 9781429639026 List Price: $7.95
Tracking Bigfoot: An Isabel Soto Investigation (Graphic Expeditions) by Collins, Terry, Milgrom, Al... ISBN: 9781429638982 List Price: $7.95
Uncovering Mummies: An Isabel Soto Archaeology Adventure (Graphic Expeditions) by Biskup, Agnieszka, Bigley, ... ISBN: 9781429639002 List Price: $7.95
Odysseus and the Cyclops by Cooper, Gilly Cameron, Saun... ISBN: 9780836877465 List Price: $27.00
Investigating Machu Picchu: An Isabel Soto Archaeology Adventure (Graphic Expeditions) by Sohn, Emily, Martin, Cynthi... ISBN: 9781429638944 List Price: $7.95
Encyclopedia of American Comics by Goulart, Ron ISBN: 9780816025824 List Price: $19.95
Frankenstein: The Graphic Novel (Classic Graphic Novel Collection) by Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft ISBN: 9781420503746 List Price: $32.45
Perseus and Medusa by Saunders, Nick, Opper, Thor... ISBN: 9780836877489 List Price: $27.00
Travel & Adventure The Travels of Marco Polo/Moby Dick/Gulliver's Travels by World Almanac Editors, Seym... ISBN: 9780836879308 List Price: $31.00
Robot Rampage A Buzz Beaker Brainstorm by Nickel, Scott, Smith, Andy J. ISBN: 9781598890556 List Price: $21.26
Theseus and the Minotaur by Cooper, Gilly Cameron, Saun... ISBN: 9780836881493 List Price: $14.05
Tiger Moth, Insect Ninja by Reynolds, Aaron, Lervold, Erik ISBN: 9781598890570 List Price: $21.26
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves by Manning, Matthew K., Osnaya... ISBN: 9781434219886
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Smith, Tod G., Irving, Wash... ISBN: 9781434204967
Science Fiction & Fantasy/Frankenstein/The War of the Worlds/20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by World Almanac Editors, Reit... ISBN: 9780836879292 List Price: $31.00
Archie's Amazing Game by Hardcastle, Michael, Reid, ... ISBN: 9781598890259 List Price: $21.26
Peter Pan, Bk. 1 London by Loisel, RĂ©gis, Baisden, Gre... ISBN: 9781879450424 List Price: $14.95
Murder & Mystery The Hound of the Baskervilles / Macbeth / the Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Rausch, Monica, Benduhn, Te... ISBN: 9780836879353 List Price: $14.05
Great Heroes The Legends of King Arthur/Don Quixote/The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by World Almanac Editors, Seym... ISBN: 9780836879254 List Price: $31.00
Day of the Field Trip Zombies by Nickel, Scott, Hohnstadt, C... ISBN: 9781598898347 List Price: $21.26
Fang Fairy by Smith, Andy J., Smith, Andy J. ISBN: 9781598898910
Eek and Ack, Invaders from the Great Goo Galaxy by Hoena, Blake A., Harpster, ... ISBN: 9781598892253
Virtual by Rubicon Staff ISBN: 9781554779543
Manga (Eye on Art) (English and English Edition) by Kallen, Stuart A. ISBN: 9781420505351 List Price: $33.45
Attack on Titan: No Regrets 1 by Isayama, Hajime, Sunaaku, G... ISBN: 9781612629414
Irresistible by Zenescope ISBN: 9781937068783 List Price: $15.99
Building the Great Wall of China: An Isabel Soto History Adventure (Graphic Expeditions) by Collins, Terry, Staton, Joe... ISBN: 9781429638906 List Price: $7.95
Newshounds II - Book Two : Pure Deva Station by Dye, Thomas K. ISBN: 9781935599753 List Price: $15.95
Shot in the Face : A Savage Journey to the Heart of Transmetropolitan by Nevett, Chad, Nevett, Chad,... ISBN: 9781940589008 List Price: $12.99
Art Panels, Bam! Speech Bubbles, Pow! by Shaskan, Trisha Speed, Shas... ISBN: 9781404860162
Drumhellar Volume 1 TP by Rossmo, Riley, Rossmo, Rile... ISBN: 9781607069546
Complete History of American Comic Books by Rhoades, Shirrel ISBN: 9781433101076 List Price: $39.95
Classical Comics: Macbeth by Classic Comics Staff, Shake... ISBN: 9781424028702 List Price: $33.95
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table by Hall, M. C., Richards, C. E. ISBN: 9781598892185
Rival Angels Rookie Season Volume 3 by Workshed Studio ISBN: 9780982701317 List Price: $17.99
Romeo and Juliet by Lee, Stan, Dougas, Terry, W... ISBN: 9780983935001 List Price: $19.99
Warren Ellis: The Captured Ghosts Interviews by Patrick Meaney, Warren Elli... ISBN: 9781940589022 List Price: $12.99
Ultimate X-Men by Sanderson, Peter ISBN: 9780789492586 List Price: $24.99
Aporiatica Writings Drawings by Guldemond, Marcel, Craine, ... ISBN: 9780970947413 List Price: $12.95
Shattered Lives by Pinger, Rubi Biorgia ISBN: 9780072927832 List Price: $12.50
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