Biography & Autobiography Textbooks

Browse New & Used Biography & Autobiography Textbooks

A biography is an account of somebody's life written by a person other than the subject of the book, and they are usually descriptions of and tributes to people who have led extraordinary and often inspiring lives. On the other hand, an autobiography (a memoir) is an account a person has written of his/her life himself/herself. Notably, Valore Books features an extensive collection of biography and autobiography textbooks, include these popular titles:

Le Morte d'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory
This book is a biography of King Arthur, and it discusses his Knights of the Round Table. The Round Table was a historic example of the exhibition of equality in stature and rights, which defined King Arthur's rule.

Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
This heart-wrenching book is a self-account of a young Jewish girl living in Nazi Germany; it is actually a published version of Anne Frank's personal diary.

A Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
This famous text by Nelson Mandela discusses his early years, his foray into politics and his imprisonment on Robben Island.

Hitler by Ian Kershaw
In his book, Hitler, Ian Kershaw provides an account of Hitler's life up until 1936. The book is an fascinating study of Hitler both as a politician and a fanatic ideologist.

Albert Einstein: A Biography by Trevor Lipscombe and Alice Calaprice
Written by Trevor Lipscombe and Alice Calaprice, this book examines the life of Albert Einstein; it also provides a brief introduction to his many contributions to the field of science.

Valore Books offers a vast collection of biography and autobiography textbooks that you may either buy or rent. Valore offers both new and used copies of the books you need, as well as cheaper alternative editions.

Results 801 - 850 of 52,500 for Biography & Autobiography Textbooks
Selected Correspondence of Dr. Karl A. Menninger, 1919-1945 - Karl A. Menninger - Hardcover by Faulkner, Howard J., Pruitt... ISBN: 9780300039788 List Price: $75.00
Darwin's Influence on Freud: A Tale of Two Sciences - Lucille B. Ritvo - Hardcover by Ritvo, Lucille B. ISBN: 9780300041316 List Price: $40.00
John Marshall: Defender of the Constitution - Frances N. Stites - Hardcover by Stites, Frances N. ISBN: 9780316816694 List Price: $11.95
As Far As I Remember by Kerr, Michael ISBN: 9781841135656 List Price: $39.90
Kwasi Wiredu And Beyond The Text, Writing And Thought in Africa by Osha, Sanya ISBN: 9782869781504 List Price: $24.95
Edward Fisk: American Modernist - Rachael Sadinsky - Paperback by Sadinsky, Rachael, Sackett,... ISBN: 9781882007165 List Price: $18.00
Charles Renouvier, Philosopher of Liberty - William Logue - Hardcover by Logue, William ISBN: 9780807117880 List Price: $35.00
Other Side of Delinquency - Waln K. Brown - Hardcover by Brown, Waln K. ISBN: 9780813509938 List Price: $14.95
Wilfrid Sellars by DeVries, Willem A. ISBN: 9780773530515 List Price: $29.95
Mysticism Of Saint Augustine Rereading The Confessions by Kenney, John Peter ISBN: 9780415288323 List Price: $115.00
Philip Roth New Perspectives On An American Author by Royal, Derek Parker ISBN: 9780275983635 List Price: $39.95
Biographical Encyclopedia of Artists by Gowing, Lawrence ISBN: 9780816058037 List Price: $260.00
The Travels of Marco Polo by Waugh, Teresa ISBN: 9780871968906 List Price: $19.95
Life of a Frog by Englar, Mary ISBN: 9781410910387 List Price: $32.86
Sinan's Autobiographies Five Sixteenth-Century Texts by Crane, Howard, Crane, Howar... ISBN: 9789004141681 List Price: $102.00
Etched in Memory: The Building and Survival of Artistic Reputation by Lang, Gladys E., Lang, Kurt ISBN: 9780807819081 List Price: $24.95
Linnaeus: The Man and His Work by Frangsmyr, Tore, Eriksson, ... ISBN: 9780520045682 List Price: $39.95
Cezanne's Early Imagery by Lewis, Mary T. ISBN: 9780520065611 List Price: $55.00
Alvin Plantinga Profiles No. 5 by Tomberlin, James E., Van In... ISBN: 9789027721068 List Price: $126.00
Philosophie Et Rivilation Dans Litiniraire de Schelling. by Maesschalck, M. ISBN: 9789068311754
Explorer's Handbook: An Unconventional Guide for Travelers to Remote Regions by Dodwell, Christina ISBN: 9780816014026 List Price: $18.95
Cops, Crooks and Criminologists: An International Biographical Dictionary of Law Enforcement by Axelrod, Alan, Phillips, Ch... ISBN: 9780816030163 List Price: $50.00
Memoirs of An Arabian Princess... by Ruete, Emily, Wiener, Marku... ISBN: 9781558760110 List Price: $39.95
Memphis Diary of Ida B.wells by DeCosta-Willis, Miriam, Was... ISBN: 9780807070642 List Price: $15.00
Arthur Alfonso Schomburg: Black Bibliophile and Collector, a Biography by Des Verney Sinnette, Elinor ISBN: 9780814321560 List Price: $34.95
Edward Second by Lindsey, Robert ISBN: 9780393900835 List Price: $12.10
Pioneers and Explorers in North America, Their Own Words by Tubbs, Stephen P. ISBN: 9780965944656 List Price: $27.95
Plato Statesman by Plato, Rowe, C. J., Rowe, C... ISBN: 9780856686139 List Price: $28.00
Queen Victoria A Biographical Companion by Rappaport, Helen ISBN: 9781851093557 List Price: $55.00
Reclaiming Dietrich Bonhoeffer The Promise of His Theology by Marsh, Charles ISBN: 9780195111446 List Price: $40.00
Doris Humphrey A Centennial Issue Choreography and Dance by Mindlin, Naomi ISBN: 9789057550300 List Price: $37.95
Dorothy Parker A Bio-Bibliography by Calhoun, Randall ISBN: 9780313265075 List Price: $76.95
Egon Erwin Kisch, the Raging Reporter A Bio-Anthology by Segel, Harold B., Segel, Ha... ISBN: 9781557531001 List Price: $15.95
Escape and Capture of John Wilkes Booth by Steers, Edward, Jr. ISBN: 9780939631490 List Price: $6.95
Fedor Petrovich Litke by Alekseev, A. I., Arndt, Kat... ISBN: 9780912006864 List Price: $22.95
Feel of Silence by Tucker, Bonnie Poitras, Haf... ISBN: 9781566393515 List Price: $71.50
Fifty Major Economists by Pressman, Steven ISBN: 9780415134804 List Price: $105.00
Capacious Hold-All An Anthology of Englishwomen's Diary Writings by Blodgett, Harriet ISBN: 9780813913179 List Price: $45.00
Changing Differences Women and the Shaping of American Foreign Policy, 1917-1994 by Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri ISBN: 9780813521664 List Price: $59.00
Colin Powell A Biography by Steins, Richard ISBN: 9780313322662 List Price: $36.95
Composers of the Nazi Era Eight Portraits by Kater, Michael H. ISBN: 9780195099249 List Price: $110.00
Maynard Keynes An Economist's Biography by Moggridge, Donald E. ISBN: 9780415127110 List Price: $62.95
Memory A Fourth Memoir by Fowlie, Wallace ISBN: 9780822310037 List Price: $74.95
Moliere A Theatrical Life by Scott, Virginia ISBN: 9780521782814 List Price: $100.00
Moritz Schlick by McGuinness, Brian F. ISBN: 9789027720962 List Price: $122.00
Muhammad The Messenger of Islam by Adil, Hajjah Amina, Adil, H... ISBN: 9781930409118 List Price: $40.00
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