General Textbooks
Browse New & Used General Textbooks
Whenever you need plenty of information on art and everything to do with this genre, you can buy cheap general textbooks here that will fit the bill. Affordable deals are easy to find here and you can get hundreds of books if you feel the need to do so. It all depends on how far your budget goes for the cheapest college text books. Look for examples such as Sayre: World of Art A_7; Dynamics of Fashion 4th Ed; Cultural Industries; Window to Worlds of Art; and Designing and Patternmaking for Stretch Fabrics. As you can see the scope here is vast, so whatever types of books you are looking for you are bound to find the cheapest and best selection you could possibly get. Make sure you rent cheap general textbooks too if you only want to have a few for a short time. It's the easiest way to make sure you get what you need.