American Textbooks

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With hundreds of text books available on the topic of America in the art world, you are in the right place to buy cheap American art textbooks to help with your college course. Books such as American Art History and Culture, American Encounters, and Performance: a Critical Introduction are all easy to find on our website. You can also rent used American art textbooks as we have a huge selection of pre-owned and discounted text books for you to choose from. With so many titles to consider and great prices to look forward to, you can save money every time you buy affordable books from us. Don't forget we buy back American art books as well, so we can make even more titles available at the cheapest prices on our website. Don't be left out - make your college studies easier to handle by coming to us today and enjoying superb discounts now.

Results 1 - 50 of 314 for American Textbooks
American Art History and Culture by Craven, Wayne ISBN: 9780071415248 List Price: $75.00
Artists, Critics, Context Readings in and Around American Art Since 1945 by Fabozzi, Paul F. ISBN: 9780130908988 List Price: $63.20
Performance A Critical Introduction by Carlson, Marvin A. ISBN: 9780415299275 List Price: $40.95
American Art, 1700-1960 Sources and Documents by McCoubrey, John W. ISBN: 9780130245212 List Price: $58.20
Oxford Companion to the American Musical by Hischak, Thomas S. ISBN: 9780195335330 List Price: $39.95
Chuck Jones: A Flurry of Drawings, Vol. 2 - Hugh Kenner - Hardcover by Kenner, Hugh ISBN: 9780520087972 List Price: $24.95
Creative Collectives Chicana Painters Working in Community by Ochoa, Maria ISBN: 9780826321107 List Price: $19.95
Visual Arts by Otfinoski, Steven ISBN: 9780816078400 List Price: $49.50
Arresting Images by Dubin, Steven C. ISBN: 9780415904353 List Price: $35.00
Ethno-techno Writings On Performance, Activism And Pedagogy by Pena, Elaine, Gomez-Pena, G... ISBN: 9780415362481 List Price: $40.95
Shadow House Interpretations of Northwest Coast Art by Meuli, Jonathan ISBN: 9789058230836 List Price: $125.00
American Salons Encounters With European Modernism, 1885-1917 by Crunden, Robert M. ISBN: 9780195065695 List Price: $100.00
Latinos in the Arts by Otfinoski, Steven ISBN: 9780816063949 List Price: $45.00
Advancing American Art: Painting, Politics, and Cultural Confrontation at Mid-Century by Littleton, Taylor, Sykes, M... ISBN: 9780817304263 List Price: $19.95
A Place of Refuge: Maynard Dixon's Arizona by Smith, Thomas B., Hagerty, ... ISBN: 9780911611366
Thomas T. Wilson Paintings by Hayman, Sally, Simpson, Pet... ISBN: 9780295984094 List Price: $39.00
Drawing Modern Works from the Agnes Gund Collection by Foster, Carter E., Grove, J... ISBN: 9780940717749 List Price: $40.00
Evergreen Muse: The Art of Elizabeth Colborne by Martin, David F. ISBN: 9780295991429 List Price: $25.00
Art in a Season of Revolution Painters, Artisans, and Patrons in Early America by Lovell, Margaretta M. ISBN: 9780812219913 List Price: $29.95
From New York to Corrymore: Robert Henri and Ireland by Henri, Robert, Leeds, Valer... ISBN: 9780976230090 List Price: $35.00
Varilaku: Pacific Arts from the Solomon Islands by Howarth, Crispin, Waite, De... ISBN: 9780642334206 List Price: $34.95
Asia & Spanish America: Trans-Pacific Artistic & Cultural Exchange, 1500-1850 by Pierce, Donna, Otsuka, Ronald ISBN: 9780806199733 List Price: $39.95
Elijah Pierce: Woodcarver by Connell, E. Jane ISBN: 9780295972527 List Price: $35.00
Gari Melchers: A Retrospective Exhibition by Lesko, Diane, Persson, Esth... ISBN: 9781878390004 List Price: $25.00
Art of History African American Women Artists Engage the Past by Collins, Lisa Gail ISBN: 9780813530222 List Price: $34.95
American Artists, Authors, and Collectors The Walter Pach Letters, 1906-1958 by Perlman, Bennard B. ISBN: 9780791452943 List Price: $31.95
Romare Bearden The Caribbean Dimension by Price, Sally, Price, Richard ISBN: 9780812239485 List Price: $49.95
Luis Ortega's Rawhide Artistry: Braiding in the California Tradition (Western Legacies) by Stormes, Chuck, Reeves, Don ISBN: 9780806140919 List Price: $29.95
Navigators African American Musicians, Dancers, and Visual Artists in Academe by Jenoure, Theresa ISBN: 9780791443545 List Price: $29.95
Entering Cultural Communities Diversity and Change in the Nonprofit Arts by Grams, Diane, Farrell, Betty ISBN: 9780813542171 List Price: $24.95
Art in America A Brief History by McLanathan, Richard ISBN: 9780155034662 List Price: $54.95
American Art by Brown, M. ISBN: 9780130246530 List Price: $65.00
Art, Industry, and Women's Education in Philadelphia by Walls, Nina de Angeli ISBN: 9780897897457 List Price: $115.00
Jewish-American Artists and the Holocaust by Baigell, Matthew ISBN: 9780813524047 List Price: $40.00
Encyclopedia Of African American Artists by jegede, dele ISBN: 9780313337611
History of American Art by Mendelowitz, Daniel M. ISBN: 9780030894756 List Price: $71.00
Uprising!: Woody Crumbo's Indian Art by Perry, Robert ISBN: 9780979785856 List Price: $29.95
First Pose by Sellin, David ISBN: 9780393044478
African Americans in the Visual Arts by Otfinoski, Steven ISBN: 9780816048809 List Price: $45.00
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