Renaissance Textbooks

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The history of architecture is a fascinating one, especially when you start looking into different periods in time. With the help of our marketplace you can seek out and buy cheap Renaissance textbooks that reveal much about this particular time in history. Look through our collection today and uncover such examples as Renaissance Art and Architecture: PowerPoint Presentations in World History; Filippo Brunelleschi: The Buildings; Human Stage: English Theater Design, 1567-1640; and Jerusalem on the Hill: Rome and the Vision of St Peter's in the Renaissance. We have many other affordable titles here as well, offering you the ability to look for and appreciate the wide range of deals available. You can even rent cheap Renaissance textbooks if the mood takes you - this is the ideal way to borrow for just a while if you don't want to buy outright. Why not see how far your budget will really go here thanks to our efforts?

Results 1 - 17 of 17 for Renaissance Textbooks
Leonardo and Architecture by Taglialagamba, Sara ISBN: 9788895686219
Human Stage: English Theatre Design, 1567-1640 by Orrell, John ISBN: 9780521308595 List Price: $74.95
Magnificent Buildings, Splendid Gardens by Coffin, David R., Sellers, ... ISBN: 9780691136646
Art of Renaissance Venice 1400-1600 by Partridge, Loren W. ISBN: 9780520281790
Noisy Renaissance by ATKINSON ISBN: 9780271071190
Filippo Brunelleschi The Buildings by Saalman, Howard ISBN: 9780271010670 List Price: $279.95
Magnificent Buildings, Splendid Gardens by Coffin, David R., Sellers, ... ISBN: 9780691136776
Renaissance Bologna A Study in Architectural Form and Content by Miller, Naomi ISBN: 9780820408859 List Price: $39.95
Roman House--Renaissance Palaces Inventing Antiquity in Fifteenth Century Italy by Clarke, Georgia, Adams, Nic... ISBN: 9780521770088 List Price: $110.00
Architecture of the Renaissance by Benevolo, Leonardo ISBN: 9780415265980 List Price: $440.00
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