Architecture Textbooks

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When you were four, you built towers with blocks. Age ten found you constructing intricate castles in the sand. You have always known that you have the soul of an architect, and now it's time to transform your design hobby into a career. In order to do that, you need architecture textbooks. In tandem with incisive lectures from your professors, these architecture textbooks will provide you with the knowledge base that will enable you to systematically plan and design buildings, urban areas, and outdoor spaces. Unlike many of the college text books you read briefly and never pick up again, your architecture books will furnish you with resources you can use throughout your career. However, that doesn't mean that you must pay a king's ransom for these volumes. Cheap textbooks can be yours if you take a little time to search for them. So don't be afraid to save money by buying used textbooks. With the money you save, you can invest in a new model airplane kit.

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Results 1 - 50 of 9,338 for Architecture Textbooks
Empathic Space : The Computation of Human-Centric Architecture AD by Derix, Christian, Izaki, As... ISBN: 9781118613481 List Price: $39.95
Sustainable Residential Interiors by Associates III, Stelmack, A... ISBN: 9781118603680 List Price: $85.00
Forty Ways to Think about Architecture : Architectural History and Theory Today by Borden, Iain, Penner, Barbara ISBN: 9781118822616 List Price: $39.95
Sustainable Use of Wood in Construction by Coulson ISBN: 9781118539668 List Price: $80.00
Print Reading for Industry: Write-in Text/ Large Prints for Use With Write-in Texts by Brown, Walter Charles, Brow... ISBN: 9781605253084 List Price: $84.00
Architectural Drafting and Design by Jefferis, Alan, Madsen, Dav... ISBN: 9781435481626 List Price: $168.95
Basic Blueprint Reading and Sketching by Olivo, Thomas P., Olivo, C.... ISBN: 9781435483781 List Price: $117.95
Landscape Planning: Environmental Applications by Marsh, William M. ISBN: 9780470570814 List Price: $128.95
Reading Architectural Plans For Residential and Commercial Construction by Weidhaas, Ernest R. ISBN: 9780130406385 List Price: $98.80
Landscape Architect's Portable Handbook by Dines, Nicholas T., Brown, ... ISBN: 9780071344227 List Price: $59.95
Seventeenth Century Art and Architecture by Harris, Ann Sutherland ISBN: 9780136033721 List Price: $127.00
Landscape Construction by Sauter, David ISBN: 9781435497184 List Price: $178.95
Landscape Construction Details by Dines, Nicholas T., Harris,... ISBN: 9780070267268 List Price: $295.00
Design Portfolios by Bender, Dianne ISBN: 9781563674839 List Price: $88.00
Blueprint Reading for Welders by Bennett, A. E., Siy, Louis J. ISBN: 9781428335288 List Price: $109.95
Visionary Architecture Unbuilt Works of the Imagination by Burden, Ernest E. ISBN: 9780070089945 List Price: $49.95
Designing the Landscape by Bertauski, Tony ISBN: 9780135135105 List Price: $56.80
Survey of Historic Costume + Study Guide Supplement by Fairchild Books, fairchild ... ISBN: 9781609012304 List Price: $119.50
Commercial Drafting and Detailing by Jefferis, Alan, Smith, Kenneth ISBN: 9781435425972 List Price: $151.95
Italian Baroque and Rococo Architecture by Varriano, John L. ISBN: 9780195035483 List Price: $59.95
AutoCAD 2009 for Interior Design and Space Planning by Kirkpatrick, Beverly L., Ki... ISBN: 9780135000991 List Price: $99.00
Designing a Quality Lighting Environment by Winchip, Susan M. ISBN: 9781563673177 List Price: $98.50
Apparel Merchandising the Line Starts Here 3e by Rosenau, Jeremy, Wilson, Da... ISBN: 9781609015398 List Price: $95.00
Digital Drawing for Designers A Visual Guide to Autocad by Seidler, Douglas ISBN: 9781563675126 List Price: $89.50
Construction Print Reading With Plans by Koel, Leonard ISBN: 9780766808393 List Price: $160.95
Print Reading for Welding and Fabrication by Corgan, Kevin ISBN: 9780135028179 List Price: $96.20
Print Reading for Construction Residential and Commercial Write-In Text With 116 Large Prints by Brown, Walter Charles, Dorf... ISBN: 9781590703472 List Price: $69.28
Architectural Drafting Using Autocad 2010 Textbook by Madsen, David A., Palma, Ro... ISBN: 9781605251875 List Price: $82.64
Interior Design Illustrated by Scalise, Christina ISBN: 9781563675317 List Price: $95.50
Landscape Design Theory and Application by VanDerZanden, Ann Marie, Ro... ISBN: 9781418012861 List Price: $112.95
AutoCAD 2008 for Interior Design by Curry, Zane ISBN: 9780132342766 List Price: $99.00
Designing Your Business Strategies For Interior Design Professionals by Kendall, Gordon T. ISBN: 9781563673269 List Price: $94.50
Elementary Blueprint Reading for Machinists by Taylor, David L. ISBN: 9781401862565 List Price: $91.95
Landscape Design A Practical Approach by Hannebaum, Leroy G. ISBN: 9780130105813 List Price: $135.60
Evidence Based Design: A Process for Research and Writing by Kopec, David A., Sinclair, ... ISBN: 9780132174060 List Price: $66.67
Sustainable Construction and Design by Regina Leffers ISBN: 9780135027288 List Price: $80.80
Codes, Regulations, and Standards in Interior Design (MyInteriorDesignKit Series) by Hurt, Samuel L. ISBN: 9780137033034 List Price: $82.67
The Structural Basis of Architecture: second edition by Sandaker, Bjorn ISBN: 9780415415477 List Price: $35.95
Traditions in Architecutre Africa, America, Asia, and Oceania by Crouch, Dora P., Johnson, J... ISBN: 9780195088915 List Price: $75.95
Textiles for Residential and Commercial Interiors by Wilbanks, Amy, Oxford, Nanc... ISBN: 9781563676512 List Price: $110.00
Shaping Interior Space, Second Edition by Rengel, Roberto J. ISBN: 9781563675188 List Price: $95.50
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