Contemporary (1945-) Textbooks
Browse New & Used Contemporary (1945-) Textbooks
If you are looking to buy cheap contemporary (1945-) textbooks on architecture we have some gems that you may be interested in. Our discounts are often well in excess of 50% so there is a real potential to save a considerable amount of money here. Look out for deals on titles such as Third World Modernism: Architecture, Development and Identity; Fay Jones: The Architecture of E Fay Jones, Faia; Bernard Tschumi: Parc de la Villette; and Aldington, Craig and Collinge. There are many other examples of affordable books you can buy or rent from us on this particular period in history. When you rent used contemporary (1945-) textbooks you still get a good price but you get the freedom to borrow, read and return them in either a semester or a quarter. This is the best way to make sure you get the deals you really want for your college studies.