Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Books
Browse New & Used Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Books
Spend less on your college text books and come to Valore Books to get the copies you want. Look for the option to buy used physical medicine and rehabilitation textbooks today and save $$$ on every copy. With hundreds of books here at your disposal, this area of medicine is easier to study than ever before. While these text books are expensive when brand new, our discounted prices come with the perk of opting for pre-owned books. These include The Physiotherapist's Pocketbook: Essential Facts at Your Fingertips; Orthopedic Physical Therapy Secrets; Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology; and The Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Movement. Don't get left behind in your studies - buy or rent physical medicine and rehabilitation textbooks online here and now for the very best deals you can ever imagine. When you have our help, college life becomes much easier and cheaper to manage on a tight budget.