Audiology & Speech Pathology Books

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Pathology careers are one of the highest ranked medical health careers in the US. Pathology is described as the diagnosis and screening of medical diseases. There are a number of medical schools that are offering degree programs and short courses in this field of study. To become a professional certified pathologist, it is important that you have the relevant qualifications in pathology. Pathology courses require career oriented books and study materials that encompass in depth knowledge needed for this occupation.

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Results 1 - 50 of 3,072 for Audiology & Speech Pathology Books
The Mind's Eye by Sacks, Oliver ISBN: 9780307272089 List Price: $26.95
Vestibular Rehabilitation by Herdman, Susan J. ISBN: 9780803613768 List Price: $116.00
Comprehensive Cleft Care by Losee, Joseph E., Kirschner... ISBN: 9780071481809 List Price: $199.00
Introduction to Clinical Methods in Communication Disorders by Paul, Rhea, Cascella, Paul W. ISBN: 9781557668790 List Price: $49.95
Other Side of Silence Sign Language and the Deaf Community in America by Neisser, Arden ISBN: 9780930323646 List Price: $22.95
Deaf Like Me by Spradley, Thomas S., Spradl... ISBN: 9780930323110 List Price: $16.95
CLINICAL COMPUTING COMPETENCY FOR SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGISTS For Speech Language Pathologists by Cochran, Paula S., Appert, ... ISBN: 9781557666857 List Price: $44.95
Cochlear Implants by Niparko, John K. ISBN: 9780781777490 List Price: $159.95
Essentials of Audiology by Gelfand, Stanley A. ISBN: 9781604060447 List Price: $74.95
Working with Families in Speech-Language Pathology by Pappas, Nicole, McLeod, Sha... ISBN: 9781597562416 List Price: $59.95
Handbook of Clinical Audiology by Katz, Jack, Burkard, Robert... ISBN: 9780781781060 List Price: $95.95
Treatment of Language Disorders in Children by McCauley, Rebecca J. ISBN: 9781557666888 List Price: $64.95
Balance Function Assessment And Management by Jacobson, Gary P., Shepard,... ISBN: 9781597561006 List Price: $139.95
Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Language Disorders by LaPointe, Leonard ISBN: 9781604062618 List Price: $64.95
Assessment of Communication Disorders in Adults by Hegde, M. N., Freed, Don ISBN: 9781597564144 List Price: $79.95
Schuyler's Monster: A Father's Journey with His Wordless Daughter by Rummel-Hudson, Robert ISBN: 9780312538804
Audiology Diagnosis by Roeser, Ross J., Valente, M... ISBN: 9781588905420 List Price: $89.95
Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain by Wolf, Maryanne ISBN: 9780060933845 List Price: $14.99
Treatment of Stuttering: Established and Emerging Interventions by Guitar, Barry, McCauley, Re... ISBN: 9780781771047 List Price: $91.95
Children with Hearing Loss : Developing Listening and Talking, Birth to Six by Cole, Elizabeth B., Flexer,... ISBN: 9781597563796 List Price: $65.00
Introduction To Audiology by Martin, Frederick N., Clark... ISBN: 9780205453306 List Price: $111.00
Stuttering and Related Disorders of Fluency by Conture, Edward G., Curlee,... ISBN: 9781588905024 List Price: $69.95
Clinician's Guide to Treating Cleft Palate Speech by Peterson-Falzone, Sally J.,... ISBN: 9780323025263 List Price: $63.95
Audiology by Hosford-Dunn, Holly, Roeser... ISBN: 9781588905116 List Price: $89.95
Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation by Hull, Ray H. ISBN: 9781597562812 List Price: $89.95
From Sound to Synapse Physiology of the Mammalian Ear by Geisler, C. Daniel ISBN: 9780195100259 List Price: $85.00
Augmentative Communication Strategies for Adults With Acute or Chronic Medical Conditions by Beukelman, David R., Garret... ISBN: 9781557668752 List Price: $59.95
Clinical Research in Speech-language Pathology And Audiology by Pannbacker, Mary, Lass, Nor... ISBN: 9781597560696 List Price: $79.95
How Starbucks Saved My Life: A Son of Privilege Learns to Live Like Everyone Else by Gill, Michael Gates ISBN: 9781592404049 List Price: $14.00
Clinical Phonetics by Lawrence D. Shriberg, Raymo... ISBN: 9780205377794 List Price: $58.40
Bilingual Children And Adults With Language Disorders by Kohnert, Kathryn ISBN: 9781597560764 List Price: $55.00
Communication Disorders in Educational and Med Settings by Haynes ISBN: 9780763776480 List Price: $97.95
Basic Audiology A Manual for Healthcare Professionals by Cranford, Jerry L. ISBN: 9781597561808 List Price: $49.95
The Mind's Eye (Vintage) by Sacks, Oliver ISBN: 9780307473028 List Price: $15.00
Instrumentation An Introduction for Students in the Speech and Hearing Sciences by Decker, T. Newell, Carrell,... ISBN: 9780805846812 List Price: $34.95
Clinical Management of Articulatory and Phonologic Disorders by Weiss, Curtis E., Gordon-Br... ISBN: 9780781729512 List Price: $87.95
Cognitive Communication Disorders by Kimbarow, Michael ISBN: 9781597561860 List Price: $75.00
Dementia: From Diagnosis to Management - A Functional Approach by Hickey, Ellen M., Bourgeois... ISBN: 9780805856064 List Price: $75.00
Clinical Otology by Hughes, Gordon B., Pensak, ... ISBN: 9781588903648 List Price: $199.95
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