Carving Books

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Whenever you want to buy cheap carving textbooks it is well worth thinking of Valore Books. We would say that of course, but we know just how many affordable text books there are in our collection. When you have the cheapest deals available to take full advantage of, you can enjoy affordable books that help you learn in lots of different ways. These titles include Wood Carving Basics; Carver's Art: Crafting Meaning from Wood; Carving Duck Decoys with Full Size Patterns for Hollow Construction; and Carving Wood Spirits in Tree Bark: Capturing Unique Faces and Expressions in Wood. Whenever you have the chance to rent cheap carving textbooks you might want to do this as well. Check out our large range of options and text books now and look forward to reading the books of your choice soon. We buy back carving books often enough to refresh our collection all the time.

Results 801 - 812 of 812 for Carving Books
Carving Stamps by Bloch, Julie H. ISBN: 9781882817054 List Price: $5.95
Decorative Fish Carving by Beyer, Rick ISBN: 9780830675685 List Price: $22.95
Carving in Wood : A Personal Approach to an Old Craft by Green, David ISBN: 9780575029644
Deucalion and Other Studies in Rocks and Stones by Ruskin, John ISBN: 9780742653665 List Price: $28.00
Blue Whale and Family by Buyer, Robert L. ISBN: 9780811724678 List Price: $7.95
Book of Woodcraft by Seton, Ernest Thompson ISBN: 9781589631816 List Price: $29.95
Out to the Ball Game With Tom Wolfe by Congdon-Martin, Douglas, Co... ISBN: 9780887404979 List Price: $12.95
Painting Songbird Carvings 16 Full-Color Plates and Complete Instructions by Hillman, Anthony ISBN: 9780486255804 List Price: $6.95
Folk Carving With Shane Campbell by Campbell, Shane, Snyder, Je... ISBN: 9780764304651 List Price: $14.95
Woodcarving Made Easy by Sowers, J. I. ISBN: 9781419171611 List Price: $15.95
Craft and Creation of Wood Sculpture by Carstenson, Cecil C. ISBN: 9780486240947 List Price: $6.95
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