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Results 101 - 150 of 8,328 for Finance Books
The Great Game: The Emergence of Wall Street as a World Power: 1653-2000 by Gordon, John Steele ISBN: 9780743200431 List Price: $14.00
Principles of Financial Economics by LeRoy, Stephen F., Werner, ... ISBN: 9780521586054 List Price: $40.99
Financial Management by Shim, Jae K., Siegel, Joel G. ISBN: 9780764139406 List Price: $18.99
Too Big to Save? How to Fix the U.S. Financial System by Pozen, Robert, Shiller, Rob... ISBN: 9780470499054 List Price: $29.95
The New Paradigm for Financial Markets by Soros, George ISBN: 9781586487133
Dark Genius of Wall Street The Misunderstood LIfe of Jay Gould, King of the Robber Barons by Renehan, Edward J., Jr. ISBN: 9780465068869 List Price: $18.00
How I Became a Quant: Insights from 25 of Wall Street's Elite by Schachter, Barry, Lindsey, ... ISBN: 9780470452578 List Price: $16.95
Financial Derivatives by Kolb, Robert W., Overdahl, ... ISBN: 9780471232322 List Price: $80.00
Back-Alley Banking Private Entreprenuers in China by Tsai, Kellee S. ISBN: 9780801489174 List Price: $21.95
Demon of Our Own Design Markets, Hedge Funds, and the Perils of Financial Innovation by Bookstaber, Richard ISBN: 9780471227274 List Price: $27.95
Biblical Principles for Releasing Financial Provision!: Obtaining the Favor of God in Your P... by Brott, Rich, Hayford, Jack ... ISBN: 9781593830212 List Price: $19.99
Dictionary of Banking and Finance : Over 9,000 Terms Clearly Defined by Russell, Jane, Whitacker Staff ISBN: 9781408128060
Other People's Money: And How the Bankers Use It by Brandeis, Louis Dembitz ISBN: 9781578987382
Shortchanged Life And Debt in the Fringe Economy by Karger, Howard ISBN: 9781576753361 List Price: $24.95
Last Man Standing: The Ascent of Jamie Dimon and JPMorgan Chase by McDonald, Duff ISBN: 9781416599531 List Price: $28.00
Devil's Dictionary of Business Monkey Business High Finance and Low Money, the Making, Losin... by Von Hoffman, Nicholas ISBN: 9781560259060 List Price: $14.95
Fund.of Financial Management-text by Brigham, Eugene F., Houston... ISBN: 9780030314612 List Price: $92.75
Pricing, Risk, and Performance Measurement in Practice: The Building Block Approach to Model... by Schwerdt, Wolfgang, von Wen... ISBN: 9780123745217 List Price: $89.95
Global Derivatives Debacles: From Theory to Malpractice by Jacque, Laurent L. ISBN: 9789812837707 List Price: $54.00
Future of Domestic Capital Markets in Developing Countries by Litan, Robert E., Pomerlean... ISBN: 9780815752998 List Price: $39.95
Getting Started in Financial Information by Moreau, Daniel, Longo, Tracey ISBN: 9780471324294 List Price: $27.50
The Credit Crunch by Turner, Graham ISBN: 9780745328102
Emerging Capital Markets And Globalization The Latin American Experience by De La Torre, Augusto, Schmu... ISBN: 9780821365434 List Price: $35.00
Condor's Shadow by Wilcoveau, David S., Wilson... ISBN: 9780716731153 List Price: $24.95
Boom-Bust Cycles And Financial Liberalization by Tornell, Aaron, Westermann,... ISBN: 9780262201599 List Price: $32.00
Safari a LA Estrategia Una Visita Guiada Por LA Jungla Del Management Estratigico by Mintzberg, Herny, Ahlstrand... ISBN: 9789506412913 List Price: $39.00
Financial Policy and Central Banking in Japan by Cargill, Thomas F., Hutchis... ISBN: 9780262032858 List Price: $34.00
Nuevas Reglas Para LA Nueva Economia by Kelly, Kevin ISBN: 9789685015059 List Price: $25.00
Foreclosure Nation: Mortgaging the American Dream by Olefson, Shari B. ISBN: 9781591026631 List Price: $18.98
Managing Information Assurance in Financial Services by Gupta, Manish, Upadhyaya, S... ISBN: 9781599041711 List Price: $99.95
Handbook of Credit and Accounts Receivable Management by Bukics, Rose L., Loven, Wal... ISBN: 9780917253676 List Price: $27.50
Contemporary Financial Intermediation by Greenbaum, Stuart I., Thako... ISBN: 9780122990533 List Price: $99.95
Macroeconomics and Finance: Essays in Honor of Franco Modigliani by Dornbusch, Rudiger, Fischer... ISBN: 9780262040877 List Price: $45.00
Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets by Mishkin, Frederic S. ISBN: 9780321287267 List Price: $173.33
Computational Finance A Scientific Perspective by Los, Cornelis A. ISBN: 9789810244972 List Price: $47.00
Statistics and Data Analysis for Financial Engineering by Ruppert, David ISBN: 9781441977861 List Price: $99.00
New Age of Financial Services Marketing: Database Marketing for Financial Institutions, a Ha... by Holtman, Arthur F., Mann, D... ISBN: 9780942061154 List Price: $69.95
Advanced Analytical Models + Dvd by Mun, Johnathan ISBN: 9780470179215 List Price: $150.00
Top Ten Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class by Smith, Keith Cameron ISBN: 9780345500229 List Price: $14.95
The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth by Hansen, Mark Victor, Allen,... ISBN: 9780307451569 List Price: $15.00
The New Paradigm for Financial Markets by Soros, George ISBN: 9781586486839
The Basics of Finance: An Introduction to Financial Markets, Business Finance, and Portfolio... by Fabozzi, Frank J., Drake, P... ISBN: 9780470609712 List Price: $100.00
Total Money Makeover A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Ramsey, Dave ISBN: 9780785263265 List Price: $24.99
Globalization and Islamic Finance: Convergence, Prospects and Challenges (Wiley Finance) by Iqbal, Zamir, Askari, Hosse... ISBN: 9780470823491 List Price: $55.00
Paying for College Without Going Broke, 2011 Edition (College Admissions Guides) by Princeton Review Staff, Cha... ISBN: 9780375427916 List Price: $20.00
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