Automation Process Updated: April 14, 2006


This document will address the requirements for making use of the Valore Books automated Inventory and Order processing systems. If you require more information on automated processing or find any discrepancies in our documentation, please contact your Valore Books account representative or email us at

Valore Books has developed an automated system that allows sellers to deliver inventory data, receive orders, deliver order confirmations, and provide refunds in bulk. This system provides sellers with a streamlined way to list thousands of inventory items and handle large volumes of orders in an automated way. Primarily used by Large sellers (1,500 and up products) This process allows you to add/edit/delete Inventory, process Orders, create refunds, and process results using batch processes with little to no human interaction. In this process your system creates a file and automatically uploads it to our servers using FTP with a user name and password that we will give you on your request to startup automation.

Orders contain the necessary information in order to identify an item and ship it to a buyer. Orders are sent from Valore Books to the seller. Confirmations contain the necessary information for the seller to let Valore Books and the buyer know that an item will be shipped or cancelled. Confirmations are sent from seller to ValoreBooks.

Order and Confirmation delivery is done via FTP. Using this method, multiple orders are combined into a single text file and Retrieved by the seller via FTP. A seller then sends a text file back to Valore Books that includes confirmations and cancellations. The text Confirmation file is then processed by Valore Books and the status of the orders is updated.

This document will address the requirements for making use of the FTP method for Valore Books Automated Order Processing; it is broken up into two main sections, Orders and Confirmations.

Creating & Uploading Inventory Files

File Naming

Valore Naming Convention - You must be consistent and follow certain conventions in the way you name the inventory files you provide to Valore Books. Below we describe our naming conventions:


marketUserName - your seller name on Valore Books


YYMMDD - for daily uploads
YYMMDD_HHMM - for multiple uploads a day

replacement type

".part" for partial replacement and partial updates
".full" or ".purge" for purge and replace
If left empty a partial replacement or partial update is assumed.

file extensions

".csv" - comma ',' separated fields
".pdl" - pipe '|' separated fields
".txt" - tab '/t' separated fields
If left empty or unknown, file is treated like a ".txt"

Use the following as a guide:

File Naming Convention Example Comments
membername_YYMMDD.part.csv bookworld_040916.part.csv This is a partial upload file for Sept. 16, 2004.
membername_YYMMDD_HHMM.part.csv bookworld_040901_2145.part.csv This is a partial upload file for Sept. 1, 2004, 9:45pm.
membername_YYMMDD.full.csv bookworld_040901.full.csv This is a full upload file for Sept. 1, 2004.
membername_YYMMDD_HHMM.full.csv bookworld_040815_2145.full.csv This is a full upload file for Aug. 15, 2004, 9:45 p.m.

If you provide just one inventory update file per day, you should include the date in your file name. If you provide multiple updates in a day, you should include a time stamp. Note that embedded spaces within a filename are not acceptable. Separate values within the filename with an underscore "_" character as in the examples above.

Full Replacements must include ".full" or ".purge" in the file name and we strongly suggest including ".part" in Partial Replacements in the filename. If nothing is specified we assume a Partial Replacements.

If there is no file extension in the file name tab delimited is assumed.

File Formats

Accepted External Inventory File Formats - in the interest of becoming the most widely used marketplace we also accept inventory file types to in the Amazon and Monsoon file format.

Valore Inventory File Format - All inventory data (not one of the accepted external inventory file formats) delivered to Valore Books must be saved as a "csv" ( comma ',' separated fields), "pdl" ( pipe '|' separated fields), "txt" ( tab '/t' separated fields). A header row containing the field names designated by Valore Books must be included. Field names must match the specified field names exactly (case insensitive).

This is an example of how a single item record in your spreadsheet might look for five quantities of the ISBN number "0131001914".

add-modify-delete product-code-type product-code sku price quantity item-condition item-note
A 1 9780471749554 12345 17.99 15 Like New Book is used and in great shape

Data Format

Field Name Data Type Max Field Length,
Max Value
Required or
Example Notes
add-modify-delete Text 1 Required A
product-code-type Number 1 Required 1 The type of product code, ISBN, UPC, etc
product-code Text 13 Required 9780471749554
sku Text 40 Optional; Required
in certain
circumstances. See
definition below.
12345 Must be unique.
This field will be
passed back with
order details.
price Text 8; $20,000,000 Required 14 or $14.00 or
Minimum Price is
quantity Number 5; 65535 Required 99 The quantity you have available for that listing.
item-condition Text Required Like New Required Values:
New, Like New,
Very Good, Good,
item-note Text 512 Required Still in shrink wrap! Displays with your listing

Field Definitions

  • add-modify-delete - Required
    • This field will be used to specify if you will be adding a record, modifying a record or deleting a record.
    • Field in your data file Action
      AAdd the listing
      MModify the listing
      DDelete the listing
  • product-code-type - Required
    • This field will be used to specify the type of product-code you will be specifying.
    • Field in your data file Value
  • product-code - Required
    • This field will be used to specify the unique identifier for the product. The value should either be the 13 digit ISBN or the 12 digit UPC.
  • sku - Optional
    • Stock Keeping Unit (SKU). This field allows you to store information about the item that will only be displayed to you. Common uses of this field are a SKU# or shelf location that would help you identify where to locate the item in the event of a sale. This information is sent to you when you receive an order for the item. The value in this field must be unique for the record you are submitting.
    • If you want to edit a record for one of your products it must have a unique SKU. For example, if you have 3 copies of the book "Excursions in Modern Mathematics" and want to remove two of them, the record must have a unique SKU. Other wise the only way to edit the quantity will be with a .purge / .full file up load or manually threw Valore Books online method.
    • While SKU is an Optional field, not including one for each record greatly limits your ability to update and track your inventory. The only sellers that do not need to include SKU are those that will never need to update or change their online inventory or should only use a .purge/.full file. We strongly recommend using SKU's as it will expedite your updating process.
  • price - Required
    • This field may contain a dollar ($) sign or not. If you do not include a decimal, the price is assumed to be an even dollar amount.
    • If your price is below the minimum price then the price will be set to the minimum price assigned to the product. If you edit the price of the product to below the minimum price on our webpage the book will not appear on the site.
    • Price in your data file Listing on ValoreBooks
  • quantity - Required
    • The quantity of the items you are offering for sale.
  • item-condition - Required
    • This is the condition of the product you are offering for sale. ValoreBooks has standard definitions for products that describe the condition of the item you are selling. This field must be typed exactly as specified below (case insensitive).
    • Product Conditions
      Like New
      Very Good
  • item-note - Optional
    • This field allows you to place information about the item that you want ValoreBooks buyers to see. For example, you might include "Factory sealed - still in shrink wrap" to let the buyer know more information about the product. You might also want to let the buyer know of a defect or flaw with the product (i.e. "There is a lot highlighting throughout the book, but still readable")
    • The viewable Notes character limit is 512. If your Notes data exceeds the viewable limits, it will be truncated.

Data Deliveries:

Full Replacement vs Partial Replacement vs Partial Update
You can deliver your inventory data to Valore Books as a Full Replacement, Partial Replacement or Partial Update upload. A Full Replacement upload means that you are removing your existing Valore Books inventory and provide a complete refresh of your data from your inventory system. A Partial Replacement upload means that only those records that you are providing will be removed from your existing Valore Books inventory. These will be replaced with those records you are submitting in the Partial Replacement file based on the SKU you provided. A Partial Update upload means that only those fields you are providing will be updated in your Valore Books inventory. These fields will be replaced with the fields you are submitting in the Partial Update file based on the SKU you provided. (Please note: both Partial Replacement files and Partial Update files use the .part file extension)

  • Use Full Replacement method of upload. Your entire inventory on Valore Books database will be removed with the records in your new upload.
  • Use Partial Replacement method of upload. The SKU field will be used to identify records you are updating. These records will be replaced with the records in your new upload. All records in Valore Books database you wish to replace in this manner must have a SKU associated with it. If you wish to add a record you must have a new unique SKU in your file.
  • Use Partial Update method of upload. These files require a sku (for Record Identification), quantity, and price. This process is good for repricing or changing availability. Any record you wish to edit in this manner must have a SKU associated with it. (Please note: This can only be done with Valore and Amazon files)

Communication Protocol

Inventory data files are delivered to Valore Books via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Your Valore Books Account Representative will create a Valore Books FTP account and provide you with a user name and password. You will use this account to deliver inventory data files. Upon logging in to your FTP account, you will need to place you Inventory files into the subdirectory labeled Inventory. After the system completes processing the Inventory Files the file will be moved to the InventoryHistory directory. A .done file will be created as a list of errors that occurred in the upload process. There will be additional subdirectories in your FTP account folder for order automation.

Scheduling Options

Inventory Files are processed on the half hour in a first in first out basis (queue). A file will only be processed after it has existed on the server for at least 5 minutes without change or modification to ensure that the file has been completely uploaded. Uploading through the Online Seller Program will cause all files in the directory to be processed immediately.


An overview of the file being processed will be sent in an email. A complete list of processing errors that occurs will be listed in a .done file will be created in the InventoryHistory Subdirectory. The .done file will have a the same name as the file that was uploaded followed by .done and then a file extension based on the file format you would like to be exported. The default file format is .csv (Comma Separated Values). Other options are:

  • ".csv" - comma ',' separated fields (csv = Comma Separated Values)
  • ".pdl" - pipe '|' separated fields (pdl = Pipe DeLimited)
  • ".txt" - tab '/t' separated fields (tab = TABular format)

Talk to your Valore Books representative to have this setting changed or send an email to


Line Errors
1001The price field contains characters that are not accepted in a price field
1002Contains characters other then 0-9 and 'x'
1003Product code is not 12 or 13 digits after the '-' characters are removed.
1004SKU exceeds 40 characters
1006Non numeric quantity in quantity field
1007Numeric quantity exceeds 10 digits
1010Not a valid Valore Books condition
1026The current Row has more or less fields then the header row
1031Condition unknown when loading an Amazon file
1040Usually caused by miss-matched quotes in file when escaping characters
1044Product not found in Valore Books Catalog
1047SKU missing
1045Another entry shares the same SKU value
1048SKU did not exist in our database
1049Contact your Valore Books representative or email for additional help.
1053The type of book is not allowed to be sold on
1054In order to perform a delete operation ( or zero out a quantity ) a SKU must be provided
1055A delete operation or a zero quantity book will be ignored in a purge and replace file
File Errors
Header missingNo header found in file
Blank fileEmpty file (contains no data)
Unknown file type on fileFile extension doesn't match file type ( tab delimitated, comma separated, pipe delimitated)
Unable to determine file format typeUnable to determine if the file was an Amazon, Half, UIEE, homebase or Valore format
.part or .full was not specified. Partial inventory load chosen by default (.part)".part", ".full" or ".purge" wasn't specified in the filename
Required Field Missing Errors
1030Price column missing or field is blank
1030Quantity column missing or field is blank.
1030Condition column missing or field is blank.
1030Product Code column missing or field is blank.
1030Product Code Type column missing or field is blank.

.done Data Format

Field Name Data Type Max Field Length Example Notes
Line Number 10 2 Line Processed
Code Number 4 1001 Error Code
Product Code Text 13 0131001914 ISBN Processed
SKU Text 40 08-1255-8 SKU Processed
Processed Boolean 1 0 or 1 0 is false, 1 is true
Message Text 255 Confirm Error message

.done Field Definitions

  • Line
    • Line of the Inventory file processed
  • Code
    • A numeric error ID as defined above
  • Product Code
    • Product Codes can either be 12 or 13 characters in length. This code is required when listing products.
  • SKU
    • Stock Keeping Unit (SKU). This field allows you to store information about the item that will only be displayed to you. Common uses of this field are a SKU# or shelf location that would help you identify where to locate the item in the event of a sale. This information is sent to you when you receive an order for the item. The value in this field must be unique for the record you are submitting.
    • This field will be blank if you do not provide a SKU
  • Processed
    • Boolean value containing if the action requested was preformed
    • 0 = false, 1 = true
  • Message
    • An error message

Retrieving and Processing Order Files

File Naming


Example: Orders_bookworld_050520_1300.csv
This file is for the seller "bookworld" and was created May 20, 2005 at 1 PM and is comma separated.

File Formats

The Order files will have the file extension based on the file format you would like to be exported. The default file format is .csv (comma separated values). The options are:

".csv" - comma ',' separated fields
".pdl" - pipe '|' separated fields
".txt" - tab '/t' separated fields

Talk to your Valore Books representative to have this setting changed or send an email to

Data Format

Field Name Data Type Max Field Length Example Notes
order-id Number 10 65551 This is also known as "TRANSACTION_ID"
order-item-id Number 10 48694  
created-datetime Date   2005-06-09
Date the order
was placed
confirm-by-datetime Date   2005-06-09
Date the order
must be marked as shipped or cancelled by
product-name Text 255 Hobbit Or There
and Back
product-code-type Number 1 1  
product-code Text 13 9780618002219  
sku Text 40 00-123-8-2  
item-amount Number 10 3.97 Item sale price
shipping-amount Number 10 3.95 The shipping reimbursement
total-amount Number 10 3.95 The total of item price and shipping reimbursement
shipping-method Text 20 standard
shipping-name Text 100 John Doe  
shipping-address-line-1 Text 40 8 West Main  
shipping-address-line-2 Text 40 Apt B  
shipping-city Text 40 Fredonia  
shipping-region Text 2 NY  
shipping-postal-code Text 14 14063  
shipping-country Text 2 US  
special-comments Text 256 Special notes about the order item from the customer  

Field Definitions

  • order-id
    • Every buyer's order generates a unique transaction number for each seller.
    • It is very important that the seller keeps a record of this and associates it to their internal transaction numbers. Future actions on this order such as confirmation, cancellation, questions, and refunds will need to use this number.
  • order-item-id
    • This field is the unique transaction-item identifier within Valore Books and must be used when using the automated system (i.e. sending Valore Books a pipe-delimited file) for order confirmations and cancellations.
  • created-datetime
    • The date and time (EST) this order was created on Valore Books.
  • confirm-by-datetime
    • The date and time must be shipped or cancelled by via file or the valorebooks website.
  • product-name
    • Valore Books provides sellers with the Title stored in the Valore Books database.
  • product-code-type
    • Valore Books provides sellers with the product code type. A value of 1 represents ISBN, and 2 represents UPC
  • product-code
    • Valore Books provides sellers with the product code stored in the Valore Books database.
  • sku
    • This field contains the value of the SKU field that was included in the inventory file.
  • item-amount
    • Price which the book was sold. Example 15.99
  • shipping-amount
    • Shipping reimbursement for the item. Example 3.95
  • total-amount
    • The total of the item and shipping amount fields.
  • shipping-method
    • The valid values for shipping method are: standard, expedited, second-day, next-day, digital
  • shipping-name, shipping-address-line-1, shipping-address-line-2, shipping-city, shipping-region, shipping-postal-code, shipping-country
    • The shipping information. In some cases, the individual receiving the items may not be the buyer.
    • shipping-address-line-2 column will always be included, but may be empty.
    • The only valid shipping-country value is US.
  • special-comments
    • This field corresponds to any special comments left by the customer for your order.

Communication Protocol

Order data files are retrieved from Valore Books via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Your Valore Books Account Representative will create a Valore Books FTP account and provide you with a user name and password. You will use this account to retrieve Order data files. Upon logging in to your FTP account, you will need to move into the subdirectory labeled TempOrder and fetch then delete your latest order files. A copy of your order file will be created in the subdirectory TempOrderHistory. Valore Books only saves the last 10 order files in the TempOrderHistory subdirectory.

Scheduling Options

Order Files are created according to the Export Frequency set with Your Valore Books Account Representative.

Export Frequency
Every 20 minutes

Creating and Uploading Confirmation Files

File Naming

Valore Naming Convention - You must be consistent and follow certain conventions in the way you name the Confirmation files you provide to Valore Books. Below we describe our naming conventions:


marketUserName - your seller name on Valore Books


YYMMDD - for daily uploads
YYMMDD_HHMM - for multiple uploads a day

replacement type

".part" for partial replacement and partial updates
".full" or ".purge" for purge and replace
If left empty a partial replacement or partial update is assumed.

file extensions

".csv" - comma ',' separated fields
".pdl" - pipe '|' separated fields
".txt" - tab '/t' separated fields
If left empty or unknown, file is treated like a ".txt"

Use the following as a guide:

File Naming Convention Example Comments
membername_YYMMDD.csv bookworld_040916.csv This is a upload file for Sept. 16, 2004.
membername_YYMMDD_HHMM.csv bookworld_040901_2145.csv This is a upload file for Sept. 1, 2004, 9:45pm.

If you provide just one confirmation file per day, you should include the date in your file name. If you provide multiple files in a day, you should include a time stamp. Note that embedded spaces within a filename are not acceptable. Separate values within the filename with an underscore "_" character as in the examples above.

If there is no file extension in the file name tab delimited is assumed.

File Formats

Valore Confirmation File Format - All confirmation data delivered to Valore Books must be saved as a "csv" ( comma ',' separated fields), "pdl" ( pipe '|' separated fields), "txt" ( tab '/t' separated fields). A header row containing the field names designated by Valore Books must be included. Field names must match the specified field names exactly (case insensitive).

65551 48695 Cancel Out of Stock
65551 48695 Confirm  

Data Format

Field Name Data Type Max Field Length Required or
Example Notes
ORDER_ID Number 10 Required 65551 This is also known as TRANSACTION_ID
ITEM_ID Number 10 Required 48694  
ORDER_STATUS Text 10 Required Confirm Must be Cancel
or Confirm
REPLY Text 255 Optional Item out of
Note added to
Email sent to
TRACKING_ID Text 40 Optional 98X2768  
TRACKING_SOURCE Text 10 Optional UPS  

Field Definitions

  • ORDER_ID - Required
    • Every buyer's order generates a unique transaction number for each seller. This number is provided to you in the order report.
    • Do not use quotes to enclose the value in this field.
  • ITEM_ID - Required
    • This field is the unique order-item identifier within Valore Books and must be used when using the automated system (i.e. sending Valore Books a pipe-delimited file) for order confirmations and cancellations.
    • This number is provided to you in the order report.
    • Do not use quotes to enclose the value in this field.
  • ORDER_STATUS - Required
    • The valid values for Order Status field are: Cancel or Confirm
  • REPLY - Optional
    • Up to 255 characters of text can be included. This will be sent to the buyer in the confirmation/cancellation email.
    • Do not use quotes to enclose the value in this field.
  • TRACKING_ID - Optional
    • Up to 40 characters code for tracking an item.
    • If you have a TRACKING_ID you must have a TRACKING_SOURCE otherwise It Will Be Ignored
  • TRACKING_SOURCE - Optional
    • The corresponding shipping type for the TRACKING_ID. If you have a TRACKING_ID you must have a TRACKING_SOURCE otherwise It Will Be Ignored
    • Tracking Sources

Communication Protocol

Confirmation data files are delivered to Valore Books via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Your Valore Books Account Representative will create a FTP account and provide you with a user name and password. You will use this account to deliver confirmation data files. Upon logging in to your FTP account, you will need to place you Confirmation files into the subdirectory labeled Confirm. After the system completes processing the Confirmation Files the file will be moved to the ConfirmHistory directory. A .done file will be created as a status report for each line of the processed file.

Scheduling Options

Confirmation Files are processed on the hour in a first in first out basis (queue). A file will only be processed after it has existed on the server for at least 5 minutes without change or modification to ensure that the file has been completely uploaded. A warning will be given in the email or the .done file if an Order-Item that has already been updated by either BookSamurai™ or a previous confirmation entry.


An overview of the file being process will be sent in an email. The complete list of processing errors that occurs will be listed in a .done file that will be created in the ConfirmHistory Subdirectory. The .done file will have the same name as the file that was uploaded followed by .done and then a file extension based on the file format you would like to be exported. The default file format is .csv (comma Separate). Other options are:

".csv" - comma ',' separated fields
".pdl" - pipe '|' separated fields
".txt" - tab '/t' separated fields

Talk to your Valore Books representative to have this setting changed or send an email to


Line Errors
1013Non-numeric characters in string
1014exceeds 10 digits
1015Non-numeric characters in string
1016Exceeds 10 digits
1017Not 'Confirm' or 'Cancel'
1018Exceeds 255 characters
1026The current Row has more or less fields then the header row.
1030missing ORDER_ID, ITEM_ID or ORDER_STATUS missing
1038the ORDER_ID or ITEM_ID do not coincide with an order from your seller account
File Errors
Header missingNo header found in file.
Blank fileEmpty file (contains no data)
Unknown file type on fileFile extension doesn't match file type (tab delimited, comma separated, pipe delimited).

.done Data Format

Field Name Data Type Max Field Length Example Notes
Line Number 10 2 Line Processed
Code Number 4 1001 Error Code
ORDER_ID Number 10 65551 ORDER_ID Processed
ITEM_ID Number 10 48694 ITEM_ID Processed
Processed Boolean 1 0 or 1 0 is false, 1 is true
Message Text 255 Confirm Error message or action preformed

.done Field Definitions

  • Line
    • Line of the Inventory file processed
  • Code
    • A numeric Error ID as defined above
    • Every buyer order generates a unique transaction number for each seller.
    • It is very important that the seller keeps a record of this and associates it to their internal transaction numbers. Future actions on this order such as confirmation, cancellation, questions and refunds will need to use this number.
    • This field is the unique transaction-item identifier within Valore Books and must be used when using the automated system (i.e. sending Valore Books a pipe-delimited file) for order confirmations and cancellations.
  • Processed
    • Boolean value containing if the action requested was preformed
    • 0 = false, 1 = true
  • Message
    • An error message or action preformed (Confirm or Cancel)

Creating and Uploading Refund Files

File Naming

Valore Naming Convention - You must be consistent and follow certain conventions in the way you name the Confirmation files you provide to Valore Books. Below we describe our naming conventions:


marketUserName - your seller name on Valore Books


YYMMDD - for daily uploads
YYMMDD_HHMM - for multiple uploads a day

replacement type

".part" for partial replacement and partial updates
".full" or ".purge" for purge and replace
If left empty a partial replacement or partial update is assumed.

file extensions

".csv" - comma ',' separated fields
".pdl" - pipe '|' separated fields
".txt" - tab '/t' separated fields
If left empty a tab '/t' separated fields is assumed

Use the following as a guide:

File Naming Convention Example Comments
membername_YYMMDD.csv bookworld_040916.csv This is a upload file for Sept. 16, 2004.
membername_YYMMDD_HHMM.csv bookworld_040901_2145.csv This is a upload file for Sept. 1, 2004, 9:45pm.

If you provide just one refund file per day, you should include the date in your file name. If you provide multiple files in a day, you should include a time stamp. Note that embedded spaces within a filename are not acceptable. Separate values within the filename with an underscore "_" character as in the examples below.

If there is no file extension in the file name tab delimited is assumed.

File Formats

Valore Refund File Format - All refund data delivered to Valore Books must be saved as a "csv" ( comma ',' separated fields), "pdl" (pipe '|' delimited fields), "txt" (tab '/t' separated fields). A header row containing the field names designated by Valore Books must be included. Field names must match the specified field names exactly (case insensitive).

This is an example of how a refund with multiple items might look.

65551 48694 14 0 Out of Stock
65551 48695 15.00 1 We are sorry but this item
has gone out of stock
65551 48696 2.15 2  
65551 48697 4.95 3  
65552 48698 $0.65 4  
65552 48699 17.99 5  

Data Format

Field Name Data Type Max Field Length Required or
Example Notes
ORDER_ID Number 10 Required 65551 This is also
known as
ITEM_ID Number 10 Required 48694  
REFUND_AMOUNT Price 10 Required 14 or $14.00
or $14
REFUND_REASON Text 1 Optional 1 Code shows a
reason that the
refund is being
NOTES Text 255 Optional Item out of stock Note added to
email sent to

Field Definitions

  • ORDER_ID - Required
    • This number is provided to you in the order report.
    • Do not use quotes to enclose the value in this field.
  • ITEM_ID - Required
    • This number is provided to you in the order report.
    • Do not use quotes to enclose the value in this field.
  • REFUND_AMOUNT - Required
    • This is the amount that you want to refund for this item.
    • This should be formatted in whole dollars or dollars and cents. We will only accept numbers up to two decimal places.
    • Do not use quotes to enclose the value in this field.
  • REFUND_REASON - Optional
    • This is the Valore Books numeric reason code.
    • Code Value
      1Cannot ship the product
      2Item returned; wrong item shipped
      3Item returned for quality
      4Item returned damaged
      5Item never received
      6Buyer Remorse
    • These are the only valid codes that can be used. Any other codes will cause an error and the refund will not be processed.
    • Do not use quotes to enclose the value in this field.
    • If no code is specific code 0 is selected.
  • NOTES - Optional
    • Up to 255 characters of text can be included. This will be sent to the buyer in the refund email.
    • Do not use quotes to enclose the value in this field.

Communication Protocol

Refund data files are delivered to Valore Books via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Your Valore Books Account Representative will create a FTP account and provide you with a user name and password. You will use this account to deliver refund data files. Upon logging in to your FTP account, you will need to place you Refund files into the subdirectory labeled Refund. After the system completes processing the Refund Files the file will be moved to the RefundHistory directory. A .done file will be created as a status report for each line of the processed file.

Scheduling Options

Refund Files are processed on the hour in a first in first out basis (queue). A file will only be processed after it has existed on the server for at least five(5) minutes without change or modification to ensure that the file has been completely uploaded.


An overview of the file being processed will be sent in an email. A complete list of processing errors that occurs will be listed in a .done file and will be created in the RefundHistory Subdirectory. The .done file will have a the same name as the file that was uploaded followed by .done and then a file extension based on the file format you would like to be exported. The default file format is .csv (comma separated). Other options are:

  • ".csv" - comma ',' separated fields (csv = Comma Separated Values)
  • ".pdl" - pipe '|' separated fields (pdl = Pipe DeLimited)
  • ".txt" - tab '/t' separated fields (tab = TABular format)

Talk to your Valore Books representative to have this setting changed or send an email to


Line Errors
1001The price field contains characters that are not accepted in a
price field
1013Non-numeric characters in string
1014Exceeds 10 digits
1015Non-numeric characters in string
1016Exceeds 10 digits
1018Exceeds 255 characters
1022Field does not match valore refund code
1026The number of fields in the current row do not match the number
of fields in the header row.
1030A required field is missing
1034Exceeds max refund amount
1038The state of the Item does not allow for a refund at this time
1038The ORDER_ID or ITEM_ID do not coincide with a order for your
seller account
1056The refund exceeds the 60 day timeframe.
File Errors
Header missingNo header found in file
Blank fileEmpty file (contains no data)
Unknown file type on fileFile extension doesn't match file type ( tab delimitated, comma separated, pipe delimitated)

.done Data Format

Field Name Data Type Max Field Length Example Notes
Line Number 10 2 Line Processed
Code Number 4 1001 Error Code
ORDER_ID Number 10 65551 ORDER_ID Processed
ITEM_ID Number 10 48694 ITEM_ID Processed
Processed Boolean 1 0 or 1 0 is false, 1 is true
Message Text 255 Confirm Error message or action preformed

.done Field Definitions

  • Line
    • Line of the Inventory file processed
  • Code
    • A numeric Error ID as defined above
    • Every buyer order generates a unique transaction number for each seller.
    • It is very important that the seller keeps a record of this and associates it to their internal transaction numbers. Future actions on this order such as confirmation, cancellation, questions and refunds. will need to use this number.
    • This field is the unique transaction-item identifier within Valore Books and must be used when using the automated system (i.e. sending Valore Books a pipe-delimited file) for order confirmations and cancellations.
  • Processed
    • Boolean value containing if the action requested was preformed
    • 0 = false, 1 = true
  • Message
    • An error message or amount refunded if processed.
      Example: Refunded: 29.95