Showing 351 - 375 of 22,201 Results
Memorandum Relative to the General Officers in the Armies of the United States During the Ci... by United States. Military Sec... ISBN: 9781175961440 List Price: $18.75
Year Book by United States. Army. Corps ... ISBN: 9781175892256 List Price: $32.75
Year Book by United States. Army. Corps ... ISBN: 9781175892232 List Price: $29.75
Proceedings of the Military Court of Inquiry, in the Case of Major General Scott and Major G... by United States. Congress. Se... ISBN: 9781176013322 List Price: $52.75
Record of Service of 147th Field Artillery in France to 11th November 1918 by United States Army 147th Fi... ISBN: 9781176089129 List Price: $18.75
Regimental History; 19th Regiment Army Artillery by United States Army 19th Coa... ISBN: 9781176089105 List Price: $15.75
Catalogue of the United States Army Medical Museum by Army Medical Museum (U.S.),... ISBN: 9781176202665 List Price: $22.75
Life of Gen Albert Sidney Johnston, Embracing His Services in the Armies of the United State... by Johnston, William Preston ISBN: 9781176113640 List Price: $54.75
War of the Rebellion : A compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate Ar... by United States. War Dept ISBN: 9781176158498 List Price: $49.75
Catalogue of the United States Army Medical Museum Prepared under the Direction of the Surge... by United States Army Medical ... ISBN: 9781176248816 List Price: $48.75
Around the World with Uncle Sam; or, Six Years in the United States Army by Kohr, Herbert Ornando ISBN: 9781176296312 List Price: $28.75
Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States, in the Field by Lieber, Francis ISBN: 9781176326170 List Price: $17.75
Army and navy pension laws, and bounty land laws of the United States including sundry resol... by Mayo, Robert, Moulton, Ferd... ISBN: 9781176342668 List Price: $56.75
Report of a Reconnaissance from Carroll, Montana Territory, on the Upper Missouri, to the Ye... by Ludlow, William, United Sta... ISBN: 9781176410145 List Price: $22.75
Description and Instructions for the Use of the Aberdeen Chronograph by United States. Army. Ordnan... ISBN: 9781176456716 List Price: $18.75
Visual Signaling, Signal Corps, United States Army 1910 by United States. Army. Signal... ISBN: 9781176456723 List Price: $21.75
Treatise on the Practice of the Pension Bureau Governing the Adjudication of the Army and Na... by United States Pension Burea... ISBN: 9781176456778 List Price: $21.75
Compilation of the Laws of the United States Relating to and Affecting the Ordnance Departme... by United States. Army. Ordnan... ISBN: 9781176456952 List Price: $23.75
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