Showing 51 - 75 of 90 Results
Wie Stark Ist das Einige Russland? : Zur Parteibindung der Eliten und Dem Wahlerfolg der Mac... by Jenni, Sabine, Umland, Andreas ISBN: 9783898219617 List Price: $32.90
Stalinismus und Stalin-Kult in Zentralasien : Turkmenistan 1924-1953. Mit Einem Vorwort Von ... by Ashirova, Aygul, Umland, An... ISBN: 9783898219877 List Price: $49.90
111 Orte im Mnchner Umland die man gesehen haben mu by Andreas Baar ISBN: 9783897057050
Sovremennye interpretatsii russkogo natsionalizma [Contemporary Interpretations of Russian N... by Galina Zvereva, Vera Zverev... ISBN: 9783898217958 List Price: $45.90
Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society 2018/1 by Umland, Andreas, Rozhanovsk... ISBN: 9783838211664
Optimizing Higher Education in Russia : University Teachers and Their Union Universitetskaya... by Mandel, David, Umland, Andreas ISBN: 9783838215198 List Price: $29.00
Fence of Metternich's Garden : Ukrainian Essays on Europe, Ukraine, and Europeanization  by Riabchuk, Mykola, Umland, A... ISBN: 9783838214849 List Price: $40.00
Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society : Volume 6, No. 2 (2020) by Fedor, Julie, Dimova, Gerga... ISBN: 9783838214665
Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and S - 2021/1 by Umland, Andreas, Makarychev... ISBN: 9783838216065
Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society : Volume 5, No. 2 (2019) by Umland, Andreas, Makarychev... ISBN: 9783838213569
Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society : Russia's Annexation of Crimea III a... by Fedor, Julie, Umland, Andre... ISBN: 9783838217369 List Price: $39.00
Br�ssel Zwischen Kyjiw und Moskau: das Ausw�rtige Handeln der Europ�ischen Union Im Ukrainis... by Barshadska, Iuliia, Umland,... ISBN: 9783838216676 List Price: $58.00
Macht und Ohnmacht der Utopien: Essays Zur Geschichte Russlands Im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert :... by Luks, Leonid, Umland, Andreas ISBN: 9783838216775 List Price: $53.00
Wie Funktioniert Putins Propaganda? by Davydiuk, Mykola, Umland, A... ISBN: 9783838216287 List Price: $19.00
Vasyl Stus : Life in Creativity by Stus, Dmytro, Umland, Andre... ISBN: 9783838216317 List Price: $34.00
Zweite Weltkrieg in der Ukraine by Kipiani, Vakhtang, Umland, ... ISBN: 9783838216225 List Price: $34.00
K STOLETIIU �FILOSOFSKOGO PAROKHODA�. Mysliteli �pervoi� Russkoi Emigratsii o Russkoi Revoli... by Luks, Leonid, Umland, Andreas ISBN: 9783838217758 List Price: $58.00
Politisches Denken Im Tschechoslowakischen Dissens : Egon Bondy, Miroslav Kus�, Milan Sime&#... by Dalberg, Dirk, Umland, Andreas ISBN: 9783838213187 List Price: $58.00
Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society : Volume 7, No. 2 by Umland, Andreas, Fedor, Jul... ISBN: 9783838216768
Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society : 2019/1 by Umland, Andreas, Makarychev... ISBN: 9783838212968
Towards a New Russian Work Culture : Can Western Companies and Expatriates Change Russian So... by Karacharovskiy, Vladimir, S... ISBN: 9783838209029 List Price: $33.00
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