Showing 151 - 175 of 241 Results
Commemorative Discourse Delivered on the Occasion of Celebrating the Completion of the Tower... by Drowne, Thomas Stafford ISBN: 9781340694210 List Price: $22.95
St. Thomas's Priory, or, the Story of St. Austin's Stafford by Gillow, Joseph ISBN: 9781341180941 List Price: $23.95
Study of the Holy Spirit by Stafford, Thomas Polhill ISBN: 9781234895631 List Price: $14.14
St. Thomas's Priory, or the Story of St. Austin's, Stafford by Gillow, Joseph ISBN: 9781347415504 List Price: $23.95
Sermon Preached by the Revd. Mr. John Conder, May 11, 1758, at the Ordination of the Revd. M... by Gibbons, Thomas, Conder, John ISBN: 9781347563960 List Price: $21.95
Compendious or Briefe Examination of Certayne Ordinary Complaints of Divers of Our Countryme... by Stafford, William, Hales, J... ISBN: 9781347945933 List Price: $22.95
Speech of the REV. Sir Thomas Broughton, Bart : At the Meeting Held at Stafford, the 27th of... by Broughton, Sir Thomas ISBN: 9781348125068 List Price: $19.95
Wentworth Papers : 1705-1739; Selected from the Private and Family Correspondence of Thomas ... by Cartwright, James Joel, Wen... ISBN: 9781345823097 List Price: $30.95
Pacata Hibernia : Ireland Appeased and Reduced: or, a History of the Wars in Ireland in the ... by Stafford, Sir Thomas ISBN: 9780371257883 List Price: $14.95
Pacata Hibernia : Or, a History of the Wars in Ireland, During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth by Stafford, Sir Thomas ISBN: 9780461224528 List Price: $15.95
Within the Chancel by Stafford, Thomas Albert B. ... ISBN: 9781014908223 List Price: $14.95
Study of the Holy Spirit by Stafford, Thomas Polhill ISBN: 9781018627397 List Price: $26.95
Study of the Holy Spirit by Stafford, Thomas Polhill ISBN: 9781018631868 List Price: $15.95
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