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Chronological History of the Origin and Development of Steam Navigation by Preble, George Henry, John ... ISBN: 9781178819564 List Price: $39.75
Life and Voyages of Americus Vespucius : With Illustrations Concerning the Navigator, and th... by Lester, C. Edwards, Foster,... ISBN: 9781169930599 List Price: $52.95
New and Accurate Account of the Provinces of South-Carolina and Georgi : With many curious a... by Oglethorpe, James Edward ISBN: 9781170461303 List Price: $17.75
New Treatise on Surveying and Navigation, Theoretical and Practical : With Use of Instrument... by Robinson, Horatio Nelson ISBN: 9781173319052 List Price: $40.75
Introduction to Astronomy, Geography, Navigation and Other Mathematical Sciences, Made Easie... by Leybourn, William, Morden, ... ISBN: 9781173324186 List Price: $30.75
Treatise on Navigation and Nautical Astronomy : Including the Theory of Compass Deviations, ... by William Carpenter Pendleton... ISBN: 9781173384630 List Price: $54.75
Nouveau Traité de Navigation, Contenant la Théorie et la Pratique du Pilotage by Bouguer, Pierre, Nicolas Lo... ISBN: 9781173556792 List Price: $40.75
Treatise on Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, Including the Theory of Compass Deviations by William Carpenter Pendleton... ISBN: 9781173572020 List Price: $55.75
Extrait du Livre de la Parfaite Navigation Par la Latitude et la Longitude by Mandillo, Jean B. ISBN: 9781173595111 List Price: $17.75
Surveying and Navigation, with a Preliminary Treatise on Trigonometry and Mensuration by Schuyler, Aaron ISBN: 9781173624682 List Price: $38.75
New Compendium of the Whole Art of Practical Navigation by Jones, William ISBN: 9781173621032 List Price: $30.75
Observations de la Lune, du Soleil, et des Étoiles Fixes : Pour Servir A la Physique Céleste... by Monnier, Pierre-Charles Le ISBN: 9781173628109 List Price: $17.75
Defence of the Right and the Duty of the American Union to Improve Its Navigable Waters : In... by Ruggles, Samuel Bulkley ISBN: 9781173643331 List Price: $15.75
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