Showing 76 - 100 of 256 Results
Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey by Howard, Henry, Padelford, F... ISBN: 9781164077749 List Price: $32.76
Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey by Howard, Henry, Padelford, F... ISBN: 9781164446668 List Price: $44.76
The Works of Henry Howard Earl of Surrey and of Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder (Volume 2, PT. 1) by Henry Howard Surrey ISBN: 9781235746796 List Price: $19.99
Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey [Ed. by] Frederick Morgan Padelford by Surrey, Earl Of Henry Howard ISBN: 9781290037860 List Price: $34.95
Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey [Ed by Sir N H Nicolas] by Henry Howard (Earl Of Surrey.) ISBN: 9781277243994 List Price: $26.75
Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey [Ed by Sir N H Nicolas] by Henry Howard (Earl Of Surrey.) ISBN: 9781277916744 List Price: $27.75
Poetical Works of William Shakespeare and the Earl of Surrey by Shakespeare, William, Henry... ISBN: 9781278051840 List Price: $32.75
Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey [Ed by Sir N H Nicolas] by Henry Howard (Earl Of Surrey.) ISBN: 9781276470209 List Price: $28.75
Poetical Works of Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey : With A Memoir of Each... by Wyatt, Sir Thomas, Sir Nich... ISBN: 9781276505291 List Price: $45.75
Aeneid of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey by Ridley, Florence H., Ridley... ISBN: 9780598146465 List Price: $50.90
Critical Edition of the Compoete Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey by McGaw, William ISBN: 9780773429178 List Price: $179.95
Works of Henry Howard Earl of Surrey and of Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder by Surrey, Henry Howard ISBN: 9781235561269 List Price: $19.99
Works of Henry Howard Earl of Surrey and of Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder by Henry Howard Surrey (Earl O... ISBN: 9781278754352 List Price: $24.75
Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey by Henry Howard Surrey (Earl Of) ISBN: 9781279256558 List Price: $26.75
Works of the British Poets with Prefaces by Anderson, Robert, Chaucer, ... ISBN: 9781279216026 List Price: $59.75
Tottel's Miscellany : Songes and Sonnettes by Tottel, Richard, Arber, Edw... ISBN: 9781286514290 List Price: $28.75
Tottel's Miscellany : Songs and Sonettes by Tottel, Richard, Henry Howa... ISBN: 9781286608234 List Price: $28.75
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey by Russell, Jesse, Cohn, Ronald ISBN: 9785510844238 List Price: $19.95
Tottel's Miscellany by Thomas Wyatt, Henry Howard ... ISBN: 9785518488175 List Price: $44.95
The Poetical Works of William Shakspeare and the Earl of Surrey - Primary Source Edition by Henry Howard Surrey, Willia... ISBN: 9781287550006 List Price: $32.75
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey by Miller, Frederic P., Vandom... ISBN: 9786131806391 List Price: $59.00
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