Showing 26 - 50 of 128 Results
Hymenaeus : A Comedy Acted at St. John's College, Cambridge (1908) by Smith, George Charles Moore ISBN: 9781169086012 List Price: $27.96
Autobiography of Lieutenant-General Sir Harry Smith : Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B. by Smith, George Charles Moore... ISBN: 9781174172762 List Price: $59.75
Pedantius : A Latin Comedy (1905) by Smith, George Charles Moore ISBN: 9781166976408 List Price: $21.56
Pedantius : A Latin Comedy (1905) by Smith, George Charles Moore ISBN: 9781167089510 List Price: $33.56
Life of John Colborne, Field-Marshal Lord Seaton : Compiled from His Letters, Records of His... by Smith, George Charles Moore ISBN: 9781402192432 List Price: $20.99
Hymenus: A Comedy Acted at St. John's College, Cambridge by George Charles Moore Smith ISBN: 9780554956817 List Price: $18.99
Hymenus: A Comedy Acted at St. John's College, Cambridge by George Charles Moore Smith ISBN: 9780554956794 List Price: $19.99
Life of John Colborne, Field-Marshal Lord Seaton : Compiled from His Letters, Records of His... by Smith, G. C. Moore (George ... ISBN: 9781407748788 List Price: $30.95
Edward The by Smith, George Charles Moore ISBN: 9781130833416 List Price: $14.14
Tom Tyler and His Wife by Smith, G. C. Moore (George ... ISBN: 9781290165907 List Price: $18.95
Verses and Translations by Smith, G. C. Moore (George ... ISBN: 9781290177313 List Price: $18.95
Club Law, a Comedy Acted in Clare Hall, Cambridge, about 1599-1600 Now Printed for the First... by Smith, G. C. Moore (George ... ISBN: 9781290336529 List Price: $23.95
Laeli : A Comedy, Acted at Queen's College, Cambridge, Probably on March 1st 1595 by Smith, G. C. Moore (George ... ISBN: 9781407694955 List Price: $22.95
The life of John Colborne, Field-Marshal Lord Seaton; . . compiled from his letters, records... by George Charles Moore Smith ISBN: 9781236981790 List Price: $19.63
Edward the Third by George Charles Moore Smith ISBN: 9781289387488 List Price: $21.75
The Autobiography of Lieutenant-General Sir Harry Smith: Baronet of Aliwal On the Sutlej, G.C.B by George Charles Moore Smith,... ISBN: 9781343773790 List Price: $33.95
The Autobiography of Lieutenant-General Sir Harry Smith: Baronet of Aliwal On the Sutlej, G.C.B by George Charles Moore Smith,... ISBN: 9781343746862 List Price: $33.95
The Life of John Colborne, Field-Marshal Lord Seaton, G.C.B., G.C.H., G.C.M.G., K.T.S., K.St... by George Charles Moore Smith ISBN: 9781296652098 List Price: $29.95
The Autobiography of Lieutenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal On the Sutlej, Vo... by George Charles Moore Smith,... ISBN: 9781293961599 List Price: $38.75
The Life of John Colborne, Field-Marshal Lord Seaton, G.C.B., G.C.H., G.C.M.G., K.T.S., K.St... by George Charles Moore Smith ISBN: 9781230349978 List Price: $23.89
Life of John Colborne, Field-Marshal Lord Seaton, G. C. B. , G. C. H. , G. C. M. G. , K. T. ... by Smith, George Charles Moore ISBN: 9781295303090 List Price: $38.75
Victoria, a Latin Comedy. Edited from the Penshurst Ms. by G. C. Moore Smith by Fraunce, Abraham Fl 1587-16... ISBN: 9781372387159 List Price: $13.95
Victoria, a Latin Comedy. Edited from the Penshurst Ms. by G. C. Moore Smith by Fraunce, Abraham Fl 1587-16... ISBN: 9781372387166 List Price: $23.95
Laelia : A Comedy, Acted at Queen's College, Cambridge, Probably on March 1st 1595 by Smith, G. C. Moore (George ... ISBN: 9781372579608 List Price: $23.95
Laelia : A Comedy, Acted at Queen's College, Cambridge, Probably on March 1st 1595 by Smith, G. C. Moore (George ... ISBN: 9781372579585 List Price: $13.95
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