Distributed Artificial Intelligence Meets Machine Learning Learning in Multi-Agent Environme...
by Weiß, Gerhard, Carbonell, J...
ISBN: 9783540629344
List Price: $69.95
Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 7th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, E...
by Mamede, Nuno J., Pinto-Ferr...
ISBN: 9783540604280
List Price: $97.00
Information Extraction A Multidisciplinary Approach to an Emerging Information Technology I...
by Pazienza, Maria T., Carbone...
ISBN: 9783540634386
List Price: $59.95
Computational Learning Theory: Second European Conference, EuroCOLT '95, Barcelona, Spain, M...
by Vitanyi, Paul M., Carbonell...
ISBN: 9783540591191
List Price: $79.95
Progress in Evolutionary Computation Ai'93 and Ai'94 Workshops on Evolutionary Computation, ...
by Siekmann, Joerg H., Carbone...
ISBN: 9783540601548
List Price: $74.95
Distributed Reason Maintenance for Multiagent Systems
by Kraetzschmar, Gerhard, Carb...
ISBN: 9783540636069
List Price: $74.95
Advances in Artificial Intelligence 12th Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Sbi...
by Carvalho, A., Siekmann, Joe...
ISBN: 9783540604365
List Price: $82.95
From Reaction To Cognition 5th European Workshop On Modelling Autonomous Agents In A Multi-a...
by Miller, J. P., Castelfranch...
ISBN: 9783540601555
List Price: $64.95
Prosody in Speech Understanding Systems
by Kompe, Ralf, Carbonell, J. ...
ISBN: 9783540635802
List Price: $79.95
Automated Deduction - CADE-14: 14th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Townsvi...
by McCune, W., Carbonell, J. G...
ISBN: 9783540631040
List Price: $99.00
Algorithmic Learning for Knowledge-Based Systems: Gosler Final Report, Vol. 961
by Siekmann, Joerg H., Carbone...
ISBN: 9783540602170
List Price: $97.00
Co-Ordination in Artificial Agent Societies Social Structures and Its Implications for Auton...
by Ossowski, Sascha, Carbonell...
ISBN: 9783540654957
List Price: $62.95
Community Computing and Support Systems Social Interaction in Networked Communities
by Ishida, Toru, Carbonell, J....
ISBN: 9783540654759
List Price: $74.95
Objective Coordination in Multi-Agent System Engineering Design and Implementation
by Schumacher, Michael, Carbon...
ISBN: 9783540419822
List Price: $52.95
Automated Reasoning With Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods International Conference, Tab...
by Murray, Neil V., Carbonell,...
ISBN: 9783540660866
List Price: $77.95
8th International Conference on Automated Deduction
by Siekmann, J÷Rg H.
ISBN: 9783540167808
List Price: $74.95
Ai Ia 97 Advances in Artificial Interlligence 5th Congress of the Italian Association for A...
by Lenzerini, Maurizio, Carbon...
ISBN: 9783540635765
List Price: $91.00
Automation of Reasoning With Incomplete Information From Semantic Foundations to Efficient C...
by Schaub, Torsten, Carbonell,...
ISBN: 9783540645153
List Price: $59.95
Automated Deduction in Geometry International Workshop on Automated Deduction in Geometry, T...
by Wang, D., Carbonell, J. G.,...
ISBN: 9783540642978
List Price: $64.95
Computational Learning Theory Third European Conference, Eurocolt'97, Jerusalem, Israel, Mar...
by Ben-David, S., Carbonnell, ...
ISBN: 9783540626855
List Price: $74.95
Inductive Logic Programming 6th International Workshop, Ilp-96 Stockholm, Sweden, August 26-...
by Muggleton, Stephen, Carbone...
ISBN: 9783540634942
List Price: $79.95
Robocup-97 Robot Soccer World Cup I
by Kitano, Hiroaki, Carbonell,...
ISBN: 9783540644736
List Price: $99.95
Next Generation of Information Systems: From Data to Knowledge - a Selection of Papers Prese...
by Siekmann, Joerg H., Zelezni...
ISBN: 9783540556169
List Price: $54.95
Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods: International Conference, Ta...
by Galmiche, Didier, Carbonell...
ISBN: 9783540629207
List Price: $81.95