Showing 351 - 375 of 1,033 Results
Correspondence of King James Vi of Scotland with Sir Robert Cecil and Others in England, Dur... by Britain), Camden Society (G... ISBN: 9781407691046 List Price: $22.95
Correspondence of King James Vi. of Scotland with Sir Robert Cecil and Others in England, Du... by I, King Of England James ISBN: 9781407712642 List Price: $22.95
Essays by the Late Marquess of Salisbury Volume 1 by Salisbury, Marquess Of Robe... ISBN: 9781407728063 List Price: $23.95
Life of Robert Cecil, First Earl of Salisbury by Cecil, Algernon ISBN: 9781407750606 List Price: $30.95
Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 7th Marquess of Salisbury by Russell, Jesse, Cohn, Ronald ISBN: 9785512206355 List Price: $19.95
Letters from Sir Robert Cecil to Sir George Carew by Robert Cecil Salisbury (Ear... ISBN: 9781245298988 List Price: $22.75
Speeches of the Marquis of Salisbury : (with A Sketch of His Life). by Robert Cecil Salisbury (Mar... ISBN: 9781245308458 List Price: $27.75
Recent Advances in Microscopy; Biological Applications by Barton-Wright, Eustace Ceci... ISBN: 9781245393690 List Price: $27.75
Essays by the Late Marquess of Salisbury by Robert Cecil Salisbury (Mar... ISBN: 9781246212150 List Price: $25.75
Five Stuart Princesses : Margaret of Scotland, Elizabeth of Bohemia, Mary of Orange, Henriet... by Butler, Harold Edgeworth, R... ISBN: 9781246343977 List Price: $33.75
Settlement of Lands in Edmonton, Enfield, and Elsewhere : Made the 31st of May, 1589, with A... by Baron William Cecil Burghley ISBN: 9781276134118 List Price: $15.75
Secret Correspondence of Sir Robert Cecil with James VI King of Scotland by Robert Cecil Salisbury (Ear... ISBN: 9781276524193 List Price: $22.75
Life of Robert, Marquis of Salisbury : By His Daughter by Cecil, Gwendolen ISBN: 9780527155506
History of the Michigan Credit Union League by Crews, Cecil Robert ISBN: 9780598047793 List Price: $87.20
Origins of Mendelism : Robert C. Olby by Olby, Robert Cecil ISBN: 9780598060419 List Price: $65.10
History of the Michigan Credit Union League by Crews, Cecil Robert ISBN: 9780598076083 List Price: $200.00
Letters from Sir Robert Cecil to Sir George Carew by Salisbury, Robert Cecil ISBN: 9781130687262 List Price: $19.99
Letters from Sir Robert Cecil to Sir George Carew... by Unknown ISBN: 9781272917012 List Price: $22.75
The Secret Correspondence with James VI. King of Scotland by Robert Cecil of Salisbury ISBN: 9781235676109 List Price: $14.14
Lord Robert Cecil Viscount Cecil of Chelwood : Politician and Internationalist by Johnson, Gaynor ISBN: 9780754697053 List Price: $144.95
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