Showing 1 - 25 of 72 Results
Elections and Democracy in Greater China by Diamond, Larry, Myers, Ramo... ISBN: 9780199244171 List Price: $50.00
Last Chance in Manchuria The Diary of Chang Kia-Ngau by Myers, Ramon H., Zen, Dolor... ISBN: 9780817987916 List Price: $36.95
First Chinese Democracy Political Life in the Republic of China on Taiwan by Chao, Linda, Myers, Ramon H. ISBN: 9780801872396 List Price: $25.00
Effect of Japanese Investment on the World Economy: A Six-Country Study, 1970-1991 by Hollerman, Leon, Myers, Ram... ISBN: 9780817994013 List Price: $34.95
First Chinese Democracy Political Life in the Republic of China on Taiwan by Chao, Linda, Myers, Ramon H. ISBN: 9780801856501 List Price: $58.00
Prescriptions for Saving China Selected Writings of Sun Yat-Sen by Wei, Julie, Myers, Ramon H.... ISBN: 9780817992811 List Price: $42.95
The Japanese Wartime Empire, 1931-1945 by Duus, Peter, Myers, Ramon H... ISBN: 9780691145068 List Price: $27.95
Japanese Wartime Empire,1931-1945 by Duus, Peter, Myers, Ramon H... ISBN: 9780691043821 List Price: $80.00
Prescriptions for Saving China Selected Writings of Sun Yat-Sen by Wei, Julie, Myers, Ramon H.... ISBN: 9780817992828 List Price: $26.95
Greater China and U.S. Foreign Policy The Choice Between Confrontation and Mutual Respect by Myers, Ramon H., Metzger, T... ISBN: 9780817994129 List Price: $16.95
Storm Clouds Clear over China The Memoir of Ch'En Li-Fu, 1900-1993 by Chang, Sidney H., Myers, Ra... ISBN: 9780817992729 List Price: $24.95
Taiwan's Economic Transformation: Leadership, property rights and institutional change (Rout... by Kuo, Tai-chun, Myers, Ramon H. ISBN: 9780415665902 List Price: $125.00
Japanese Informal Empire in China, 1895-1937 by Duus, Peter, Myers, Ramon H... ISBN: 9780691008691 List Price: $19.95
Two Societies in Opposition by Myers, Ramon H. ISBN: 9780817990916
Democracy's New Leaders in the Republic of China on Taiwan by Chao, Linda, Myers, Ramon H. ISBN: 9780817938024 List Price: $5.00
Chinese Peasant Economy: Agricultural Development in Hopei and Shantung, 1890-1949 by Myers, Ramon H. ISBN: 9780674124516 List Price: $16.00
Two Chinese States: U. S. Foreign Policy and Interests - Ramon H. Myers - Paperback by Myers, Ramon H. ISBN: 9780817970024 List Price: $6.95
New Chinese Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities After the 16th Party Congress by Chu, Yun-han, Lo, Chih-chen... ISBN: 9780521600583 List Price: $41.00
Chinese Maritime Activities and Socioeconomic Development C. 2100 B.C.-1900 A.D by Deng, Gang, Myers, Ramon H. ISBN: 9780313292125 List Price: $83.95
Japanese Colonial Empire,1895-1945 by Myers, Ramon H., Peattie, M... ISBN: 9780691053981 List Price: $50.00
The Divided China Problem: Conflict Avoidance and Resolution by Linda Chao, Ramon H. Myers ISBN: 9780817943622 List Price: $5.00
Effect of Japanese Investment on the World Economy A Six-Country Study, 1970-1991 by Hollerman, Leon, Myers, Ram... ISBN: 9780817994020 List Price: $20.95
China's Economic Revolution and Its Implications for Sino-U.S. Relations by Myers, Ramon H. ISBN: 9780817956820 List Price: $5.00
Thoughts on U.S. Foreign Policy Toward the People's Republic of China by Myers, Ramon H. ISBN: 9780817955229 List Price: $5.00
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