Showing 151 - 175 of 265 Results
Catalogue of the Greek Coins, Sicily : In the British Museum (1876) by Head, Barclay Vincent, Pool... ISBN: 9781161772838 List Price: $43.95
Horae Aegyptiacae : Or the Chronology of Ancient Egypt Discovered from Astronomical and Hier... by Poole, Reginald Stuart ISBN: 9781161893045 List Price: $45.95
Genesis of the Earth and of Man : Or the History of Creation, and the Antiquity and Races of... by Poole, Reginald Stuart ISBN: 9781163283127 List Price: $24.76
Horæ Ægyptacæ : Or, the Chronology of Ancient Egypt by Poole, Reginald Stuart ISBN: 9781142227531 List Price: $30.75
A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum: Italy (1873) by Reginald Stuart Poole ISBN: 9781169973916 List Price: $41.95
A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum: Italy (1873) by Reginald Stuart Poole ISBN: 9781498134392 List Price: $56.95
Catalogue of Chinese coins by Reginald Stuart Poole, Terr... ISBN: 9785518592339 List Price: $49.95
The Genesis of the Earth and of Man, a Critical Examination of Passages in the Hebrew and Gr... by Reginald Stuart Poole, Edwa... ISBN: 9781289499105 List Price: $31.75
Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Ionia by British Museum Dept of Coin... ISBN: 9781345661682 List Price: $30.95
The Coins of the Greek and Scythic Kings of Bactria and India in the British Museum - Schola... by Reginald Stuart Poole, Perc... ISBN: 9781293946206 List Price: $32.75
Catalogue of Greek Coins : Macedonia, Etc by British Museum. Dept. Of Co... ISBN: 9781146227551 List Price: $27.75
Descriptive Catalogue of the Swiss Coins in the South Kensington Museum, Bequeathed by the R... by Poole, Reginald Stuart, Sou... ISBN: 9781146262323 List Price: $48.75
Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum : The Coins of the Moors of Africa and Spain by Lane-Poole, Stanley, Britis... ISBN: 9781146784559 List Price: $26.75
Coins of the Sultans of Dehlí in the British Museum by Lane-Poole, Stanley, Britis... ISBN: 9781146886451 List Price: $27.75
Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum by British Museum., British Mu... ISBN: 9781148495378 List Price: $36.75
Catalogue of Greek Coins : Sicily by Gardner, Percy, British Mus... ISBN: 9781148598604 List Price: $29.75
Genesis of the Earth and of Man, a Critical Examination of Passages in the Hebrew and Greek ... by Poole, Reginald Stuart, Lan... ISBN: 9781341215865 List Price: $26.95
Horae Aegyptiacae : Or, the Chronology of Ancient Egypt Discovered from Astronomical and Hie... by Poole, Reginald Stuart ISBN: 9781347186770 List Price: $26.95
Cities of Egypt by Poole, Reginald Stuart ISBN: 9781347876190 List Price: $24.95
Ancient Egypt in Its Comparative Relations : Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution in ... by Poole, Reginald Stuart ISBN: 9781347977330 List Price: $21.95
Descriptive Catalogue of Swiss Coins in the South Kensington Museum; by Poole, Reginald Stuart, Tow... ISBN: 9781344725071 List Price: $32.95
Descriptive Catalogue of the Swiss Coins in the South Kensington Museum, Bequeathed by the R... by Poole, Reginald Stuart, Sou... ISBN: 9781344757225 List Price: $32.95
Lectures on Art (Classic Reprint) by Poole, Reginald Stuart, Reg... ISBN: 9781330083284 List Price: $11.57
Genesis of the Earth and of Man: Or the History of Creation, and the Antiquity and Races of ... by Poole, Reginald Stuart, Reg... ISBN: 9781330182796 List Price: $13.97
Catalogue of Chinese Coins from the Viith Cent. B. C. , to A. D. 621. Including the Series i... by Terrien De Lacouperie, D. 1... ISBN: 9781360687353 List Price: $29.95
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